Seeking immortality in a deceitful way starts by making oneself into a puppet

Chapter 50 The mud originated from the beginning of chaos, and the holy lotus appeared and flourishe

The sound of "hooves, hoofs, hoofs" gradually faded away. The group of people coming in from outside the city went straight and disappeared at the end of the long street in front of the city gate.

"So...?" He Ping raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Senior brother, the 'disaster' you mentioned earlier should be caused by the ghost bats of the Evil Slaying Division?"


I don't know if it was the old man who disguised himself as the stall owner and sneered. He held a bell in his hand and started ringing "ding bell bell bell".

Suddenly, an invisible wave rippled, like water waves, causing the surrounding scenery to tremble.

At this moment, He Ping raised his sword eyebrows slightly. His soul was too sharp and his perception overflowed the five senses. He noticed that the ringing of the bell locked the voices of the two people talking within this area, forming a strange restriction that blocked the sound. .

——What an exquisite magic weapon! This bell can isolate sounds and create an area for private conversations without being disturbed by others.

He Ping realized that the sound was isolated in this area, but I am afraid that in the eyes of outsiders, they would not notice the strange phenomenon in front of this humble calligraphy stall.

"A few ghost bats are nothing. The 'Director' of the Evil Slayer Division, Situ Haoxing, is a senior Dao-level master. There are only three Dao-level masters among the 'Nine Chief Envoys' under his command. Excluding These few people, and the others, are all so-so, and may not be as good as you and me... The disaster I just mentioned is naturally not due to this."

Chi Xinzi's somewhat sinister voice suddenly sounded. However, the sound waves that could not be transmitted hit the invisible barrier and swayed over again, making his voice sound like gold and iron grinding the ground.

"Then, where should this 'disaster' be located?"

He Ping had some free time, but his eyes were fixed on the face of the old man who calculated the fortune, as if he wanted to see through the reality behind this face.


Chi Xinzi took the opportunity to laugh, then changed the topic and asked He Ping.

"Junior brother, did you get something from the Wandering Soul Village before? Do you know the origin of that thing?"


He Ping originally wanted to deny it, but then he remembered that Chengzhi had long been in the hands of Chixinzi, and he should not be able to hide the fact that he had obtained the artifact from the formation.

"A strange black stone statue is used to suppress the formation. What about this thing?"

"Junior brother, that thing is a security object in a ghost array secretly set up by the Mud Sect. You said you couldn't take anything, but you took the Mud Sect's stuff."

Chi Xinzi sighed and shook his head.

"The Mud Sect is the first of the Nine Evils of Immortality. It is widely spread in the countryside of several major states in the Nanling Dao area. It also has widespread followers and believers in Dongli Dao, and its influence spreads throughout most of the world.

Over the years, the imperial court has successively ordered local government offices to suppress and exterminate the local Mud Cult forces. However, the Mud Cult cannot be exterminated. Just like harvesting rice, crop after crop is harvested. The Mud Cult cannot be exterminated. Able to resurrect. "

"Mud Cult?"

He Ping tried hard to recall the information he had collected about Xiling and Dongli Roads. He heard that Nanling and Dongli Roads had suffered severe famines in recent years. Farmland had failed to harvest in consecutive years, droughts and floods had occurred repeatedly, and the people had been displaced.

Among them, there were also poor governance by local officials and excessive exploitation of the people. These chaotic situations led to various cults taking advantage of the chaos to start troubles, such as the Luomen Sect, the Bagua Sect, the Yuantong Society, and the Hongyang Sect. Since then, they have used fortune-telling, prophecies, and prescription techniques to deceive the people, causing all kinds of disasters to occur in the local area.

(I seem to have some impressions of this sect...)

He Ping's thoughts were wandering for a while, and he finally recalled the information about these cults. Most of these cults in various places just used the banner of religion, taking advantage of the unrest and unrest to confuse people's hearts, collect money and deceive women, and occasionally There will also be a few forces that become powerful, and they will gather believers to stir up trouble and rise up.

Of course, the ultimate fate awaiting these cults is to be suppressed by the army sent by the imperial court.

This situation has been happening over and over again over the years. Whenever disasters occur frequently in various places, evil cults will spring up like mushrooms after a rain. After a period of time, these sects fail to rebel. They are either explicitly banned by the government or sent troops by the Dayou Dynasty to suppress them. They are crushed by the iron hooves of the army and then disappear. .

