Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 39 Internal Medicine and Modeling

Chen Qi's modeling career is obviously not over yet.

During internal medicine class the next morning, when everyone saw him walk into the classroom, there was a strange feeling in their eyes.

The female students were alright, just covering their faces with books and secretly laughing, but many male students couldn't help it, and after a while they patted the table and started laughing.

"Chen Qi, I heard that you were raped yesterday?"

"Yes, yes, how does it feel in front of so many female students in the nursing class?"

"Ah, monitor, you are already dirty, you can't join us."

This gossip can say anything, but Chen Qi knows that whether it is a joke or a deliberate ridicule, it is impossible for him to fight back, and that would be immodest.

So he said mockingly:

"You guys are too young, I am making my own contribution to the medical cause of the motherland, and you don't understand, this kind of super model can get extra points when they graduate, and they will have priority in assigning jobs at that time. "

These words tickled everyone's itch.

Assignment of work in less than a year is the topic that everyone is most concerned about now, and it is also a major event that is related to a lifetime, so hearing that being an enema model has bonus points, it made everyone think carefully.

Everyone didn't suspect that Squad Leader Chen was lying, because this guy had such a good reputation in the past, he was more serious and rarely joked.

Chen Qi wanted to laugh when he saw a lot of people thinking, and many people looked annoyed:

"Xiao Mian, fight with me, so that you can't sleep at night."

The class bell rang, and Chen Qi walked to his seat. Because he was 180cm tall, he sat in the last row with Wang Shannong, who was also thin and tall.

Wang Shannong wrote a sentence on the paper: "Is the extra points true or not?"

Chen Qi wrote a word below: "Fake".

At this time, Ding Bitao and Yin Jigang also turned their eyes, obviously asking questions.

Chen Qi twitched his eyebrows and stuck out his tongue. Seeing the grimace, the two of them understood immediately, so they didn't take it to heart. This is the tacit understanding between brothers.

The others were obviously a little uneasy.

Especially Jiang Aiguo, he was taken care of into the medical school, and his grades can only be regarded as middle and lower in the class, which is not an advantage in work assignment.

Although the headmaster Jiang Guangtou was his second uncle, such important matters as job assignments were discussed at the "school affairs meeting", and Jiang Guangtou did not have the final say alone.

Baldy Jiang once told him secretly that he must perform better in the last semester, and then he can help him win some honors and so on, which will be conducive to work distribution.

People in the 1980s were relatively principled, and the backbone of intellectuals was still there.

As for the later, ahem, anyway, if you have money and power, you are the uncle, regardless of whether you are a dog or a cat.

So when Jiang Aiguo heard that yesterday's refusal made him miss an excellent opportunity to add points, let alone the regret in his heart, thinking that he was once again taken advantage of by this "vegetable seller".

Pan Ye glanced back at Chen Qi quietly, and saw that he was talking to his deskmate with his head down.

In the past at this time, the two of them usually had a tacit understanding, and he would look over. The tenderness in his eyes made Pan Ye's heart flutter every time.

But this time Chen Qi didn't look up, as if he didn't see it.

Pan Ye turned around with a depressed face, pretending to be reading a book, but actually felt like tearing the book apart.

In fact, Chen Qi felt Pan Ye's gaze, but how should I put it, since he didn't want to have sex with her, he couldn't send out wrong signals, which would be irresponsible to both himself and Pan Ye.

In 1981, love was not something you could just talk about if you wanted to. If you couldn't fall in love for the purpose of getting married, you were playing hooligans.

Hey, readers, don't think this sentence is a joke. In the early 1980s, this was the truth.

Especially for those who have a unit, once the bad reviews spread, leaving people with a messy relationship between men and women, the result will be devastating, not to mention firing you, at least your political future will be ruined, gone.

So in this day and age, either you don't talk about it, or you want to talk about it and get married, it's as simple as that.

Chen Qi wanted to marry Lan Lijuan (Xiao Shasha) in his heart.

Lan Lijuan obviously doesn't have telepathy, and she is hurrying to read the book "Internal Medicine". For a female academic like her, gossip news is insulated from her.

Lesbians seldom go to work in surgery. If there are no special circumstances, they are generally assigned to internal medicine, pediatrics, and obstetrics and gynecology.

So she wanted to take advantage of her final year to learn more about internal medicine so that she could apply it clinically in the future.

After the bell rang for a while, Zhao Yiping, the teacher of "Internal Science", came in with a teacup. The little old man didn't take the book either, and all the knowledge was in his mind.

Chen Qi shouted: "Stand up."

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello students!"

"Yesterday we learned the physical examination of chest diseases. This chapter is very important. It will be widely used in your future clinical diagnosis. Today, we will start to practice on mannequins, combining theory with practice. Such an impression will be more profound."

Zhao Yiping looked around the classroom, obviously looking for someone to be a model.

"Let's just use Chen Qi as a model. I heard that you were given an enema by the nursing class yesterday? Don't worry, modeling today will be much easier."

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

When Jiang Aiguo heard the word model, he had a conditioned reflex, "Mr. Zhao, is there any bonus for being a model today?"

Zhao Yiping was puzzled: "What points do you add? You want to have better grades on your files in the future, so study hard now and get good grades in the exam."

Jiang Aiguo shrank his head when he heard that he didn't get any points, and became a tortoise.

Chen Qi really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he thought it was better than yesterday's enema, so he comforted himself, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Next door is the classroom.

Chen Qi opened his shirt, exposing his entire chest and abdomen.

It has to be said that the physique of the mountain people is still very strong, with a lot of eight-pack abs, and it looks like a chest that people want to rely on.

Many girls in the class are a little bit excited, of course, on the surface it is absolutely calm, eighteen or nineteen years old, it is the time when hormone secretion is the strongest.

Zhao Yiping first performed a teaching demonstration on Chen Qi.

"Once a patient comes, if you think about chest diseases, you must first do a serious physical examination. Our country has few instruments, and there are few examinations that can be referred to. If you want to become a famous doctor in the future, you must have solid basic skills.

The first thing to do is to inspect. Remember, you must squat down, and your line of sight is parallel to the patient's chest. At this time, you need to observe whether the chest is symmetrical, whether the breathing activity is equal, whether the breathing rate and rhythm are normal?

Chest skin color, rash and bleeding, scars, varicose veins, or spider veins? Cardiac inspection includes whether there is a bulge in the precordial area, apical beat and abnormal precordial beat, etc. "

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