Shuttle in the TV series

Chapter 193 Chapter 191

The Peiyuan Dan melted at the entrance, went down the throat, penetrated into the abdomen, and turned into a ball of warm current.

Jiang Yi sat cross-legged on the ground, performed Yi Jin Jing exercises, and began to digest the powerful medicinal power.

The pure and condensed internal force flows through the meridians like a small river. Afterwards, the hot flow of medicinal power in the abdomen began to be slowly digested into internal force, which was poured into this small river.

As the power of the medicine was digested, the small river of internal force gradually turned into a big river, and the flow was no longer as peaceful as before, and the speed became faster and faster. After a while, it became like a mountain torrent, rushing and roaring in the meridians .

A big Sunday.

Two big Sundays.

Three big Sundays.

The internal strength keeps growing, becoming more and more powerful.

But Jiang Yi still frowned slightly, knowing that the current internal strength was not enough to make him break through.

While controlling the internal force in his body, he opened his eyes, took out two Peiyuan Pills, threw them into his mouth, and swallowed them.


It was as if a volcano erupted violently in Jiang Yi's body, and the powerful medicinal power suddenly spread to all limbs and bones.

The skin on his body was glowing red, and gusts of scorching hot air kept gushing out, turning into heat waves in the room, agitating endlessly.

The entire alchemy room turned into a big furnace, which was extremely hot.

The internal force in Jiang Yi's body suddenly surged, rushing through the meridians like a torrent and waterfall.

His incomparably tough meridians felt a bit of pain for a while.

With the digestion of the medicine, the internal force became stronger and more violent, and Jiang Yi only felt that it was more and more difficult to control the operation of the internal force.

He had a painful expression on his face, gritted his teeth and tried to hold on, and hideous blue veins popped up on his body.

After a few breaths, the medicinal power of the two Peiyuan Pills was finally digested, and the internal strength in Jiang Yi's body also climbed to its peak state. With a thought, he roared in his heart:


Then he gathered all his energy, restrained the turbulent internal force in his body, and crashed into a certain entrance.


The door of the entrance opened, and Jiang Yi's body underwent earth-shaking changes.

The internal force that was originally violent and rushing slowly calmed down, and then kept shrinking, condensing, and purifying.

It didn't take long for the thick internal force in his body to shrink by a large circle, turning into incomparably pure true energy.

Jiang Yi didn't stop, and continued to circulate the innate zhenqi in his body according to the mental method in the Yi Jin Jing.

The warm zhenqi flowed through, and the slight damage caused by the forced breakthrough in his meridians was slowly repaired.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

During the circulation of the zhenqi, there was a sound, and the impurities in his body were slowly expelled out of his body.

Jiang Yi's bones, viscera, and muscles trembled slightly, becoming tighter and tighter, and his body strength gradually increased.

After advancing to the innate realm, the effect of Yi Jin Jing will undoubtedly become more powerful, cutting hair and washing marrow, Yi Jin forging bones.

Jiang Yi's body seemed to have been tempered and reborn.

Opening the eyes, the dazzling light in the eyes flashed suddenly, like a thunderbolt flashing, the whole alchemy room suddenly lit up.

He got up slowly, opened the door and walked out, looking at the quiet courtyard outside, the vast mountains and dense forests in the distance, the whole world became extraordinarily clear and vivid in his eyes.

It was as if the original world was covered with a layer of hazy tulle, but now this layer of tulle has been lifted.

This feeling is simply intoxicating.

Jiang Yi was immersed in this feeling quietly, and after thinking about it for a long time, he raised his head uncontrollably, and let out a clear and long whistle towards the sky.


A white wave of air spit out from his mouth, rushed to a height of more than ten meters, and made a rumbling thunder.

The sound of long howls, which contains the majestic and true energy, is mighty and mighty, straight to the sky, resounding and suppressing the clouds, causing the mountains to vibrate and echo.

