In front of Bo's

computer, a pair of hands were typing quickly on the keyboard.

After the charity meeting, Ye Tang returned to Bo's house and continued to live a free life.

With Mrs. Bo here, the Ye family didn't dare to ask Ye Tang to go home, and no one dared to take Ye Tang back.

After the maiden connection typed out a string of codes, a mysterious website appeared on the screen.

This website is hidden by special hacking technology, and the people who can enter it are not ordinary people, and there are bigwigs from all over the world.

As long as you give money, there are no tasks they can't do, and no tasks they can't do, unless the money isn't enough.

Since returning to Ye's house, Ye Tang has not logged on to this website for a long time.

There are many tasks on the homepage of the website, which are divided into four levels: S-level, SSS-level, SSS-level, and SSS-level.

Among them, SSSS-level tasks, as the most difficult task level, the number of times that the global boss can complete it is very rare, once you complete an SSSS-level task, you can get one billion points, not only at the top of the boss rankings, but also redeem one billion.

The latest SSSS-level mission is to kill the business upstart of Cloud City, Bo Chiyan.

However, no one dared to take it.

Since the failure of the last kill of Bo Chiyan, this fourth-level task has been hanging on the homepage of the website, but no one dares to ask about it.

The members of the website have also been posting to discuss this matter.

"If you want me to say, there are only two people who can take on this task. One is a big guy who just completed a fourth-level task a few years ago, and it is said that she was only 16 years old that year, and her IQ was much higher than that of ordinary people. Another person, who is said to be from the military department, don't look at his low rank on our website, but the person from the military department is very untouchable.

"I know, it's about Annai and Feast upstairs, right? It's a pity that Annai and Feast haven't been on the website for a long time, and if they take over this fourth-level mission, I personally think it's absolutely stable." "

Annai and Feast, both are their ID names.

Among them, Annai is Ye Tang's ID on this website.

"Annai withdrew from the network before, was it because of a dispute with

Meiyuan's fans?" "Isn't it? As soon as I talked about this, I was angry, I was also the one who was present at the time, Meiyuan's brainless fans were too crazy, so I just took a third-level task, as if to what extent, I actually provoked in front of Annai. Who doesn't know, Annai is a god-level boss who has completed the fourth-level task, I really hope that Annai will come back and beat Meiyuan.

"That's it! I'm a fan of Annai, I like Anna to be so powerful, and so low-key, it's completely different from that

Meiyuan!" "I'm also a fan of Annai, I hope to see Annai come back one day, don't be affected by Meiyuan's brainless fans."

As far as I know, Annai has taken on the task of either designing or operating on people, and has never seen anyone kill anyone. I think, in reality, Annai may be the vest of some big guy. They

may never have dreamed that the big guy they admire, Annai, is the eighteenth-tier star who was hacked by the whole network some time ago, Ye Tang, the waste in everyone's mouth.

Seeing that everyone was speaking for Annai, some of the bigwig members were not happy.

"Is Annai really as powerful as you say? As

soon as they heard that someone dared to question Annai, the others couldn't sit still.

"What? You dare to question Annai's abilities, you'd better delete this sentence now, or I swear you're going to make a big joke on the forum, and I'm doing it for your own good."

Ye Ting didn't expect that he would occasionally go on the Internet, but he actually saw that someone was smearing his sister, and he was immediately unhappy.

That's right, this one called Meiyuan ID is Ye Jiang.

Not to mention that Ye Jiang is a vest boss, she is wearing multiple layers of vests, and they all fell in front of their brothers inadvertently.

Before Ye Jiang fell off the horse, he really didn't think that their weak and lovely sister Ye Jiang was so good and powerful.

In a website like this where global bigwigs gather, Ye Jiang can complete a third-level task, and usually, the third- and fourth-level tasks are the highest level tasks of the website, and it is quite remarkable to be able to complete the third-level tasks.

Therefore, Ye Ting came up and supported the fans and members of Annai under the ID number to theorize.

In his opinion, it must be his sister Ye Jiang who is the most powerful.

What is this called Annai, it is said that it is a girl who is only 19 years old, who knows if it is a thirty or forty-year-old foot-picking man in reality?

The members also don't know if this ID called "Thunder" is there any serious illness, and they question Annai's strength as soon as they come up, isn't this to make people laugh off their big teeth?

It seems that Meiyuan's fans are really brainless.

Just when the members were discussing Annai and were discussing it hotly, a comment suddenly popped up.


Annai reappeared, which successfully caused a sensation on the entire website, and even attracted the bigwigs who did not log in to the website to come and watch together.

Annai is back, this is really an exciting moment!

Bo Chiyan was originally working downstairs, Ye Tang was in the room, he would go up to take a look from time to time, afraid that the little girl would not say anything, but she was secretly red in the room alone, so that no one would find out.

Last time, she was red-eyed because of her family, but fortunately he saw it.

Fortunately, she didn't cry anymore this time, and her mental state seemed to be good, he warmed her a glass of milk, put it on the table, and went down alone.

He promised his grandmother that he would follow his heart and take good care of his little fiancée from now on.

A little girl like this, he has to take care of it more carefully.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned on the computer, he discovered Annai's whereabouts.

He and Annai are netizens who have never met, but they have only worked together on a certain mission.

Later, they added friends to the site and occasionally discussed and exchanged ideas on the forum.

Annai is a smart and rational girl, just like his little fiancée.

Ye Tang herself, who caused a sensation on the website, didn't know anything about it, she logged on to the website today, and she also wanted to see if someone really issued the task of killing Bo Chiyan.

This news has also spread in the circle.

It is said that if you succeed in killing Bo Chiyan, you will be able to get a reward of one billion.

The remuneration of one billion yuan is no longer money, but it is conceivable that the other party has made up his mind to die in a late banquet.

Now I look at the website, and it's true, the other party even hangs on the homepage of the website to offer a reward.

However, perhaps it is Bo Chiyan's usual reputation that is more terrifying, coupled with the experience of the failure of the last attack. So this time, no one dared to take on this task again.

I don't know what the other party is from, but he dares to move the people in the Beijing circle.

Is this a fateful person, or is the other party also a person with an unusual identity?

Ye Tang was in deep thought, and a message jumped out of QQ.

"ZORA, are you back in China?"

"Don't try to fool me this time, I saw you on your Huaguo Weibo hot search, and I can't recognize your steps."

Ye Tang saw that it was Reger, who was known as Lafayette in the fashion circle.

When she saw the news that Regg had given her, she rubbed her brow a little helplessly.

She knew that such a hot search with such fanfare would definitely attract the attention of others.

Her vest can't be covered.

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