Among the many cults, the only one that is special is the Mud Cult.

The Mud Cult is a strange sect among many cult sects, and it inherently gives people a unique feeling.

However, the government or the officials of the Dayou Dynasty did not think so, because the followers of the Mud Sect just believed in this doctrine. Anyway, there are a lot of cults in the world, and a new sect pops up every year. They I may not care much about this cult... What really makes people troublesome is:

Not only did the Mud Cult often launch civil uprisings, they also loved to kill court officials. Every time they organized a mob to launch a riot, the Mud Cult people would seize a county and arrest all the officials in charge of the county. Kill.

The internal view of the Mud Sect is that the current Great You Dynasty is in an improper position and is deceived by monsters. All civil and military officials of the dynasty, as well as the high officials of the imperial court, have their true bodies taken away by mandrills... The Mud Sect even believes that the current Great You dynasty is in power. The emperor of the dynasty, including everyone in the palace, is not a living person - but a mandrill in human skin. The core of the Mud Cult's teachings is to kill officials and destroy the Great You Dynasty, thereby changing the world and establishing a divine kingdom on earth. .

(It’s no wonder that the Great You Dynasty is so afraid of this Mud Sect. This Mud Sect has made it clear that it wants to rebel and make things difficult for the Great You Dynasty... If I were the court, I would also regard this sect as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh. !)

"The mud comes from the beginning of chaos, and the holy lotus appears and flourishes."

Chi Xinzi slowly read out the slogan that the Mud Sect used to be universal.

"Junior brother, on the surface the Mud Sect is a sect spread among the people, and it is at odds with the Great You Dynasty. In fact, the Mud Sect is also a major sect in the spiritual world. The Mud Sect also has a righteous method for entering the Tao, called the 'Shenglian Baojuan', ranked Ranked 10th among the 36 Zhengfa, it is higher than the ranking of our Immortal Puppet Sect. Among the sects, there are also several ghost-human Bodhisattvas who have entered the Tao, which is unusually powerful."

"So what?" He Ping replied calmly without changing his expression.

"Everything has been done, and the thing has fallen into my hands. Could it be that the Mud Cult people haven't taken action yet? Should I choose to bow down and worship, or come to the door to apologize... Can I do this? Do you want the Mud Cult member to expose this matter on the spot? Haha..."

"No, no."

Chi Xinzi stroked his long beard with his hand and smiled sparsely.

"No matter how powerful and domineering the people in the Mud Cult are, we, the Immortal Puppet Sect, will not lose our momentum in front of them. I just want to discuss it with you, Junior Brother He, and we may be able to create a situation where the disaster moves eastward."

"The disaster is moving eastward?"

When He Ping heard this, his expression was silent.

"Actually, I recently met a spiritual envoy of the Mud Sect. This man's surname is Tu, which means "Du". This man was also a powerful figure in the Mud Sect more than ten years ago, but he offended a senior member of the Mud Sect. The big shot was treated coldly by the top management and became a marginal figure in the Mud Cult."

There was a hint of fox-like cunning in Chi Xinzi's eyes.

"This Tu Du is stubborn and easy to manipulate. I have some personal friendship with him, so I can take the opportunity to blow him off. As for the black stone artifact in your hand, junior brother, it can be used as a bait to lure this person. Tu Du enters the situation... Hey, on the one hand, we can move this catastrophic disaster eastward to Shengqingzhi and Chongyang Palace;

On the other hand, we can also use the help of the Ni Cult to trouble Sheng Qingzhi and find out this person's background. It is best to cause a chaos in Sui'an City and take advantage of the chaos to take away the longevity bowl. "

The old guy took it as a bad idea and poured out all the poisonous schemes hidden in his belly. He Ping's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"This is a good strategy. If it succeeds, the trouble will be moved eastward, and the bad official Sheng Qingzhi can also be helped. Later, it can be blamed on the Mu Cult. It really kills multiple birds with one stone."

He thought about it for a while and felt that this strategy was feasible, but he had to be careful of his innocent son getting in the way and selling himself out along the way.

"This plan is feasible."

He Ping raised the corners of his mouth slightly, half-smiling.

"However, I think there are a few areas that need a little improvement."

Thanks to book friends 20211215231623131 and Luo Zhi Tianjin for their reward support, and also to other book friends for their recommendations, votes, and collections. During the new book period, I also hope that everyone will support it.

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