Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 14 Mizuno-kun is...

"Mizuno-kun, I've already washed your shirt..." At the door was Umibusa, who was holding the school uniform Mizuno Sora took off yesterday in her arms, "It was soaked in cold salt water, and the blood stains were no longer visible."

Unexpectedly, it was Kaibusha standing outside the door. Sora Mizuno remembered that he had not told Kaibusha his address, but he was relieved after thinking about it for a while. When he registered for part-time work, he left his mobile phone number and Home address.

"Thank you very much. If you don't mind Kaibe, please come in." Sora Mizuno said hesitantly, "The room is a bit messy and crowded, so please don't laugh."

Standing at the entrance, Haibusha habitually wanted to take off her shoes, Mizuno Sora smiled apologetically: "It's better not to take off your shoes, the floor is a bit dirty."

The floor was indeed a bit dirty, and there was a small entrance in this small rental house of twenty square meters. From the entrance to the place where the tatami mats were placed, there were seven or eight square meters of debris piled up, and the floor hadn't been wiped for a long time.

These are the things left by the original owner's sloppy life. Although there is no foul-smelling kitchen waste, there are a lot of waste paper and packaging boxes.

A small mountain of garbage formed.

After Mizuno Sora crossed over, he didn't add any new garbage, but he didn't clean it up either. He was a little ashamed in his heart. Before, he had been using the excuses of exercising and learning knowledge for not cleaning up, but after being seen by others, those excuses They are self-defeating.

But in fact, it is laziness, and now it is exposed in front of others, which is the result of my own laziness.

He doesn't want to make excuses for his laziness in front of others, such as being too busy and not having time to clean, as long as he has the heart, no matter how busy he is, he can find time to clean.

Haibusha heaved a sigh of relief, a slight smile appeared on her face, and then quickly lowered her head: "Mizu... Mizuno-kun, let me clean the room for you."

It turns out that Mizuno is not perfect in all aspects, and he is also a person who can't take care of himself in daily life. After discovering Mizuno Sora's shortcomings, Kaibusha felt a little bit secretly happy. She found that the distance between Mizuno Sora and herself seemed to be getting closer, and they were no longer so far away.

"Let's go together, I'm ashamed to let you see this mess." Someone was willing to clean it up for him, and Sora Mizuno picked up two bags of garbage first.

Haibusha leaned on the broom and nodded happily.

"Then I'm going to take out the trash."

Island countries have garbage collection days, and each community has a different time, such as what kind of garbage is collected from Monday to Wednesday, and what kind of garbage is collected at other times, and the details of garbage classification are also very detailed.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a high-quality performance. In fact, this is also the result of the harsh laws promulgated by the island government many years ago. The garbage pile is full, and after long-term moral persuasion has no effect, relevant laws are simply promulgated.

Although there are fewer examples of being sentenced to prison for littering things in modern society, news of fines is still common.

Today is Saturday, and the garbage in Mizuno's empty room happens to be in the recycling category.

Haibusha happily moved piles of garbage and put them at the entrance. They were all light paper or plastic, and they needed to be stacked separately.

The temperature in spring in the island country is suitable, and there is not much precipitation. It is the best time of the year, and it is the annual cherry blossom front line in March and April.

"These are the textbooks for the first year of high school. They can't be thrown away. They should be placed on Mizuno-kun's coffee table."

After Mizuno went down to take out the garbage, Kaibusa was as happy as an elf in the small room, tidying up here and cleaning there.

It was the first time for her to go to the boy's room, and it was Mizuno Sora's room. Just standing still on the floor, her heart was pounding.

It turns out that Mizuno-kun is just like the ordinary boys mentioned on TV. The room is messy, and these textbooks cannot be thrown away casually. Unlike myself who is not going to college, Mizuno-kun will definitely go to a very good university in the future. A mediocre person like myself must not be admitted to university, and the cost of going to university is too high...

Speaking of which, Mizuno-kun's family situation seems to be not good, but there seems to be scholarship loans in the university, but others say that scholarship loans will drag students down for several years after graduation. In fact, the income from the store can also support Mizuno-kun to finish college. If Mizuno-kun can't apply for a free bursary, please help Mizuno-kun, but I don't know if my mother will agree.

Haibu Sae, who was thinking about other things, was not slow in her movements. The books piled up on the ground had been almost cleaned up by him. She found that besides textbooks, Mizuno-kun also likes to read anime weekly magazines, and...

Kaibu tremblingly picked up a magazine on the ground.

The cover of the magazine is full of anime girls, and some anime monthly magazines are written prominently. It is a thick pile, with a thickness of several hundred pages, and it is very heavy to start with. Haibu had seen this kind of magazines in convenience stores, but she walked quickly with her head down.

Throwing away the book like an electric shock, Haibu quickly picked it up again, at a loss as to what to do.

Should it be placed in the pile of packed books, or should it be stuffed in the corner pretending not to see it.

"Ah, ah." She stuffed the magazine under the bed indiscriminately, but as if it was a chain reaction, after finding this magazine, Haibusha found other magazines on the floor one after another.

There are anime and realistic photos.

The photo girls are all hot, and they all have black long straight hairstyles.

Eight out of ten books have this hairstyle, and there is even a bound volume that contains an entire book of girls with the same hairstyle.

Yuan, so Mizuno-kun likes girls with this hairstyle? Haibusha's thoughts just turned in her mind, and the door was suddenly opened.

"Ah." She was so frightened that she sat up from the ground.

"Water, water, water, Mizuno-kun."

"What's the matter, Haibu?" Why did she stutter worse after going out to take out the garbage?

Seeing Haibusha's appearance, Mizuno Sora was stunned for a moment. Now she was so red that she was about to evaporate, her neck was full of red, and the tall figure of about 1.65 meters was shaking violently, with her hands behind her back, as if There was a faint cry of mourning.

She stepped back slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed, and the book behind her fell to the ground.

The cover of the book is so conspicuous, like a dazzling diamond in the monotonous room, and after falling to the ground, it rolled forward a few times spiritually and stopped in front of Sora Mizuno.


A gust of wind blew outside the window and turned the pages of the magazine.

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