Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 3 The Poor Chen Family

The silly elder sister hurried out of the house to go to work.

There were only three people left in the family staring at each other, and they could only take out their textbooks one after another.

For the three students, summer vacation is the most boring. These days, there are no mobile phones or TVs. Even the radio at the entrance of the village is broadcast in timed intervals to save electricity.

Chen Qi was full of sweet potatoes, and took out his whole set of health school textbooks to read.

At the end of the summer vacation, he is about to enter the fourth grade of the doctor class, which is also the last year of the medical school.

These days, secondary health schools have a 4-year system. After the summer vacation, they study in the first half of the year, and then go to the hospital for an internship for half a year before they can graduate.

In his previous life, Chen Qi graduated with a master's degree and was studying for a Ph.D. He has a lot of medical theoretical knowledge. As for the clinical level, after years of surgery in Xinhua Hospital, the surgery is basically no problem.

However, the teaching materials in 1981 and the teaching materials in 2022 are definitely different. If Chen Qi wants to integrate into this era, he must prepare in advance.

"Systematic Anatomy", "Microbiology", "Biochemistry", "Physiology", "Pathology", "Pathophysiology", "Diagnostics", "Pharmacology" and other basic courses learned in the first three years of medical school .

Chen Qi flipped through it roughly, and he had a bottom line in his heart.

The general direction of knowledge is still the same, but the knowledge points in 1981 are relatively rough and simple, and of course they are easier to remember.

"Pharmacology" is a bit difficult, because the medicine of this era is too different from that of later generations. Many medicines have been eliminated later, and Chen Qi has never used it and has no relevant experience.

However, the difficulty of memorizing is not too great. After all, the general direction is still the same, but the upgraded version of the drug is used in later generations, and the pharmacological basis is the same.

As for cultural subjects such as "Mathematics" and "English" that the technical secondary school also needs to learn, it is even easier for Chen Qi.

Especially English, he passed the CET-6 exam in his previous life anyway, not to mention being comparable to a professional translator, but at least he is definitely more than enough to beat a technical secondary school student.

Chen Qi was completely at ease now, and he was not afraid of revealing his secrets after school started. For him, the only difficulty was to "keep it in check", and not to ask questions that even the teacher didn't know, so that the teacher would not come down.

People with low emotional intelligence are often not popular.

While reading, Chen Qi tutored his younger siblings with their homework and helped them preview sixth grade textbooks in advance.

The second aunt also joked that they have a good use for reading. This is the superficiality of rural women, thinking that earning a little money is life?

For rural children, the best opportunity to get rid of poverty is to take the entrance examination for technical secondary school and university in the future.

Haidong Province has been famous for doing business since ancient times. Although "doing business" is also a way out, it does not discriminate against businessmen.

But Chen Qi is from a later generation. He is a person on the rich list who knows the future generations. 42% have a bachelor’s degree, 34% have a master’s degree, 20% have a doctor’s degree, and only 2% have a junior high school or high school education.

This can be said to be a slap in the face for those who advocate "study is useless".

The purpose of reading is not only to make you a worker in the 1980s, but also to broaden your horizons, see farther, and better grasp the opportunities of the times in the future.

Don't let the wind blow, because you don't understand anything, you really don't know how to fly like a pig.

So the father of Chen Qi's dead substitute teacher was really discerning, and he gave everything to send his own children to school.

Of course, except for the silly elder sister, she just can't read books, not this material. It's definitely not that her parents are partial and don't let her go to school.

Thinking of the eldest sister, Chen Qi looked at the sun outside the house, the sun was as fierce as a fire, and he was too hot indoors, wondering what happened to the eldest sister.

"Little sister, where did eldest sister go?"

While cooking porridge, Chen Hua said, "Eldest sister should have gone to the kiln at the entrance of the village to carry bricks."

"Carrying bricks? Such a hot day? A little girl?"

Chen Qi was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth, and at the same time, he was deeply shocked, with an indescribable sadness.

A man like himself is reading at home, and letting a weak woman do coolies under the scorching sun, is he still a person?

"No, I have to go to elder sister, younger sister, take me there."

Chen Hua nodded: "Wait for me for a while, I'll cook the sweet potato porridge and bring it to my eldest sister."

In the countryside in 1981, even though there was food available, people no longer starved to death. But if you want to eat a full meal, it is still far from a good meal, and you can only eat a little meat during the Chinese New Year.

Just like the Chen family, the staple food is sweet potatoes, corn and other coarse grains, and there is not much rice left in the family. It is not "late rice", but the hardest and roughest "early rice", which is not eaten by people in the city.

If Chen Qi hadn't fainted the day before and counted as a half-patient, otherwise it would be impossible to eat sweet potato porridge for lunch.

After Chen Hua poured the porridge and rice into an earthen jar, the three brothers and sisters walked out of the house towards the entrance of the village.

On a hot day of 39°C, all three of them were barefoot. There was nothing they could do. Each had only one pair of shoes, which they were reluctant to wear at ordinary times.

The road is not a good road, either gravel road, the soles of the feet hurt. Either it is a stone road, which is terribly hot to step on.

Not long after walking, Chen Qi felt hot all over his body, and his vest was soaked with sweat. It was hard to imagine how a silly old lady and a little girl would work in the kiln in such a hot sauna day.

The red bricks fired by the kiln in Xiaze Village are supplied by several mountain villages in Dashan of Xingtang Commune. The kiln is low-lying, so the fired bricks need to be carried one by one manually and stacked on the drying yard.

Chen Qi took his younger siblings and saw the big chimney from a distance, so they quickened their pace.

There are many farmers who carry bricks in the kiln. After all, the cash income of 50 cents a day is absolutely attractive to farmers who go deep into the mountains. Of course, the price they pay is at least thousands of bricks every day.

If you are stronger, put a sack directly on your body, then tie 100 bricks together with a rope, hold them with both hands, and walk away.

Those with less strength will carry a wooden shelf on their backs, on which more than 60 red bricks can be placed. Although it saves a little effort, the income is also low.

When the three brothers and sisters found the silly eldest sister, she was carrying 60 bricks, bent over, and struggling to climb the slope.

The weight of one piece of this kind of rural red brick is about 2 catties, and 60 red bricks means that it weighs 120 catties, but the silly elder sister's own weight does not exceed 100 catties.

Under the scorching sun, it could be seen that she was working very hard, and the army green dress on her body was completely soaked.

In order to save money, she didn't even wear shoes, and she would leave a deep footprint when walking on a dirt road.

Chen Hua was the first to cry, followed by Chen Shu, and even Chen Qi, the new traveler, had tears in his eyes at this time.

"Elder sister..."

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