Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 140 The courier appears

Li Manjun thought about it for a long time, and suddenly realized that he didn't even know what Shirley Zhong was doing.

It seemed a bit rash to ask Shirley Zhong directly. After thinking about it, Li Manjun dialed Wen Yufeng's home phone number.

The person who answered the phone was Wen Yufeng's mother-in-law. The young people in the family were at work, the children were in school, and only the old man was at home.

Li Manjun asked the elderly man to help tell Wen Yufeng and ask her to call him back when she has time after get off work.

The afternoon passed in a blink of an eye. Around five o'clock, the store was busy for a while. They were all scavengers who came to sell scraps. They stayed at the garbage dump all day long. After accumulating enough, they were basically there between 4:30 and 5 o'clock. Send it during this time.

Nowadays, the prices of several recycling stations in the city are about the same. The crazy days a year ago are long gone. They just go to whichever one is closest.

However, there are also many old customers who insist on delivering goods to the Greenman recycling station because the boss will give them an extra two cents.

This small trick has left many stable sellers for Li Manjun's store.

Yao Zhaowen was told to tell the steel mills in neighboring provinces that there would be no scrap steel slag next month, and Li Manjun took his bag and went home from get off work.

After driving the car back to the parking lot and parking it, Zhao Yong sat in the office and waited for her to come over. When his wife came back, he was happy to get off work and the couple went back together.

Zhao Yong suggested that they go shopping together and seemed to be in a very good mood.

Li Manjun asked funnyly: "What good thing is there?"

The husband and wife have been together for so long, and some of their little thoughts and tricks cannot be hidden from each other. With Zhao Yong's appearance, it is obvious that something good has happened.

Zhao Yong originally wanted to talk about it when he went home, but Li Manjun asked and took advantage of the situation and said:

"Jiang Yu is back from Dongshi. Yesterday afternoon, he spent 15 yuan on a train ticket to send the customs declaration form to Dongshi overnight. He took the train back this morning and delivered two customs declaration forms in one trip. After excluding the fare, he made a net profit of 70 yuan. piece!"

Two orders are one hundred and forty yuan, and in just a short time, there is no need to work hard to load the goods and carry bags, and there is no need to worry about the car breaking down in the scorching sun and cold wind and not being able to deliver the goods to the employer on time.

"The company over at the department store said we were so fast. They even sent us the next batch of customs declaration forms. They gave us a name. What do you think it's called?"

"What?" Li Manjun asked curiously while looking at the dishes.

"A courier can send the order to the customs for review very quickly, so he is a courier."

Zhao Yong felt that this name was very suitable, and decided that the personnel responsible for delivering customs declaration forms would be called couriers in the future.

Li Manjun was startled, courier?

She hadn't heard this title for a long time.

In fact, last year Zhao Yong paid a lot of attention to the many foreign trade companies that had recently moved into the Rongcheng Department Store, but so many things happened during this period that he was unable to take action.

As the foreign trade business in Haishi became more and more popular, the foreign trade merchants in Rongcheng followed suit. This year, the foreign trade business in Dongshi also started.

The cost of opening a company in Dongshi is relatively high, so most of these foreign trade companies choose Rongcheng, not far from Dongshi, to establish their companies.

Zhao Yong has been keeping an eye on these foreign trade companies since 1990. It was not until early September this year that he made up his mind to contact these foreign trade companies.

The reason is that he found that the document delivery service of traditional post offices is particularly slow, and the customs declaration forms of foreign trade companies have extremely time limits. After a certain period of time, they will lose their effect and need to be reapplied.

However, the post office has not officially adjusted document-related mails yet, and documents are still delivered at the same speed as before.

If I'm lucky, it will arrive in five or six days. If I'm not lucky, it won't be delivered for a month.

So, the foreign trade company took over the task of transporting documents. One hundred yuan for each order, just one request, fast, very fast!

This news was released in mid-September. Many people didn't know yet. Employees of foreign trade companies would ask their relatives or friends to help deliver it.

Zhao Yong had been eyeing the foreign trade company for a long time. As soon as he got the news, he took Jiang Yu to the door as soon as possible.

After receiving two orders, each worth 100 yuan, Jiang Yu immediately took the nearest train to Dongshi and arrived at Dongshi at night. The customs declaration form was delivered to him as soon as the customs opened the next day.

As soon as the people from the foreign trade company entered the office, the approval from the customs over there came down. The speed was so fast that it was almost ecstatic.

Zhao Yong has been discussing with these two foreign trade companies all day today to contract all the customs declaration transportation services of the two companies.

Because of Jiang Yu's strength, the conversation went smoothly. He is also planning to continue to contact other foreign trade companies and plan to eat the customs declaration forms for the entire building.

This is much more profitable than shipping goods, as only one person can complete many orders at the same time.

Now Zhao Yong is going to let Jiang Yu be responsible for the customs declaration line alone. Jiang Yu is a bit educated and flexible, so he would not be at ease with someone else.

"It went so well, and I have to thank you. Tell me what you want to eat tonight, and I'll cook it for you." Zhao Yong rolled up his sleeves and pointed at the entire vegetable market, letting Li Manjun pick whatever he wanted.

Li Manjun couldn't help but laugh. After thinking about it, he pointed to the pond in front where the fish was sold, "Then make me a steamed fish. I want the biggest one."

Zhao Yong gestured with three fingers and said, "OK!"

"You're too foreign." Li Manjun couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Yongfei raised his thick eyebrows, "That's right, I'm also going to sign up for a foreign language class. Don't you know that the customers in their company are all foreigners, speaking Japanese, English, German, and I don't know what language they are. Yes, they won’t understand a word of Mandarin you speak to them anyway.”

Zhao Yong leaned close to his wife's ear and whispered: "The locals speak dialects, and they laugh when they curse, hahahaha!"

Li Manjun slapped him in the face speechlessly, "You've gotten carried away with your pride."

"By the way, what are you thanking me for for the business you negotiated?" She didn't help him negotiate the business, nor did she remind him of anything.

In Li Manjun's view, Zhao Yong seized all this information and opportunities himself.

Glancing at the tall man who was as happy as a child, her eyes became softer and softer. She had a pretty good eye for choosing her husband.

Zhao Yong took the fishing net handed over by the boss and picked up the biggest and fattest fish, and asked the boss to weigh it. He turned to Li Manjun, who was standing aside to avoid the fishy smell, and said seriously:

"If you hadn't reminded me at that time and asked me to follow the rules and follow the formal route, these two foreign trade companies would not have immediately agreed to hand over all the customs declaration forms to me today."

And these, if Li Manjun hadn't reminded him, he might think of it at some point in the future, but it would definitely not be during these chaotic and confusing two years.

Because of the foundation laid last year, the rules and regulations were relatively complete, and the reputation of the newspaper in June, other people who wanted to get involved were kicked out by Junda Freight before they even entered the game.

Zhao Yong sighed again: "My wife, you still have the foresight. I want to learn from you in this regard."

Zhao Yong has no awkwardness at all as a grown man lowers his head to learn from a woman, he is just afraid that his wife will leave him behind.

Li Manjun is already in her second year of junior high school. According to this trend, next September, she will be a junior college student.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yong suddenly felt a little pressure to study.

This time when he enrolls in a foreign language class, he must study hard. If we cannot catch up with him in terms of academic qualifications, he must have an advantage in terms of language!

Li Manjun encouraged him to study hard and teach himself after he learned it. "Maybe I will do business with foreigners in the future."

"By the way, which language do you plan to learn?" Li Manjun asked with a smile.

Zhao Yong hissed, he had to think about this issue carefully.

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