Shuttle in the TV series

Chapter 783 Chapter 779

Ever since Jiang Yi comprehended the samadhi kamikaze, his escape method has become more and more subtle, and now he has been able to fly tens of thousands of miles away in an instant.

But at this moment, his escape method seems to have lost its effect.

No matter how many thousands of miles he flew, he still couldn't escape from the range covered by the palm of "Tathagata", he could only watch the huge palm slowly approaching him.

There is no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth.

"Tathagata" looked at Jiang Yi calmly, as if looking at a fly struggling in vain, and said slowly in a compassionate and loud voice:

"You beast, give up, you can't escape."

Jiang Yi wanted to devour Zhao Tianshi and seize his thousand-faced magic power. In fact, Zhao Tianshi also coveted Jiang Yi's profound magic power.

Zhao Tianshi's thousand-faced magic skill allows him to devour and absorb the mana of other monsters. He believed that as long as he could devour Jiang Yi's vast sea-like mana, he would definitely be able to greatly improve his strength and push the Thousand Faces Demon Art to an unprecedented level.

At that time, even if you look at the Three Realms, you may not be able to find many opponents. So Tianshi Zhao made up his mind to capture Jiang Yi and suck all his mana.

Although there is no enmity between the two parties, if there is a conflict, it is either you or me, and there is no room for relaxation.

"He's dead now."

Seeing that Jiang Yi was about to lose, Chen Zhenren, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but cheer up and said excitedly.

The younger brothers and younger sisters beside him nodded and said in agreement:

"Although he is a peerless demon king, if he encounters such great power as Master, he will still lose in the end."

"I'm afraid he didn't expect that the master would be the clone of the Buddha, otherwise he wouldn't have ended up like this."

While talking, the three of them showed a somewhat proud look, feeling deeply and honored that they could worship under the Buddha's door.

Not far from the three of them, Xiao Ning and Xiao Li stood quietly with dignified expressions.

They looked at each other, although they were worried but did not show it, they just said in unison:

"Don't worry, Your Majesty will be fine."

Even if these words comfort the other party, they also strengthen one's confidence. They firmly believed that Jiang Yi would never lose easily to Master Zhao.


As the giant palm got closer, Jiang Yi could feel that the layers of space around his body were constantly shrinking and squeezing, and the incomparably huge space force imprisoned his body.

It was as if there was an invisible rope trapping him firmly, getting tighter and tighter.

Although the situation was critical, there was no panic on Jiang Yi's face, he just watched the palm of "Tathagata" fall calmly, and said with a sneer:

"Speaking so confidently, do you really think you've got the chance to win?"

Before the words were finished, on the ground under the lotus pedestal of the "Tathagata", the Gan Jiang Sword and Mo Xie Sword trembled, making clear and clear sword sounds, like the harmony of a piano and a harp, or like the harmony of a dragon and a phoenix.


Then the two divine swords twisted around each other and shot towards "Tathagata".

There are sword spirits inside the two divine swords. At this time, they echo each other, and the energy is connected, just like a couple communicating with each other, and the lingering affection is intertwined between the two swords.

An indescribable mysterious sword intent filled the void.

Tianshi Zhao felt as if a boulder had been thrown into the heart lake of his ancient well without waves, splashing water all over the sky and creating ripples.

Like knocking over the bottle of five flavors, joy, anger, sorrow, joy, love, ruthlessness, resentment, fear, all kinds of complicated emotions surged into my heart, and scenes of unforgettable past flashed before my eyes.

Before he knew it, his mind was drawn by the mysterious sword intent and immersed in various emotions.

After fighting each other several times, Jiang Yi discovered that Zhao Tianshi's Thousand Faces Magic Art can simulate other supernatural powers and spells, and even detect the thinking of the simulated object.

But he also realized that the Thousand Faces Demon Art is not omnipotent.

This technique also has certain limitations.

Although Zhao Tianshi was able to transform into a Tathagata and imitate all kinds of supernatural powers of the Tathagata, his mana and realm still could not reach the height of the Tathagata Buddha himself.

In essence, Zhao Tianshi is still a greedy and cunning monster, and he has not broken through the barriers of seven emotions and six desires.

Therefore, at this time, Jiang Yi used the sword intent as a lure to seduce Zhao Tianshi's seven emotions and six desires, just like a demon who transformed himself into the sky, causing the Buddha to fall. After all, Tianshi Zhao is not the real Tathagata, and he immediately broke his Zen mind and his supernatural powers.

Afterwards, the power of the sword diffused, and time and space froze.

The "Tathagata" dharma body immediately turned into a golden sculpture, solidified in mid-air.

At the same time, the shrinking power of space under the palm of "Tathagata" suddenly disappeared, and the restraining power around Jiang Yi dissipated accordingly.


Jiang Yi's figure flickered, disappeared, and then appeared above the head of "Tathagata", and the King Ming Demon Saber in his hand slashed down with the force of extinction.


The Buddha's light on the surface of "Tathagata" shattered suddenly, and the indestructible golden body was torn apart by the jet-black knife light.


Accompanied by a sharp and ear-piercing scream, the huge Buddha Dharma image disappeared, and a figure emerged out of thin air, and then fell straight from the sky to the ground.


The figure slammed hard on the messy ground, revealing its true face, but it was a black-haired old man with a thin figure and a gloomy expression. There were densely packed eyes all over his body, and the black pupils kept turning. The ground turned irregularly, making one's scalp tingle.

Jiang Yi's figure floated down from the sky, looking at that figure, he knew that this was Zhao Tianshi's real body: the multi-eyed monster.


The moment Jiang Yi approached, thousands of golden lights suddenly shot out from the densely packed eyes of Zhao Tianshi, shooting at Jiang Yi overwhelmingly like sharp arrows.

Then, as soon as he turned around, he turned into a monster wind and was about to escape.

"Want to escape."

Jiang Yi sneered, cut off the golden light with a single stroke of his hand, and then opened his mouth to inhale.

Devour the world!

Billowing black evil energy emerged out of thin air, covering the evil wind transformed by Zhao Tianshi, forming a terrifying black vortex.

The next moment, the space distorted, Zhao Tianshi's figure resurfaced in the black vortex, became smaller and smaller, and threw himself into Jiang Yi's mouth.

"My lord...have mercy!"

In the end, Zhao Tianshi only uttered a mournful cry of begging for mercy, and disappeared into Jiang Yi's mouth.


In the distance, Xiaoli was finally relieved to see Jiang Yi's victory, and then saw Zhao Tianshi's real body, showing a dazed look, and said:

"It turns out that Master Zhao is a legendary multi-eyed monster."

Xiao Ning: "The exercises he practiced must not be simple, otherwise we wouldn't be able to detect even a trace of his evil spirit."

Thinking of the scene where Master Zhao transformed into Tathagata Buddha, Xiaoli also nodded deeply:

"It's really amazing."

On the other side, the three real people stood there in astonishment, their faces full of disbelief, unable to accept the reality they saw: their revered master turned out to be a monster.

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