In the end, Cassandra did not accept the olive branch extended by Milin.

Because Milin did not give a more practical method, Cassandra has seen with her own eyes the terrifying power of memetic pollution possessed by those things behind the curtain. If there is no practical method or the method is wrong, no matter how many worlds there are, It will only become the opponent's strength and drag the other worlds into the water.

Although she did not accept it, Cassandra did not reject it. After all, if she could find a suitable method and have an endless world as a backing to fight against those things in the veil, it would still be a very attractive option.

At the same time, Cassandra did not completely reject Milin's original purpose of coming to the Guardian Temple, which was to find brain chip testers.

Her purpose of showing the Animus to Milin is to remind Milin not to view people in this world too simply, and to show Milin that she is not the kind of completely stubborn person. .

She also looked for ways to change the status quo, but too many accidents forced her to choose the current situation.

Therefore, Cassandra provided Milin with testers, but it was not a group of testers that Milin needed, but one tester.

She guessed that in Milin's eyes, the temple guards were just suitable test subjects, not necessary test subjects.

So instead of letting Milin run around, it's better to control it as much as possible... Even if you can't control it, it's better to know what Milin is doing.

The person who was sent to Milin by Cassandra to undergo this brain chip test was her personal disciple, the guard of the Temple Great Library, Ah, known as the Temple Guard among the Temple Guards. Sokka.

Although she had no idea what a brain chip was, Ahsoka did not question the order. After taking off the armor and placing it in the temple, Ahsoka, wearing a warrior uniform, followed Mi Lin returned to the palace.

As for the result of the exchange of glares with Attila along the way, after arriving at the palace, he did not go to take the test immediately. Instead, Attila took him to a venue specially used for practice to play table tennis. A fight broke out.

"It's great to be young and full of vitality!" Milin said with emotion, holding a glass of raisin water in his hand.

I couldn't find wolfberry, so I used raisins instead. Anyway, the color was different.

"You say it in such an old-fashioned way, as if you are very old." "Really old man" Ella, who was also holding a glass of raisin water, complained next to her.

"Yes, I will always be seventeen years old." Milin said as he drank up the raisin water in the cup.

"Zero doesn't know how many months, right?" Ella, who immediately guessed the second half of Milin's sentence, took the empty water glass from Milin's hand and asked: "Would you like to add some other dried fruits?"

"Do you have any Coca-Cola?" Since being young means pursuing something youthful, Milin suddenly missed the Coca-Cola specially supplied by the US military during World War II that he drank on that miniature World War battlefield.

"...I can't get that kind of cola." To be precise, if Ella did get it, she would probably be beaten to death by Gray Wind.

You must know that the raw materials used in that version of Coca-Cola are in line with the correct translation of its name.

"That's right." Although the "special effects" of those raw materials will not affect Milin's body, if Ella really does it, even if she won't be beaten, she will be complained about.

"I still remember that the encyclopedia I read when I was a child mentioned that the original Coca-Cola was accidentally mismixed as a headache medicine, but the book did not tell me what medicine people used to relieve pain at that time." recalled. Yonebayashi sighed with some childhood memories.

"In fact, until now, as long as the painkillers that act on the nervous system have not changed much." Ella, who knew what Milin was talking about, also sighed together.

"So no more Coke, come to Sprite!" Milin said.

Compared with the mysterious formula of Coca-Cola, Sprite is much simpler. It is just a very simple carbonated sugar water with some flavoring added.


Within a few minutes, Ella had finished two large glasses of Sprite, and she and Milin drank one cup each.

"Authentic..." After taking a sip, Milin felt the pleasure of dopamine secretion brought about by the extraordinary stimulation, and gave Ella a thumbs up.

As a "big shot" who has seen the Coke formulas of past generations with his own eyes, Ella accepted Milin's praise with peace of mind and asked:

"So, Admiral, are you planning to write an entire encyclopedia into the brain chip for the residents of this world?"

"It's not just an encyclopedia." Milin said.

According to Milin's vision, after installing this kind of brain chip, everyone can not only become a qualified engineer, but also a researcher who masters cutting-edge technology, and can also serve as a researcher after certain training. A soldier, an officer or even a general.

Milin is not very interested in specialized knowledge instillation. Wanting all of them is the right choice.

"The best result is that even if only one person wanders alone in a certain world, as long as there is enough time, a civilization can be built." Milin thought about the future that sounded very bright.

"It feels a little too random," Ella said.

According to Ella's vision, this kind of brain chip that can instill memories does not require encyclopedia-style writing of knowledge.

Specialized knowledge is written based on what everyone likes, or after certain tests are conducted to determine what is suitable for certain people.

And in this way, the social division of labor can be clarified and rule can be better maintained.

"Then is there a cyberpunk version of the caste system? Are people who specialize in engineers divided into the Karai class, the Templar class that specializes in combat, and the Archon class as the ruling class?" Milin smiled. asked Ella.

"Admiral, are you talking about the protoss in StarCraft?" Of course, Ella had been exposed to StarCraft, the first game that appeared before the millennium.

"Don't you think the suggestion you just made is very similar to that race of gods? Although in the second part, the name of that race was changed to Protoss." Milin said to Ella.

"Is there actually a second part?" Ella was immediately concerned about what Milin said. Then she thought about Milin's words and said, "Admiral, are you worried about the solidification of classes? This will lead to the overall rigidity of society? In fact, there is nothing to worry about. After all, you and Gray Wind are here, the admiral, and the social system with clear division of labor is very suitable for serving powerful rule."

Systematically artificially dividing social classes and clarifying social division of labor can indeed tap into the development potential of society as a whole within a certain period of time.

However, this same solidified social division of labor can also cause institutional rigidity, and it is easy to lose initiative.

Once it becomes invincible within its field of vision, it will immediately become a stagnant holy power and become a fallen empire like StarCraft Protoss.

Unless there is a powerful enough opponent to reawaken the fallen empire...and that's before being beaten to death by this powerful opponent.

Or there is a powerful ruler who has enough vision and can continue to maintain this vision, leading civilization forward from beginning to end.

For such rulers, the greatest role of civilization itself is as a handy tool.

"Do you just trust me that much?" Milin asked Ella with a smile.

"Only in terms of trusting you, Admiral, there is no difference between me and your ship girls." Ella said words that sounded quite fanatical in a very calm tone.

For Ella and the ship girls in the port area, trusting Mirin has become a part of daily life.

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