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Chapter 313 Bidding Fair

After New Year's Day, the bidding for demolition and renovation projects will begin.

Li Manjun and Zhao Yong went together. They met Mr. Qiu at the entrance of the bidding hotel and entered the venue together.

Although they already knew the results of this bidding meeting in advance, before the official announcement, the three of them could not relax and were worried that something might happen midway.

The tender will be held in a semi-public format, with materials prepared by each company submitted and reviewed by the organizer on site. After final deliberation, the results will be announced in public.

In the middle, there will be a question and answer session, and Mr. Qiu and Zhao Yong tacitly chose Li Manjun as the spokesperson.

Many of the opponents were familiar faces. Li Manjun took a cursory glance and found that except for one from out of town, the rest were all members of the Rongcheng Chamber of Commerce.

Seeing that Li Manjun was always paying attention to other competitors, Mr. Qiu came over and whispered: "Don't worry, we are safe."

Li Manjun nodded slightly, picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip of water. He smiled at Zhao Yong and waited for the question and answer session.

Each company's information was handed in, and the organizer's staff looked at it one by one and asked each one.

Li Manjun felt quite stressed after hearing the answers from other families.

However, we are not people who have never seen big scenes. Finally, it was our turn. Li Manjun stood up and answered the organizer's questions as a representative of the three cooperation companies.

Li Manjun was highly involved in preparing the information. The final information was compiled by Steve and the manager of Qiu Headquarters. Therefore, Li Manjun did not say that he understood the information 100%, but he knew 95% of it.

You have to go through the process that needs to be done, but you can't go too far. At least you have to give your opponent the feeling that it's normal for you to win.

Fortunately, Li Manjun's staying up late the night before had a remarkable effect, and the question and answer session was performed normally, attracting a lot of attention.

Some company CEOs who recognized Mr. Qiu were amazed: "Old Qiu, such an important link is actually handed over to a young man. It seems that this young man is not simple."

The secretary next to him answered in a low voice: "I started out by collecting garbage. I'm lucky and I'm getting bigger and bigger. I just joined the Chamber of Commerce at the end of last year. I heard that I'm planning to compete for the Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce this year."

The boss smiled contemptuously. If it weren't for the correct policy, the candidate for the vice chairman of the chamber of commerce must have a female member. How could a woman be elected as the vice chairman of the chamber of commerce?

"Choose one of the three. So what if the competition comes? A woman will eventually return to her family. I think the young man next to her is quite good. He seems to be a man of means."

The secretary choked. He was just sitting there, not doing anything, not even saying a word. How did he know that he was capable?

If the other party wasn't his boss, the secretary would really like to say, boss, don't be too outrageous.

After the question and answer session, the organizers stepped down from the stage and moved to the next door conference room for final results evaluation.

The host came up with a smile and asked the bosses to go to the teahouse next door to rest and wait.

"Let's go, I've been sitting all morning and my old back is so sore that I have to get up and walk around." Mr. Qiu greeted Li Manjun and his wife, holding his waist and saying with a wry smile.

The couple motioned for him to stretch his waist first, while they took a step back.

Mr. Qiu guessed that the couple had something to talk about, so he glanced at the two of them ambiguously, held his waist and went out.

Li Manjun and Zhao Yong waited until everyone in the venue was almost gone before slowly walking out.

"You want to compete for the vice chairman of the Chamber of Commerce?" Zhao Yong asked in a low voice with interest.

It turned out that he had heard what those people were talking about behind their backs just now.

Of course Li Manjun also heard people discussing her behind her back, but she was used to it. Those bosses in the chamber of commerce didn't talk too much when they met the female members that time?

"Did you hear that?"

Zhao Yong nodded, "But I also heard what Mr. Qiu said. He saw the application materials you submitted. You didn't even tell me about it. I am your husband, and I was the last one to know."

Li Manjun said with a smile: "Didn't you also submit the application materials? Mr. Qiu also told me about it when he saw it, but you didn't tell me either."

Besides, she had already guessed that Zhao Yong would definitely know as soon as she handed over the information.

Because Mr. Qiu, the old vice president, is responsible for submitting the materials for this membership application.

The original Rongcheng Chamber of Commerce had a president and three vice presidents. Because it was only in the past two years that the chamber of commerce was officially incorporated into the organization and managed by industrial and commercial, government and other agencies, the various systems were only completed this year.

There is only one president, but there can be multiple vice presidents, and they must account for 10% of the total number of people in the chamber of commerce.

There are now more than 40 people in the Chamber of Commerce, and three more places have been added.

Moreover, due to various policy issues, at least one or more women must be in charge.

There are currently four women in the chamber of commerce. Shirley Zhong has given up without submitting materials. That is a 33% chance. Li Manjun will not be able to accept this probability if he does not apply.

"It's you, there are only two spots left, the competition is too fierce." Li Manjun teased her husband.

Zhao Yong shook his head and smiled bitterly, "You have already applied, so of course I can't fall behind."

Although the probability is not high, you have to think differently.

They are a couple, so wouldn't the combined probability of having sex together be greater than others?

When Li Manjun heard Zhao Yong's idea, he couldn't help laughing, "Well, what you said makes sense."

The couple smiled at each other tacitly and ate some desserts and fruits in the lounge. After sitting there for about twenty minutes, the host came over and called everyone in to announce the final results.

The most tense moment came. On the surface, Mr. Qiu looked as stable as an old dog, but in fact, he had already finished half a pot of tea.

On the other hand, Zhao Yong and Li Manjun were already prepared for the worst, but they were not as nervous as they imagined.

The organizer's evaluators handed the results to the host. Under the intense gaze of everyone, the host opened the envelope and read out the results.

When I heard the words "Qiu Steel, Greenman, and Junda have jointly obtained qualifications for demolition and renovation projects," a sigh of disappointment erupted in the venue.

Knowing each other, he stood up and said congratulations politely, turned around and left.

It wasn't until this moment that Li Manjun really let go of his breath. The three of them calmly stepped forward, took the list, and said some words, and the bidding meeting ended successfully.

The rest of the process cannot be completed in a short while and requires registration and review.

Registration is to register qualifications, and audit is to review finances.

Although the financial aspect has been included in the submitted materials before, when the actual operation is carried out, the investigation will be more careful to ensure that the capital chain is sufficient to avoid the situation of being unable to dismantle half of the project and running away.

The three of them were busy until the government staff got off work. They hadn't finished the registration yet and had to come back tomorrow morning.

However, the person does not have to be present at the time and can be handed over to the client.

For this purpose, Li Manjun specially recruited new employees and set up a demolition and renovation project team.

Now the three of them are not in a hurry to go home, but go to the hotel they booked in advance to discuss how to divide the land.

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