He Ping was not going to waste time, he decided to take action on the "gu in the painting" in the pavilion that day.

He summoned his men, dug a deep trench around the outside of the pavilion, and enclosed the courtyard of the pavilion. Then, he poured water into the trench, and mixed cinnabar, realgar, and tusu into the water to repel plague and insects.

After making these preparations, dry firewood soaked in oil was placed inside and outside the courtyard wall. He also ordered the guards in the house to guard the outside of the pavilion.

This group of people covered their faces with scarves, held bows, arrows and torches in their hands, and carried two gourds around their waists, filled with realgar and lime respectively.

Everyone held the plague-preventing pill under their tongues to prevent the poisonous smoke from miasma. All other preparations are available. Each person was divided into several groups to watch and guard the four walls of the courtyard.

He Ping also considered: If the "gu in the painting" escapes, he will use rockets to shoot into the dry wood and set fire to the pavilion... A temporary trench will be dug, and insect repellent medicine will be distributed The smell can also block the path of the poison.

After making these preparations, He Ping activated four paper puppets and drove them into the pavilion. He himself stayed outside the courtyard, with his eyes closed tightly, and all his soul and thoughts were poured into these puppets. With paper puppet body.

Choosing a time when the sun was the hottest that day, the paper puppets floated into the main entrance of the attic with a "swish" sound.

As soon as he entered the door, he destroyed the wall, stretched out his hands forward, and struck the bluestone brick wall with his palms that were stronger than gold and iron.

The stone wall rumbled, shaking the beams in the house, and the wall exploded. Countless gravel fragments exploded, sending up stone powder all over the sky. In an instant, the entire house was filled with dust.

The paper puppets seemed to want to demolish the pavilion. With a swipe of their palms, they smashed the thinned stone wall. The green bricks were shattered and the stone chips were scattered. The scene was very shocking.

Only three of the four paper puppets are demolishing the house. The other one holds two "puppet eye balls" in both hands. With the convenience of the puppet eye technique, he can clearly capture the dynamics in the room without entering the narrow room. .

He Ping could clearly see that with the violent demolition of the paper puppets, there were subtle "commotions" on the four walls of the pavilion.

It is true that the tiny insects as big as gnats hidden in the four walls of the pavilion like yin and hate yang by nature, but that doesn't mean they can't come out during the day.

When the paper puppets make a fuss, the place where these Gu insects live, that is, the "mural" itself is affected and will inevitably react.

At this moment, a creepy "rustling" sound came from all sides of the walls in the room, and the sound was low.

Neither Paper Puppet nor He Ping could hear the sound, but they could clearly feel that the air in the room suddenly became stagnant, and there were countless dark ripples on the walls, which were colorful, like an oil film, and the luster continued to change.

In an instant, the Gu insects launched an offensive. Five-colored liquids spurted out from the wall, turned into dozens of droplets, and landed on a paper puppet. The "armor-covered aura" on the paper puppet suddenly flashed. If it flashes, it goes out quickly.

Next, the paper puppet dissolved softly and was assimilated by the weird droplets, turning into a pool of liquid that spread on the ground and wrapped around the paper puppet's legs like a snake.

"Do you still have this trick?"

He Ping sneered, and the legs of the remaining three paper puppets floated up, hanging between the beams with silk threads. Droplets kept spraying on the wall, but the paper puppets easily dodged them.

"Is that all you can do?"

He Ping grinned and moved his fingertips. One of the three remaining paper puppets was holding a paper lantern in his hand. The lantern spurted out a blazing spiritual light and lit up the wall with a "bang" sound. Flowing illusion.

The Samadhi spiritual flames emitted from the lantern burned like a will-o'-the-wisp, exuding a gloomy green luster. The green fire light clashed with the air, making a chirping sound. The flowing layer of grease was burned by the green flame and made a loud sizzling sound.

"This Spiritual Samadhi Fire, as I thought, has a certain effect on these Gu insects!"

