Rise of Rurik

Chapter 58 The Deer Breeder's Camp

Caught alive? Everyone still wants a hearty battle, otherwise it will be very boring.

More than a hundred people were divided into two parts, and the number of each other was very even.

Everyone's task is to form a human wall from two directions, like two combs, to comb the forest where the deer breeders hide.

After everyone finished eating the jerky, when Aurora was the most dazzling, people started to act.

Otto personally led a group of people, and his old buddy Harozov led another group, two groups of black people, like sneaky wolves into the woods, and carefully touched the target.

They are professional hunters themselves, and they are not stupid enough to swagger on the snowfields brightened by the aurora and moonlight, and sneak up on the grass and scare the snakes just as a precautionary action to let the deer breeders escape with the deer herd.

The boots made of animal skins stepped on the snow under the forest. The snow covered the sound very well, and the animal skins wrapped in everyone also kept warm.

Night hunting is a challenging thing in any age, not to mention that the hunting ground is already within the Arctic Circle, and the cold of the Arctic forces the temperature to approach minus 20 degrees.

The severe cold was not a serious challenge, because by contrast, Otto and the others didn't even know what their "enemy" looked like and what the strength of the army was.

They are extremely confident. As long as they see the deer running about on the snowy field, one by one imagines delicious barbecue and comfortable leather jackets.

Tomahawks and swords gleamed coldly in the moonlight through the cracks in the pines.

All the Ross warriors, they are as hairy as a pack of bears. At that time, there were basically life-saving chain mail under the clothes, which helped them overcome the fear of injury to a great extent.

They shuttled through the woods, and it took the equivalent of two hours before they finally touched the forest where the target was hiding.

If there are high-tech means of communication in this era, two teams can attack at the same time.

Thinking about it, all the warriors involved can only continue to have the tacit understanding and bravery of the same family.

Otto finally called the more than 60 people he took with him to a place. They were squatting down in a snowy nest with wind, and their eyes were full of desire for victory.

"Brothers, we are about to start an operation. Remember my words. If you want to catch a live one, whether it is a deer or a deer breeder, you must catch the live one."

Everyone nodded, but Otto still felt that his gang of ruthless people would be happy to be bathed in blood as before once they entered the battle.

He simply said harshly: "I still want to warn you that you must be caught. Otherwise, you will disobey me, and the tribal council will expel such people."

Otto's people, he is largely equivalent to the real monarch of the Ross tribe, and his words are both military orders.

Over the years, Otto has accumulated a lot of personal reputation. Similarly, Otto is also a smart and ruthless character in front of outsiders.

At least while he was alive, only those who planned to leave the tribe would deliberately oppose him.

The action on Otto's side was officially started, and the action on Harozov's side was a little slower.

It's the same routine as before, except that each unit of the human wall is closer to each other, and the length of the human wall is also much shorter.

Genes were discovered more than a thousand years later. At that time, people were surprised to find that only apes and humans had "war genes".

The Ross tribe learns to fight in battle, and they have already summed up some experience.

For example, they understand the tactical implications of dispatching scouts.

Five people were appointed as "pathfinders".

These five were what Otto thought was the best hunters, and they could track the beast for days in the wasteland with only footprints and eventually kill it.

Such people are very good at hiding their presence when tracking, for example by not making a sound, and by making themselves appear very similar to their surroundings.

A white hood is probably the cheapest snow camouflage,

But in the ninth century, although it was not difficult to dye linen into pure white, the problem was that the linen itself was not easy to obtain for the Rus tribe.

The fur coats of all five scouts are very unique, that is, the fur of a polar bear, and the white down gives them great protection and cover.

The search of the scouts is not a needle in a haystack, they and the crowd behind them are determined to win.

Because the discovery of deer and deer herds is an inevitable event.

They, have found the target...

Not far away, despite being separated by a large number of trees, the shrewd scouts have already found bad traces of the woods.

Many trees with a thick mouth were cut down, and there are many traces of tree trunks being chiseled on the ground.

Just further afield, there are traces of human activity.

The scout subconsciously lay on the ground, widened his eyes and kept quiet, just to feel the subtle changes in the environment with his heart.

They heard a lot of muffled whirring, no doubt it was from the deer.

As he calmed down and observed deeply, the distant scene became more and more clear.

"Bihas, go back and tell the leader that the deer breeders have found them. They are not powerful people, we can act immediately." One person said eagerly.

Someone hurried back to report the letter, and the other four either clenched the handle of the axe, or prepared short spears.

They quickly saw more details. It turned out that the deer farmers cut down the trees and built a fence, which is obviously the so-called deer enclosure.

Although the image is very vague, they can still tell which houses are deer keepers.

I'm afraid it wasn't a real house either. The experienced scouts thought it was more like a tent made of animal skins, which was similar to many buildings in Roseburg.

After a while, the excited Otto rushed over, listening to the report of his subordinates with wide eyes.

"Very well, so you didn't see a shadow touching?" Otto asked.

"Yes chief, I think they are sleeping. The deer are purring and the deer are sleeping. Are we going to act now?"

"Of course! Hey, so we can easily capture them all. Remember, we have to catch them alive. We also need deer keepers to drive the deer back home."

Otto was not out of pity, but deliberately wanted to save the life of the deer breeder. If he was really a kind-hearted person, he wouldn't have taken his subordinates all the way here to hack and kill, and he wouldn't even be the leader.

On the surface, he needs deer breeders to drive the deer back.

What about when the deer breeder has completed this task?

Otto did not inform his subordinates of his deeper thoughts. He is also a greedy person and wants to take the captured deer breeder as his servant.

The attack officially began.

More than 60 people took the lead in launching the action, each with a round shield tied to their left arm, and a sharp sword, an axe, or a throwing spear in their right hand.

Otto had no time to wait for another group of his subordinates. He ordered the more than 60 people under his command to form a circle, and then slowly began to approach the settlement of the deer breeders.

They moved forward silently, and as the distance got closer, the deer breeders completely revealed their faces.

Those people are really not powerful characters.

"Damn, I thought they were very strong people, why are there only a few tents? Could it be that they are the ones who herd the deer like dark clouds? There are too few people."

Otto saw clearly the tents that were obviously inhabited by people, and also saw the huge deer pen enclosed by the fence.

A large number of reindeer were there, some were woken up, and they didn't know what was going on, just watching a group of furry guys swaying in front of them.

In this operation, because there was no special order from the leader, no one dared to take the lead in looting the spoils, and everyone surrounded the animal skin tent.

Specifically, all the deer keepers lived in the four small tents.

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