The mountains and forests around Yaowang Valley trembled for a while, and the woods rattled, tens of thousands of wild birds were startled, flew up from the forest, and flew into the sky densely, circling and singing in the sky, the sound was incomparably astonishing.

Jiang Yi looked at the flock of birds covering the sky like black clouds, with a happy smile on his face.

Finally, he has entered the innate realm.

Under congenital status, no matter whether it is low-level, second-rate, or first-rate, it can be attributed to the acquired state, and the gap is not too big.

Only at the innate realm can there be a qualitative difference.

Just when Jiang Yi was immersed in the joy of breaking through his cultivation, a series of footsteps approached, and Xiaodie's voice came from behind him, with a bit of dissatisfaction:

"Jiang, what are you doing? Making such a big commotion."

Jiang Yi didn't need to turn his head to know that the three girls in the valley had all come over, obviously attracted by his roaring sound and the strange scene in the sky.

Ling Xueyan has been taking care of Jiang Yi's diet, knowing his movements better, and asked with some expectation:

"Brother Jiang, have you successfully entered the Innate Realm?"

Jiang Yi turned around to look at her, nodded slightly, and replied with a smile on his face:

"That's right, I broke through."

Hearing his affirmative answer, Ling Xueyan couldn't help being overjoyed:

"Great, this way, you don't have to be afraid of that Happy King."

Xiaodie and Bing Xin also looked at Jiang Yi in amazement, they didn't expect him to succeed.

Compared with Xiaodie, Bing Xin understands how difficult it is to achieve the innate realm. Her sweetheart Yi Tianxing stepped into the super-first-class realm many years ago, but until now he is still half a step away from the innate realm.

Although his internal strength has been accumulating and improving, he has never been able to comprehend the mystery of the eight swords flying together, and his cultivation has never been able to break through to innate.

The last time when Bing Xin went out to look for Yi Tianxing, he found that the other party had suffered internal injuries because he wanted to forcibly break through his innateness, and became obsessed.

Yi Tianxing has been the most talented person in the Jianghu in recent decades, which shows the inherent difficulty.

Jiang Yi waved his hand and said to Ling Xueyan:

"That Xiaoyao Wang has been congenital for many years, and his skills must be much deeper than mine. Now I am not his opponent. I need to retreat for a while to practice some special skills."

Ling Xueyan has great confidence in Jiang Yi:

"I believe that with your talent, Big Brother Jiang, you will soon be able to surpass that Xiaoyao King in strength."

Bing Xin stepped forward and congratulated Jiang Yi:

"Congratulations, Mr. Jiang, for his great improvement in strength, and he got what he wanted."

After receiving the medical books and secret books from Jiang Yi, she devoted herself to researching her medical skills and greatly improved her medical skills. She didn't care about Jiang Yi's forced grabbing of Wang Baodian and elixir. Instead, she would discuss medical issues with Jiang Yi from time to time.

Xiaodie also said arrogantly:

"Finally, I didn't waste so many rare elixir from Medicine King Valley."

Jiang Yi didn't care about Xiaodie's attitude, and nodded slightly in thanks:

"I was able to break through this time, and it really all depends on the power of those elixir medicines."

After a pause, he continued:

"I still have a few elixirs here, which can be used to refine elixirs that increase cultivation. If you two don't dislike them, please accept them. This is an apology for Jiang's previous reckless behavior."

As he spoke, Jiang Yi took out a few prescriptions from his bosom and handed them to Xiaodie.


Naturally, Xiaodie would not be polite to Jiang Yi, so she took the Dan Fang over, looked at it, and nodded, quite satisfied.

Afterwards, she glared at Jiang Yi, snorted softly and said:

"If it wasn't for Xue Yan's face, I wouldn't forgive you so easily."

Ling Xueyan looked at Xiaodie's bickering, a little funny, and said:

"Brother Jiang's breakthrough in cultivation is a good thing. We will celebrate it tonight. Xiaodie, let's go to the kitchen to prepare."

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