He Ping controlled the paper puppet, emitting green flames and continuing to burn the flowing "gu insects". This move was obviously very effective. The five-color phantom on the wall trembled, and was gradually burned out by the flow of fire. A layer of gray-white color, with green fireworks showing through, full of light and sizzling sound.

It can be seen that this thing is indeed the nemesis of the "Painting Gu Insect". He Ping was excited. He drove the fire to burn repeatedly. In the green flame, there was a layer of gauze-like smoke flowing, and the color was From colorful to pale gray.

Beep! There was a sound like dry firewood cracking, and a smell of burning smell wafted in the air. The colorful group of five colors also gradually shrank, and gradually shrunk into a group of fist-sized streaks of light covering most of the walls of the pavilion. .

He Ping used the fire of spiritual samadhi to burn the four walls. Finally, he drove the "gu insects" wandering on the walls and ceiling to the ground. The green flames lit the only entrance and exit, that is, the door frame and threshold of the door. Don't give this "gu insect" a chance to escape at all.

Finally, the Gu insect, which seemed to have no way to escape, actually penetrated under the masonry along the cracks in the masonry, and seemed to be escaping from the ground.


He Ping quickly ordered the paper puppets to dig out the stone bricks on the ground. He dug along the direction where the "gu insects" penetrated into the bricks and stones, and soon made a discovery.

"Good guy, there is a hidden compartment below. Under the masonry, there is also a layer of hard bricks on the ground."

The hard bricks are all pitch black and are laid further below the floor tiles. Even the gaps are poured with iron juice to fit them tightly and seal them completely.

"The person who designed this place definitely knows the secret of this kind of poison. This kind of poison cannot penetrate into the ground and escape from the attic..."

He Ping was determined. After he smashed the secret compartment, he found that there was an ebony box hidden in the secret compartment made of several pieces of wood, and there was a scroll stuffed next to it.

"This box?"

He noticed that there was some liquid on the box. Suddenly, the gray-white liquid "moved" and got into the gaps of the box. The ebony square box trembled for a while, and then fell silent.

One of the paper puppets stretched out his hand and took out the scroll without touching the ebony box first.

"Open it and take a look!"

He Ping felt that the scroll should be left here intentionally. He asked the paper puppet to unfold the scroll, and a copper key fell out with a clang.

"Is the key for me to open this box?"

After the paper puppet picked up the key, He Ping shook his head. There was no lock on the ebony box. I'm afraid the key was not for this box.

"So, what is written on this scroll?"

He ordered the paper puppet to continue to unfold the scroll. The scroll was made of yellow silk and had a document written on it.

""Banana Deer Dream Brush"... The best commentator on painting in ancient times divided it into four grades: 'Neng', 'Miao', 'Shen', and 'Yi'. Among the four grades, Neng is not as good as Miao, Miao is not as good as Shen, Shen Not as good as Yi..."

Wait...what is this?

He Ping was stunned for a moment, then he continued to read, and he suddenly discovered that this was not a Taoist secret volume, but an article talking about relevant theories and techniques on how to learn, copy and practice painting.

This scroll has two chapters. The first chapter focuses on explaining that to learn painting, you must first learn Dharma, read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, and take life, beauty, and truth as your ultimate attainments. You must first cultivate your sentiments before you can master the true charm of painting. ;

The second volume later introduces the brushwork techniques of painting in detail, and divides them into ten categories according to the painting subjects: Taoism, figures, palaces, tribes, dragons and fish, landscapes, animals, flowers and birds, ink bamboo, and fruits and vegetables, explaining different The detailed differences in painting methods and the usage of pen and ink.

"This... this really doesn't look like a secret scroll involving magic, spells, and magic. What is recorded on this scroll is just a certain painter's personal summary of the art of painting..."

He Ping was a little confused. He continued to read backwards, and his eyes suddenly moved to the last part of the unfolded scroll.

"What is this, a map?"

He noticed that there was a map hidden at the very end of the scroll.

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