Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 130 Water accumulation

"It's raining so hard, is it okay if the car is parked downstairs?" Li Manjun asked worriedly.

The wind outside made the windows bang. Fortunately, Zhao Yong only nailed the windows again after the new year, otherwise he would not be able to stop the strong wind now.

Li Manjun turned his head and glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was four fifteen in the morning.

Zhao Yong closed the curtains and walked to the bed to get his clothes. While putting them on, he said uneasily: "You continue to sleep and cover yourself with a quilt so you don't catch a cold. I'll go downstairs and take a look."

Li Manjun pointed to the living room, "There is a raincoat behind the door."

"I know, I'll move the car and come back." Turning around and touching his wife's cheek, Zhao Yong put on his raincoat, rain boots, and went out with a flashlight.

It was said that the moving car would be back soon, but Li Manjun had not come back after waiting for more than ten minutes.

Big raindrops beat on the eaves and awnings, like beating drums, making people upset.

The parking lot of Junda Freight was full of water. Zhao Yong drove his car in and parked it on a slightly higher ground. When the car lights were turned on, the water in the low-lying part of the parking lot was almost up to his lower legs.

Especially the dormitory, because it was renovated from a warehouse, the terrain is relatively low, and the rainwater flows in front of the dormitory door. The drainage ditch at the door also opened up, and seeped into the dormitory little by little.

At this time, the company employees were resting in the dormitory, and they didn't know that water had flooded in. Zhao Yong only felt lucky that he came to take a look. If they woke up tomorrow, the dormitory would be flooded.

Zhao Yong woke up the employees, checked the drainage ditch, and told everyone to take precautions. Finally, he surrounded the warehouse door with bricks to block water, and then he went home.

Li Manjun had already slept in a daze. When Zhao Yong went to bed, he only felt a cold air next to him and shivered from the cold.

Zhao Yong hurriedly stepped aside, tucked her in, and then fell asleep.

At around seven o'clock, the couple was woken up by the noise in the corridor.

When Zhao Yong went to park the car in the early morning, the water on the ground downstairs was okay, only covering the top of his feet, which was normal.

But it has only been more than two hours, and the water downstairs has reached the calfs. The children who are going to school in the building are crying.

"The teacher will scold me for being late!" Wu Guo stood at the top of the stairs and stamped his feet anxiously. The water downstairs was so deep that his pants would get wet when he got down.

The rain did not let up because of the dawn. As soon as the umbrella was opened, it felt like it would be blown askew. Wu Guo did not dare to get the school uniform wet, so Wu Guo had to retreat to the corridor.

The two sons of the Sun family also stood in the corridor with their father, looking at the pouring rain outside, secretly hoping that their parents could help ask for leave for the teacher today.

It would be great if I didn’t have to go to school!

Soon, people who had to go to work and open shops were all crowded in the corridor.

Grandma Qiao was worried about her barber shop and wanted to go out wearing her raincoat and boots. Brother Sun quickly pulled the old lady back and said, "Don't run around, the water is deep here!"

"Oh, the batch of goods that I just brought into the store is still thrown on the ground. The water so deep must have flowed in and got wet!" Granny Qiao was extremely worried.

Finally, with the persuasion of the neighbors, the water did not flow over.

Neighbors were blocked in the corridor, lamenting that such heavy rain had rarely been seen in decades.

Li Manjun and his wife washed up and prepared to go to work, but they were also blocked at the entrance of the corridor.

A taxi passed by and the water splashed three meters high. The Sun family, father and son, who were approaching the street, hurriedly backed away.

"I'm going to die!" Brother Sun cursed angrily.

"Dad, you will definitely be late today." The eldest son of the Sun family wrinkled his face, feeling helpless.

The younger son pretended to be sad and held his father's hand, "Dad, please call the teacher to ask for leave. Just say that our house is flooded and we can't go to school."

Sister-in-law Sun hurried downstairs with two pairs of rain boots. When she heard her son's words, she felt a shudder on the back of his head, "I want to ask for leave every day, but if I keep doing this, I will fail the midterm exam."

"Put on your shoes and ask your dad to push the bike out and push you to school."

Brother Sun was about to cry, but for the sake of his children's study, he still pushed the bicycle out. His two sons helped him sit on the bicycle while he stood and pushed.

"I'll call Yao Zhaowen." Li Manjun walked upstairs and called the store in the aisle to ask Yao Zhaowen about the situation in the store.

"It's okay for us. Wang Dasheng and I saw that the rain was too heavy last night, so we have already moved the cardboard boxes to the warehouse. Our terrain is relatively high and there is no water accumulation."

"But the road outside is full of yellow mud. I'm afraid it's not easy to walk. Boss, why don't you wait until the rain stops? Wang Dasheng and I are watching in the store."

Li Manjun asked the two of them to be careful and prepare more candles, in case there would be no calls at night.

It rained so hard that many places in the city were without power, and now it's still raining, so repair crews can't go out to make repairs.

Li Manjun was originally going to Zhu Yaowei's factory to collect scrap steel slag today, so he had to call him again to explain.

"When the rain stops, I will contact the master immediately to come and take him away."

It was a trivial matter. Zhu Yaowei didn't say anything and asked her about the situation in the city.

"I'm doing fine here." Li Manjun replied.

"Previously, the weather news was talking about the emergence of abnormal El Niño airflow and continuous heavy rain in the central and southern parts. I'm afraid this rain is not that simple. You should pay more attention."

After saying that, Zhu Yaowei hung up the phone. He was also very busy over there. The factory had restarted and there were many things to do.

Zhao Yong went downstairs and took a look at the company. The car and people were fine, but there was still a cart of bricks waiting to be delivered. However, it was not safe to go out now. Zhao Yong made many phone calls in the office to explain to customers.

He also told the team members to pay attention to waterproofing in time, and then returned home despite being covered in rain.

Li Manjun boiled hot water on the stove, Zhao Yong took half a bucket of water from a bucket, mixed it with half a pot of boiling water, wiped the room, washed his head, and put on dry clothes.

The breakfast shop downstairs still insisted on keeping its doors open. The steps in their shop were high enough to prevent water from getting in. Li Manjun made two bowls of rice noodles and came back to eat.

The couple ate rice noodles while turning on the radio to receive the latest news reports.

After resting for a long time, the call came in the afternoon, and the rain became much lighter, it was just a drizzle.

When you turn on the TV, you will see that meteorological experts are talking about El Niño and urging residents to prepare for power and water outages.

Zhao Yong immediately went out and bought a lot of candles.

At night, the power went out again, and the rain kept falling, stopping for a short time from time to time, for more than half a month.

Experts say this year's precipitation in central and southern China has been several times higher than in previous years, making it very dangerous.

The situation in Rongcheng is not very optimistic. The deepest water accumulation is 1.2 meters, and residents rely on boating to travel.

Li Manjun only went to the store twice during this period and came back covered in mud.

It was raining heavily and there was not much business in the store. Yao Zhaowen and Wang Dashengquan thought it was a holiday. They were quite optimistic. They listened to the radio tape and felt very relaxed.

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