I received a notice from the editor today and it will be on the shelves on Friday.

Just say a few words. First, let’s talk about this book. After it is put on the shelf, there will be basically two updates. The first update will be at 6 pm, and the second update will be at 11-12 pm. Additional updates will be considered as appropriate.

I have to deal with a lot of things when I go to work in the morning, and only in the afternoon do I get a keyboard to type. My coding speed is so-so, neither fast nor slow. It's pretty good for me to start coding smoothly, but once I get stuck, it becomes more troublesome.

I still have some manuscripts for this book, but I don’t dare to publish it all at once, because I want to ensure that nothing happens to the unit, otherwise it will be troublesome if I don’t have enough manuscripts.

The writing is relatively smooth, but the outline is actually not finished yet (80% of it is written), and the chapter outlines still need to be carefully considered. I was a bit reckless when writing. I basically thought of the beginning and then started to actually write. After reading more than 100,000 words, I realized that I still needed to fill in the branches and leaves.

The entire story framework is based on the world view of the Three Realms and Six Paths (not the Three Realms and Six Paths of traditional Buddhism and Taoism, but the Three Realms and Six Paths of this world).

The map generally revolves around this world view and will not develop into the world or other systems. This world view basically refers to the true world system of "Asking the Mirror", which can be regarded as a tribute to the theme of Xianxia.

Also, let’s talk about the old book, that is, the Big Hundred Foot book. This new book will be guaranteed to be updated. The old book will not eunuch and will continue to be written. The book friends in the group also know that I had a quarrel with my family last year because of writing a book, and I also quit my job.

After the New Year, I was basically looking for a job in March. I joined the new job in May. At that time, the job was very unstable, and the old book card was too stuck. I will slowly finish writing Dabaizu, but I can’t write it. It’s too fast, because some ideas need to be adjusted, I hope old book friends will bear with you (I may change the old book into a complete version in the background, and then put it in the book group in the form of an extra chapter, and I will notify you of the specific situation when the time comes)...

There’s nothing else special to say. If possible, I’ll give you a first-order support tomorrow. I’ll definitely update it when it’s released. That’s it, see you tomorrow!

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