She is on Fire at the Apex of Si Ye’s Heart

Chapter 32 Arriving at the training location

The so-called training camp.

It is a freshman mission that star colleges and departments will carry out in previous years. Several instructors from the college will be sent to take them there for training.

The training locations are different in previous years.

As long as there is no clear order from above, as mentors, they also don't know which star field to go to this time.

When the time was almost up, Cang Feng Yu took them to the gathering place to report, and met other classes during the period, and they all rushed in the same direction.

And they are one of the instructors for this training camp. Besides, just in case, the academy specially sent five experienced instructors to help lead the class this time, which is equivalent to assisting the new instructors.

The academy gossip forum was still digging up information about the young man, and it took a lot of effort to know the young man's name.


This name sounds very strange.

It should be a freshman.

And they seem to see that those freshmen are going to participate in the training camp, and when they come back, it will be half a month later.

Five hover vehicles are parked in the Star Academy.

The freshmen are already fully equipped when they are at home, and they are waiting to go to the training camp as soon as they arrive at the academy.

Cang Fengyu also received a short-term notice for the training camp, but she really didn't know what the specific content of the training camp would be.

After all, there are quite a few rich kids among the freshmen, especially the E class led by Cangfeng Yu. They are used to riding on starships, and they are really not used to hover cars, and their speed is not fast enough.

However, there are a lot of freshmen going there, and if we really want to arrange a starship, I'm afraid there won't be enough people for them to sit on it.

Class E and Class D are sitting on the same suspension vehicle.

After all, it was due to the small number of people.

On the other hand, due to the large number of people in class A, two suspension vehicles were directly assigned.

This is Cang Fengyu's first time riding a levitation car of this era, but the vast interstellar space in front of her is no longer so strange.

He squeezed the space between his brows, intending to close his eyes and take a short break.

The one next to her is also the tutor sent by the academy to assist her, about thirty or forty years old,

His rough features are not very good-looking, even a little scary, because there is a deep scar at the corner of his eye, which makes him look more powerful.

But in this era, even if you live a hundred years, you will look like you have lived in your 30s or 40s.

There was no communication along the way, because she was resting when Meng Zhou came over, and Meng Zhou couldn't talk even if she wanted to.

Instead, the freshmen were chatting to pass the time. They still knew a little about the training camps, because in previous years, some freshmen would go to other star fields for training camps.

The suspension car had been driving for almost a day, and it was already dark when they arrived. The unfamiliar environment made them feel shuddering.

After delivering them to their destination.

The five hover vehicles drove away without even giving them a chance to recover.

etc? !

Where are they going to spend the night! ! !

The place they were in was a barren land, and green light spots would appear in the dark night, which made them feel eerie.

"Master Cang, where are we going to live?"

Some girls surrounded Cang Fengyu in fear, their delicate bodies seemed to be shaking.

Cang Fengyu thoughtfully just read a message sent to her by the department, which probably meant that each class had to kill a hundred monsters to complete the task.

As for the follow-up tasks, they will be released one after another.

Only a hundred monsters...

Cang Fengyu squinted his eyes thoughtfully, it's actually not difficult.

Four is over

Houhou ranks 41, Chongchong hopes to reach more than 30 tomorrow

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