What exactly is Sanity Fluid is a very mysterious thing even to the academic masters of Terra World in Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company.

The mystery lies in the fact that Dr. Kelsey, who is in charge of the sanity fluid, prohibits any Rhode Island operator from touching the sanity fluid, let alone stealing some for research.

But without a bit of enterprising and adventurous spirit, you will never become a world-class academic master.

After paying the price of taking care of the leftover Hibiscus nutritional meals in the cafeteria and watching the sunrise with Dr. Warfarin, the academic masters of Rhode Island also obtained some sanity fluid.

However, in their research on what Sanity Liquid is, the only common conclusion is that Sanity Liquid tastes good, sour, sweet, spicy, and quite refreshing.

Apart from this, there are no valuable conclusions, as if it is just a refreshing drink specially used by doctors.

But if it is just a refreshing drink, should Dr. Kelsey issue a ban? ...Besides, isn’t this thing injected?

More importantly, Dr. Warfarin, as the top troublemaker in Rhode Island, always keeps a certain distance from things like sanity fluid.

Due to Dr. Kelsey's ban, Dr. Warfarin's attitude, and the fact that only the doctor can use it, what exactly is Sanity Fluid has become a big mystery in the minds of medical operators in Rhode Island.

Even the robot that claimed to be used for navigation explained the functions of Sanity Liquid and even advertised various flavors of Sanity Liquid.

However, these medical operators' doubts about the sanity fluid not only did not decrease, but actually increased.

Is multidimensional travel the kind of multidimensional travel mentioned in science fiction stories? What is Gapari Zoo? What are the doctors and Dr. Kelsey talking about? Why is the map projected by that robot so strange?

Doubts turned into doubts. When Milin suddenly lost consciousness and fell into Amiya's arms, his worry about the doctor instantly overwhelmed all his thoughts.

The medical cadres who had been serving as the background of the picture rushed forward immediately, carried Milin back to the hospital bed with the most professional professionalism, and at the same time connected all the monitoring equipment that could be connected as quickly as possible.

This time, there was no unknown force that prevented the injection of the syringe. The orange sanity liquid, which was the same as fruit orange, was slowly injected into Milin's body through the instrument.

The various physical indicators on the monitoring equipment that those with a little medical knowledge would have thought would be imminent quickly returned to normal after the injection of rational fluid.

However, just when the medical operators breathed a sigh of relief, Dr. Kelsey, who was standing by to comfort Amiya, suddenly focused his eyes and said loudly:

"Stop them!"

After being reminded by Dr. Kelsey, the medical operators who had just breathed a sigh of relief noticed that the hospital bed where Milin was lying suddenly became pitch black, as if a layer of thick ink had been splashed on it.

Milin, who was lying on the dark ink, was slowly falling into the ink.

"???" The medical operators who were very familiar with what this ink was had several rows of question marks in their minds.

Doubts turned into doubts, and the medical operators who acted without hesitation immediately activated their Origin Stone skills. For a while, the painting style was still normal, but the real medical room became transformed due to the light and shadow effects brought by various Origin Stone skills. Become magical.

However, these intertwined Origin Stone skills did not stop Milin's sinking, but instead became faster and faster.

Almost in the blink of an eye, most of Milin's body had sunk into the rich ink.

Seeing that it was too late to use other Origin Stone techniques to prevent Milin from sinking, Amiya rushed forward decisively, grabbed Milin's arm, and seemed to want to use physical means to force Milin out of the ink.

"Ouch!" Just when Amiya caught Milin, Lapland, who was squeezed out of the circle by a group of medical operators, howled, jumped over the top of the medical operator's head, and pounced on Milin. On Lin.

Perhaps Lapland's idea, like Amiya's, was to use physical means to pull Milin out.

But judging from the results, Lapland's behavior just helped the other party.

Milin, with Lapland lying on his body, sank into the ink with a pop due to the doubled weight, and Amiya, who was holding Milin's arm, was also dragged in.

When the dark and rich ink swallowed all the three of Milin, they immediately disappeared without a trace, leaving only a group of medical operators messy in the wind.

"Frame!" The door to the medical room was pushed open by Mon3tr, and an angry Kelsey followed Mon3tr and walked out of the medical room.

The Rhode Island operators who were waiting at the door of the medical room were startled, carrying cakes, chessboards, bouquets, and apple pies.

Originally, these operators, who had no medical qualifications and could only wait at the door, planned to ask the doctor about his current condition as soon as Kelsey or other medical operators came out.

However, when faced with Kelsey, who did not hide her anger gauge at full capacity, no operator dared to approach and ask what happened.

Immediately afterwards, these operators saw other medical operators walking out of the medical room.

Although these medical operators did not have angry faces like Kelsey, and even a certain blood demon doctor had a suppressed smile, they all had their "weapons" in their hands and looked like they were looking for a fight. look.

Now the question is, what kind of enemy did Rhode Island encounter that required all medical operators to take up arms and mobilize?

Are we going to attack Victoria, the most powerful country in Terra?

The feud between Victoria Regent Tracy and Rhode Island is a secret known to everyone on Terra.

But looking at Kelsey, it didn't look like she was gathering the operators to start a scene with Traces. Instead, she looked like she was about to hang someone on the bridge.

The confused operators all turned their attention to Warfarin, who was walking behind Kelsey with other medical operators.

Warfarin, who felt uncomfortable being stared at by this kind of gaze, took out her personal terminal and sent a message to another Rhode Island operator who was also a Blood Demon clan member.

A few seconds later, all those in Rhode Island who were working overtime, resting, exercising, and going to the kitchen to steal something to eat, all received a group text message from Kelu Xier:

"There's a mole! The doctor is attacked! Block the entire island!"

The text message also thoughtfully included the location of the mole operator’s dormitory.

Probably because this operator usually stayed at home and had a very thin sense of presence. Many operators only realized which operator had the courage to attack the doctor after being reminded by others.

By the time everyone figured out what was going on... or at least who the villain was, Kelsey and a group of medical operators were followed by a large group of people.

The scene felt like a hot-blooded Rhode Island...that is, not all of these operators wanted to beat up the mole, most of them just wanted to go with him.

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