Rise of Rurik

Chapter 65 Actively looking for

Rumors abounded in Rosberg that the bravest man went out hunting and never returned.

Some people come up with ancient legends to express their most pessimistic speculations.

"Maybe Otto and those people fell under the World Tree..."

This is not a purely pessimistic conjecture, because if the leader Otto leaves this world, who will be the successor? For this reason, the tribe had to compete for the leader again.

Even if the residents of Roseburg all came from the same group of ancestors, the core personnel had already multiplied into a behemoth of 4,000 people.

According to the standards of this time and space, such a relatively united organization can burst out a very powerful force.

Because even for a Frankish duke, it would be extremely difficult to gather a fighting force of up to 2,000 people.

Otto has been a leader for too long, and his actions are indeed qualified, but he is old after all.

The young Rurik was called the "Blessing of Odin", and he also showed many amazing actions. He was only a child after all.

Many people simply believe that Rurik will become the leader when he grows up, because that is what Odin longed to see.

But the wise men of the clan did not think that a seven-year-old child could make any contribution to the management of a clan if the leader Otto died outside.

There is a window period here. To ensure the stability of the tribe, the tribe must elect a new leader.

With Hanukkah approaching and those people still not back, the restlessness within Roseburg has really made this winter unusual.

The young Rurik was also very worried. He was eager to show his strength. If he lost his father's protection when he was young, all dreams would be empty talk.

Since ancient times, in many countries, the strong ministers won the regency and did not intend to hand over power to the younger masters.

What's more, the Ross tribe still pursues the more ancient clan commune. There is no real blood lineage here, and the leader should be the "strongest".

In the warm high priest's house, Rurik's heart became more and more impetuous.

Although he has memorized the contents of those wooden boards, in order to deepen his memory and relieve his boredom, he is very happy to read more.

But now, he is increasingly worried about Otto.

"Grandma, I heard some rumors that my father will die outside?"

Villa's heart was just as complicated: "I also heard those rumors. Child, do you believe it easily?"

"No! I don't believe it. The ones who went out are the strongest. Maybe this time they got too many prey and it's impossible to return quickly."

"It's best for you to think like this. Sigh... I'm really worried these days. If some good people are allowed to play tricks, the entire Roseburg will become panicky. Those allied businessmen who live with us, only I'm afraid they will have to evacuate on a large scale by next spring."

"Then what should I do?! I'm actually very worried..." Rurik thought for a while, "Someone should be eyeing the leader's position."

Vilia was startled, she didn't expect this child to think of this.

She could only pretend to stroke the child's forehead calmly: "Don't think about it badly, I've thought of a good way."

"any solution?"

"It seems that I need to organize some people in person. Maybe your father and others are already on their way back. We can't continue to wait stupidly, we should send someone to meet them."

Not only did Villia have this idea, but he also felt that he had an obligation to calm the turmoil in Roseburg, especially the businessmen who were stable guests.

The time has come to the seventeenth day of December in the Julian calendar, and Otto and his party have been gone for too long.

Because there are no clocks, people use the sunrise and sunset to determine the beginning and end of the day.

Only some people with astronomical knowledge can pass the position of some stars in the sky and the position of the moon,

to be quite accurate in determining the time.

The sun has set, and it feels like the day is passing by in a hurry.

The oil lamp in the chief priest's house was brightly lit, and Veria personally appeared, and she rushed fifty warriors to the house.

The comers are all middle-aged and strong youth forces of the tribe, and they have also participated in many Sorgon voyages.

These people are brave and must be die-hard supporters of Otto.

Rurik, who had been looking forward to studying in the chief priest's house for a long time, easily saw a familiar figure, his cousin Arik.

At the moment, his children were just sitting on the animal skins, obediently listening to Villa's orders to them.

right! It's giving orders!

Veria is worthy of being the most attractive woman of the Ross tribe. She spoke to this group of brave and fighting people with an old voice, and they all stood honestly without any chatter.

"I heard some rumors that the leader and others have been frozen to death. This is a fool's lie! You must not believe it!"

With that said, Rurik saw the trembling in the eyes of many people. Obviously, many people not only knew those words, but also had strong doubts in their hearts.

"I have called you here today to announce to you Odin's orders. Just last night, in my sleep, my soul was taken to Asgard by the Valkyrie, and I stood at Valhalla's heavy stone gate. Besides, Odin told me that the brave men of the Rus were on their way, and their return was delayed because they brought too much treasure. So Odin ordered us to organize some warriors to explore the north to find those people , to help them bring back a great deal of treasure."

Rurik, who was sitting obediently, knew that these were Veria's own words. She relied on the Odin beliefs of her followers and said all her own opinions.

This operation can be regarded as a clever move, and the people who have been called are already eager to try it.

Just in the long priest's house, many people have made a statement for the first time, so-called after a short preparation, when the morning dawns, they will set off for the north.

Villa got a very satisfactory result, but she was not happy at all.

She was betting on her own reputation, but it was well worth it. Because if Otto really died in the plane, the alliance between the two would be gone.

An old man in his seventies, his life will soon come to an end. Maybe Otto really died outside, which also heralded his own end.

There is no Odinto dream at all, everything is Villa's speculation. There are only two situations that she guessed the most. First, Otto and his party got lost, and second, they really gained a lot.

As for hundreds of people being frozen to death by ice and snow, although there is such a possibility, if you think about it carefully, if the wind and snow were really terrible, Roseburg would have been destroyed long ago.

Passive waiting makes people more anxious the longer they wait. Actively looking for it can dispel this anxiety.

The summoned people left the long house of priests, and within a very short time, the news that Priest Veria had been guided by God in a dream also spread throughout Roseburg.

The words deliberately released by the conspirators suddenly lost their market, and all the young warriors who had begun to fantasize that they had a chance to compete for the position of leader also dispelled their thoughts.

The vast number of residents all began to imagine how many treasures the leader brought back, and whether their husbands who followed the leader also gained a lot.

There are also those who did not go, they are also fantasizing, even if they do not go, according to the tradition of the tribe, how much the leader will reward them.

Maybe catch a lot of deer? Even getting a leg of a deer can make this year's Hanukkah so much fun.

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