"General, I'm done eating!"

A soldier stood up with a cleaned plate and reported to the general, who didn't even look up and just gave a thank you.

Pushing the dinner plate with the cut meat back in front of Cang Fengyu: "Teacher Cang, let's eat, our legion has a rule that no leftovers are allowed."

He looked up at the young man sitting across from him, and said, "Besides, it's not good to waste food."

This is probably because people have to bow their heads under the eaves, Cang Fengyu never feels hungry, that is, he is greedy for something to eat occasionally.

Now, after eating this plate of meat, she felt a little full. She sighed a little, and just as she was about to reach out to pick up the bottle of water next to her, someone handed it to her first.

She looked up, and the soldier who was about to leave grinned honestly. When she noticed a gaze on him, the soldier quickly restrained his expression, turned and left the cafeteria.

Si Xing saw that he had eaten, and his frowning eyebrows relaxed: "It seems that the food here is very suitable for Teacher Cang's appetite. Do you want to reconsider?"

Cang Fengyu glanced at him: "No need."

Si Xing didn't continue this topic, but touched his pocket, handed the things to the soldier next to him who had just finished cooking and was about to leave, and said, "Go get a piece of fruit and brush mine."

The soldiers in the cafeteria were so eager to bury their heads in the dinner plates that they made little noise about picking up the rice.

When the soldiers brought the fruit, Cang Fengyu was stopped by Si Xing when he was about to leave. He put away the salary card, put the plate of fruit in front of her, thought about it and said, "I have some fruit after dinner. Aids in digestion."

There are actually not many fruits per serving, and this is a temporary military base, so supplies are in short supply.

The students in Class E were envious of it. The fat man was obviously full after eating more than a dozen plates of barbecue, and even burped several times.

Seeing the plate of fruit, I couldn't move my eyes away, and said anxiously: "Teacher Meng, I also want to eat fruit. Is there any fruit here?"

Some people heard it and dismissed it.

Want to eat fruit? That is the admiral willing to spend money!

These people in the Killing Legion know that just one piece of fruit costs 10,000 star coins,

And their monthly salary is only 10,000 star coins at most, which means that a piece of fruit can cover their monthly salary!

Even these wealthy children from rich families don't understand anything, Meng Zhou's expression was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "

If you want to eat, you can wait until after the training camp. You can eat as much as you want, and now you will eat honestly for me. When you are full, you can take the dinner plate and go there to line up. "

The fat man made up his mind and looked back, looked at the dinner plate piled up next to him, picked up the plate as if resigned to his fate, and left the seat.

The other students in the class were also full, and they all put their plates back in a fixed place in an orderly manner, and someone would come to collect them.

Shen Qianyan came in from the outside cursing, looked around, and suddenly fixed on the young man in white shirt, paused for a moment,

With a smile on his face, he walked over: "Yo, I asked you to stay at my place, but it's a good thing you came here to accompany him for dinner."

The person sitting across from Cang Feng Yu is Si Xing who asked him to go to the research institute and wait for him to treat his wounds!

Good guy, he searched around a few times. If he hadn't heard that someone had seen the general in the cafeteria, he would never have believed that this guy would be willing to come to the cafeteria!

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