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Chapter 411: Good News from the Spirit World

In addition to the prosperity of Fangshi, there have been many other changes in the world of cultivating immortals.

First of all, it is natural that people practice harder, whether they are casual cultivators or monks of sect families.

This is not difficult to understand.

When the catastrophe begins, everyone is in danger, although in theory, the Daluo Jinxian may also fall.

But only in theory.

In fact, the higher the cultivation level, the more secure it must be.

There is no doubt about this.

Although everyone knows that cultivation is not easy, even if one can increase one's strength a little, it can increase the chances of surviving the catastrophe.

Let me ask, in this situation, who would dare to paddle for fish? The practice will definitely become harder.

In particular, some cultivators whose cultivation bases are stagnant and facing a bottleneck, each of them is working hard to break through the current bottleneck.

Even if it is to take some risks.

Among them, most of them naturally failed, and some even went crazy, but there are many people who try, but there are not a few who succeed.

As the saying goes, hard work will win.

Of course, if it was only ordinary cultivators who broke through, it would definitely not attract much attention. After all, this situation was the same every time before the start of the catastrophe, and no one would pay too much attention to it.

But this time it was different, something unexpected happened.

Not long ago, Immortal Feihe made a breakthrough, and the news quickly spread throughout the spirit world as if he had grown wings.

There is no other reason, this real Feihe is not an ordinary cultivator.

The opponent was originally a half-step big Luo.

Moreover, he is also a top-level powerhouse in the half-step Daluo, and he has entered this realm for at least 100,000 years.

It's a pity that he was also stuck at this step.

There was no progress for the next hundred thousand years.

And this situation is actually very common.

Generally speaking, the parties will not be too anxious. After all, the half-step Daluo is already amazing, and their lifespan is unlimited. They can have enough patience to cultivate slowly.

For nothing else, seek safety in everything.

Master Feihe would definitely not try that risky method of breaking through the bottleneck.

However, the truth is true, but he didn't expect that the magic catastrophe would suddenly start.

This is a very surprising news.

Although theoretically, the magic catastrophe occurs once every 200,000 years, but in reality, when the interface channel of the ancient demon world is opened, it is not only the spirit world that is faced.

That's just one of them.

In fact, apart from a few interfaces of the Heavens and Myriad Realms, all other interfaces may be selected.

Of course, for some reason, the chances of being in the spirit world are higher.

But no matter what, this catastrophe is very surprising.

There was no sign in advance, so many people's cultivation plans were disrupted.

Master Feihe is one of them.

Originally, he thought that he could practice slowly and live happily for many years.

As a result, it never occurred to him that the Demon Tribulation would come so quickly.

Although as a half-step big Luo, he is already considered a very powerful character.

However, there are not a few half-step Daluos who have fallen in previous demonic calamities, but if they can become real Daluos, the situation will become completely different.

how to say?

Although the Daluo Jinxian also fell during the Demon Tribulation, it was a long, long time ago.

So as long as I can break through, and then as long as I am not unlucky to the extent of being unbearable, I should be able to sit back and relax in the calamity.

Master Feihe thought so, and immediately started to act.

But even though it can be said like this, but if you really want to break through the bottleneck, how can it be so easy?

If it can be done easily, he will not be trapped in the bottleneck for as long as 100,000 years.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there is no way at all.

After all, he is not an ordinary half-step big Luo, but a top powerhouse in this realm, and the time of one hundred thousand years was not wasted.

During these long years, although the harvest was slow, but step by step, his foundation was also very solid.

In fact, Master Feihe's cultivation has already reached the peak of the half-step master, and he is only one step away from Da Luo Jinxian.

However, this step is very difficult to take.

But it is not impossible, the premise is... if he is willing to take risks.

Originally, Master Feihe was reluctant.

He tends to be safe.

Originally, according to his estimation, even if he didn't take any risks, as long as he gave himself another hundred thousand years, he would definitely be able to break through the current realm and become a real big Luo.

Although it takes a little longer to do so, the benefits are obvious and there is no need to take any risks.

Originally, everything was planned.

As a result, I never expected that the Demon Tribulation would appear at this point in time.

Damn it, why did Mo Jie move ahead of time? Moreover, there are so many heavens and myriad worlds, why did the one chosen this time be the spirit world?

Master Feihe was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

His plans were completely disrupted.

But things have come to this point, naturally there is nothing to do.

He now faces two choices.

First, step by step, still practice slowly as usual.

Seek stability first!

But now the situation has changed. It seems safe to do so, but in fact there is a big risk, that is, in the future catastrophe, it is very likely that you will perish.

