Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 96 I feel the same way

"Hey, I still feel a bit reluctant to let go, so I just sent my child to Russia? I'll be thousands of miles away from home all of a sudden, and I won't be able to come back even once a year. What should I do?"

Lao Liu's mother said reluctantly.

Although their family came today with 300,000 in cash, they were a little hesitant when things came to a close.

"What are boys afraid of? You should go out and explore the world while you are young. What can you do if you stay at home all day long?" His father thought reasonably.

However, there are not many parents who think the same as Lao Liu’s mother.

Although I also want my child to study abroad and see the world, on the other hand, I am worried that my child will not adapt after going there, or will get sick or have some problems. It will be troublesome for the family to go and visit.

This is no different than at home.

If you are in China, even if you go to the capital city to study at university, your family members can immediately buy a plane ticket to take care of you if something happens.

But this is Russia, a foreign country!

It is really not easy to go there, not to mention the expensive travel expenses, just getting a visa is a big hassle.

There was a lot of discussion below, but Wang Ye had already taken the stage.

After taking the microphone handed over by the host and waiting for a few seconds until everyone focused on him, Wang Ye opened his mouth with a smile.

"Uncles, aunts, and fellow students, good morning."

"My name is Wang Ye, and I am a student who just went to Friends University to study abroad this year. At this time last year, like everyone else, I was sitting in the high school classroom, waiting for the college entrance examination to come."

In just two sentences, he narrowed the distance between him and the people in the audience.

Many parents look at Wang Ye at this time as if they were looking at their own children.

The boys and girls in the audience seemed to have seen themselves, and were very interested in learning about Wang Ye's experience as an international student.

After a pause, Wang Ye put away the smile on his face and said in a serious tone:

“At that time, although I didn’t seem to have much trouble on the surface, chatting and laughing with my classmates, I didn’t seem to take the upcoming college entrance examination seriously.

But in fact, I was very hesitant inside.

Because I know that in a few months, students in the same class will no longer be on the same path.

My grades are relatively poor, so I definitely won't be able to get into a good university.

So after the college entrance examination, what can I do and what should I do?

I have absolutely no idea the answer to this question.

Maybe it's to work in a factory, or maybe it's to start a small business of your own, set up a stall, or open a store.

And those students with good grades will go to a good university, even a prestigious school like Tsinghua University and Peking University.

One year later, three years, five years later, ten years later...

How should I face my former classmates when they get together again?

They are well-dressed, drive luxury cars, and talk about corporate mergers and acquisitions, overseas travel, and their own big houses in first-tier cities.

What should I say?

Let’s talk about how my breakfast stall is doing well, and the electronics factory’s lunch is cheap and plentiful? …”

Following Wang Ye's description, the boys and girls in the audience couldn't help clenching their fists.

Yes, what Wang Ye is saying now is not what they are thinking now!

After all, they are all senior students in high school, sixteen or seventeen, and they are no longer kids who don't understand anything.

Who hasn’t had visions of their own future?

I'm afraid no one would consider entering an electronics factory or setting up a street stall as their ideal and future...

Wang Ye's words immediately made many people break their guard!

At this moment, Wang Ye suddenly raised his voice, raised his clenched fists, and shouted almost like a roar:

"I do not like this!

I don’t want to live a mediocre life!

I also want to work and live in a big city like the best students, live a glamorous and decent life, and become the envy of others. "

At this moment, Lao Liu felt that his scalp was numb and his body was trembling slightly.

He felt that the words of the senior named Wang Ye on the stage really spoke to his heart!

What young man doesn't yearn for poetry and distant places? He doesn't want to go to the brick kiln to bake bricks every day!

Obviously, there was more than one student in the audience who had the same idea as him. Almost all the boys and girls held their breath and stared at Wang Ye on the stage with wide eyes.

The sense of immersion is so strong...

At this time, Wang Ye lowered his tone and showed a warm smile on his face.

He said slowly:

"I am lucky. Thanks to my parents, they found out about a way to study abroad at their own expense when I was almost desperate.

In fact, my family's financial situation is not very good, and there may still be a big gap compared to the students here.

However, for my ideal, it also affects my future.

Without hesitation, my parents took out all their family savings and borrowed some from relatives and friends to send me to Russia..."

Having said this, Wang Ye's eyes became wet, and he was obviously very grateful to his parents.

At this time, the parents in the audience were moved.

Poor parents in the world!

Every parent is great, and they are really willing to give everything for their children!

Wang Ye's parents were like this, so why are they in the audience now...

Some parents who originally felt that the cost of studying abroad was a bit high and that it would be difficult for their families to bear it now feel a bit ashamed and a bit sorry for their own children...

Look at Wang Ye’s parents, and then compare yourself!

If you don’t grit your teeth and send your child abroad, your child will not have a good future in the future and will probably hate yourself for the rest of his life...

Even if the child is sensible and doesn't hate himself, can he forgive himself?


The feelings were already in place. Next, a smile appeared on Wang Ye's face and his tone became lighter.

“Because I was doing Russian language training in China and the procedures were delayed by an agency, I only came to Moscow in January this year to study in the preparatory class of Friendship University.

Next, I will share with you some of my experiences and experiences in Moscow.

There, you can really experience the so-called internationalization and come into contact with international students from all over the world.

Take my class for example, there are people from Latin America, Africa, Korea and Vietnam!


As he spoke, Wang Ye showed some slides.

A photo appeared on a huge white cloth above the rostrum.

This was something Wang Ye borrowed Lao Zhou's digital camera to take before returning to China.

There are photos of his classmates in the preparatory class.

Of course, the majestic main building of Moscow State University is indispensable.

There are also school dormitories and happy weekend dinners among classmates...

These things have a huge impact on the parents and students in the audience.

Foreign university life is obviously more colorful than domestic university life, and it looks really good...

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