This is not alarmist talk.

On the contrary, every time the demon world opens, the most dangerous situation is actually half-step daluo.

Originally, according to common sense, when the catastrophe broke out, the higher the cultivation base, the safer it should be.

But the half-step big Luo is an exception.

The reason is very simple, they only need to go one step further, and they will become the real big Luo, and this is an existence that the ancient demons are afraid of.

As the saying goes, danger must be nippled in the bud. Of course, the ancient demon understands this truth, so every time the magic calamity starts, the half-step Daluo is easily besieged and attacked.

The ancient demons wanted to kill guys of this level almost regardless of the cost.

This is a drastic move. Without a half-step Da Luo, the possibility of a new Da Luo Jinxian appearing in the spirit world will be cut off.

Master Feihe naturally knew about this situation.

Therefore, he had to make a decision, and try to be safe at this time. Next, when the magic robbery starts, the ancient demons will not talk about martial arts.

It's too late to regret it then.

Instead of regretting, it is better to let go now.

If you can become a real Da Luo Jinxian, you don't have to be afraid of the troubles and dangers that will follow.

Of course, doing so also takes a lot of risk.

But as the saying goes, wealth and wealth are found in danger, there is nothing in this world that is foolproof, and you need to think about it before weighing the pros and cons...

And then it's all or nothing.

Of course, before that, he must have made complete preparations.

But even so, the chance of success is only three layers at most.

As for failure, it will be backlashed by mana, and the price is staggering, and the worst result may even drop the realm.

However, Master Feihe is not an indecisive immortal cultivator. After making a decision, he stopped hesitating and immediately began to retreat.

Strive to break through the bottleneck in the shortest possible time.

After all, today is different from the past, and one does not know when the Demon Tribulation will officially start.

This time it is impossible to retreat for a thousand years.

It is impossible for a hundred years.

It is best to have a result within ten years.

In this way, even if the attempt fails, he will have a little time to adjust his cultivation before the start of the catastrophe, so that he will not be in a hurry...

All in all, although Master Feihe is willing to take risks this time, he is not rushing to the doctor in a hurry, he is very well prepared.

Then, I don't know if it is good luck.

Originally thought that it would take him at least ten years to get a clear result, but unexpectedly, it only took a few years to succeed.

He advanced to Daluo in one fell swoop.

To be so smooth, to be honest, Master Feihe himself never expected it.

Then this news naturally spread to the spirit world.

The monks counted as one, and they all felt rejoiced.

The catastrophe is about to start. At this moment, if there is another real Daluo in the spirit world, it will naturally have endless benefits for the entire spirit world.

Daoist Feihe is not a casual cultivator, but the Supreme Elder of Feihe Sect. Naturally, all the monks of this sect are ecstatic.

Next, according to the usual practice, of course, there is going to be a big celebration, and a grand and grand celebration will be held for the Supreme Elder who has advanced to Daluo.

Invitations have now been sent out.

It is said that this grand ceremony may be unprecedented in scale.

After all, the catastrophe is about to start, and such a happy event will undoubtedly greatly boost the morale of the entire spiritual world.

All major forces are very supportive.

Some big Luos even expressed that they would come to watch the ceremony.

"There is such a thing?"

Lin Xiaoyao was talking to himself.

Hearing the news, he also had a look of interest on his face.

I didn't expect that at this juncture, someone would be able to make a breakthrough, so that there would be a real big Luo in the spirit world.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't pay too much attention to the devil's calamity, but the celebration that will be held soon is worth going.

There are many cultivators, and even Daluo Jinxian, which is obviously a good opportunity for me.

There may be unexpected gains.

Taking a ten thousand step back and signing in there is at least a good choice.

Thoughts turned in his mind, Lin Xiaoyao had already made a decision in his mind.

Anyway, I have nothing to do now, so why not push the boat along and try my luck?

Then he flew towards the distance with a green glow all over his body.

The light escaped quickly, but in the blink of an eye, it disappeared in the sky.


three days later.

The mountains are rolling and undulating, and the aura of heaven and earth here is also extremely rich.

"What a blessed place."

Lin Xiaoyao paused, and looked up at the scene in front of him, with a satisfied expression on his face.

I felt more and more that my trip was not wrong. Even if I didn't encounter other opportunities at the celebration, just signing in here is not a waste of time.

Afterwards, Lin Xiaoyao raised his brows slightly and looked around.

As far as the eye can see, a series of startling rainbows pierced the sky.

The number of immortal cultivators who came here is surprisingly large.

There are countless human and monster races, and they are rushing here from all directions.

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