It was a matter of October '93 that public servants and their families were not allowed to do business and were not allowed to hold shares in operating companies, and there was no mandatory requirement at this time in '90, and it was normal and legal to do business and invest.

At the end of '84, that decision was not actually implemented.

took his driver's license, told the matter, and sat with the two big brothers for a while, Zhang Tiejun returned to the hotel, went back to the room and contacted the supplier in Shenyang, and mentioned a mouthful of old goods

, "Don't be too high, it's cheap, just make a profit, come to a batch, get a few hundred pieces first, I'll try, I plan to get a thrift counter later." Sell others for two days first, anyway, this is the standard I said, you have been drawing more in the past few days. "

Naturally, the other side is full of promises, and he will make more money if he takes more goods.

"Tomorrow I can designate that I can arrive, right? It's okay later, it's just opposite the train station, the city hotel, I have booked a few rooms here." I'll give you the money. Zhang Tiejun reported the room number.

This kind of bulk goods of tens of thousands of pieces are to be delivered to the door, and the goods are paid in cash on the spot when they arrive. Of course, you can also take the money to pull, but it is not so convenient, and the shipping cost is higher.

After making the call, Zhang Tiejun leaned on the quilt and took out his driver's license to admire it, and patted it in his hand. In his previous life, he got a B license in ninety-three years, and he didn't add a motorcycle, and later he was cleaned up by the traffic police because he rode a motorcycle.

The driver's license was also cancelled once because of a few years of missing the test in the middle, and as a result, I had to retake the test, and I only got a C1, and I couldn't even drive an RV.

As soon as the door rang, Gu Chunfen stretched out his head and came in to take a look: "What about your sister? Gone

?" Zhang Tiejun glanced at Gu Chunfen with a smile: "Are you jealous?" "

Phew, I'll eat a kiba vinegar, just look at the two of you, there's nothing special about it, it's shameless, you don't care about the old lady in your thirties."

"It's not even thirty, so it's nothing. "

Coax the ghost to go, I'm not blind." Gu Chunfen walked in and closed the door.

"What about Xiaohua and my miss?"

"I went to your aunt's house, Xiaohua said that she wanted to get something, and Sister Xiaoping accompanied her." I don't want to move.

"You don't want to move...... Do you still want to move in a different way

?" "You get out, why don't you die?" Gu Chunfen was annoyed and angry: "I know when you will run back? He

scolded in his mouth, but his body honestly walked to the edge of the bed, and Zhang Tiejun reached out and didn't hide.

It's good to be young.

In the afternoon, the second brother and the five of them didn't know where to go, and they didn't come back until dinner, probably to meet a fellow inmate. Zhang Tiejun didn't mention it or care, he knew the second brother in his heart, and there was nothing wrong with him except fighting.

Nothing was said all night.

On the 20th, the 28th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, it was another sunny day, there were 267 degrees outside at 9 o'clock, the sky was cloudless, and the sun was shining down.

Zhao Weihong helped arrange the signs and newspaper advertisements on his side, and Zhang Tiejun didn't have to worry about anything.

In the past few days, the hired people, as well as Xiaohua and Xiaoping who called over, plus the second brother, the five of them, a total of twenty-eight people, were all waiting at the back door of the hotel, standing on the side of the road and talking quietly.

At about 9:20, a 141 with a tarpaulin in the back compartment of a Shenyang license plate drove over. The goods have arrived.

The owner of the garment factory jumped down from the car with a smile and waved his hand at Zhang Tiejun, and ran over to shake hands: "I've been waiting for Boss Zhang for a long time, I'm too late." "

It's not late, it's only half past nine. Drive the car in, and unload it in this yard. Let's get the goods first, and then chatter after we finish it. "

Okay, then unload it first. Zhang

Tiejun has already agreed with the doorman that the goods will be unloaded into the garage first, and they will be moved to the upper room after picking. The four rooms that were chartered were taken out and one was specially used for stacking goods, and a bed was added to the second brother's room.

In this year, hotels and guest houses can provide extra beds, and they all provide this service, and there are special extra bed prices.

The cart drove into the yard and fell at the door of the garage, and everyone here started to unload the goods in the garage together. The inside of the garage has been cleaned up and covered with cardboard and plastic sheeting. There are many of these things in Zhao Weihong.

When loading, it has been divided into categories, and the bags are played separately, and everyone just needs to stand in two rows and pass it in, in fact, there is nothing to pick and choose.

Speaking of which, it doesn't feel much, a cart of clothes stuffs a garage full, enough to be small 60 cubic meters, more than four tons, and this moving upstairs is also individual work.

Zhang Tiejun smiled bitterly, and finally decided to move the underwear and old goods up, and pile the rest in the garage.

"What's the matter, you still said to go to the edge of the city to find a place to put it," Zhang Tiejun said to Gu Chunfen and Xiaohua: "Look, are you still going to the edge of the city?"

"Why are there so many of them? Isn't there just more than 10,000 pieces?" "Isn't

there so many." Don't think about it, so be it, think about how to put it down tomorrow. The

second brother leaned over and said, "Tiejun, do you have to take it back at night after it is sold?" or a few of us just lay down and guard it, it's better than moving back and forth." It's not cold either.

Zhang Tiejun stammered: "I'm afraid of rain, it's going to be cold down when it rains, it's cloudy this day, and the wind blows ......

hall" "Hold a few beds and go down, the hotel is still short of quilts?"

"Okay, let's see first, everyone has to come early tomorrow morning, let's come here for dinner, it will take some time to move down, and let's talk about it tomorrow night." At noon, I will change it to eat.

Zhang Tiejun scratched his scalp, a little worried. It is more than 200 meters from the back door of the hotel to the east gate of the underground shopping mall, even if you move half of it, it is two tons of things, and an average person has to move seventy or eighty pounds.

The point is that there are too many people and women who have been found, and even if they are willing to do it, they are embarrassed. With Xiaohua's small physique, she is enough to choke on fifty pounds.

Gu Chunfen leaned over and whispered: "Tiejun, you talk to the uncle, he has two upside-down donkeys, can we use them?" Zhang Tiejun looked at the place Gu Chunfen said, there were indeed two upside-down donkeys

, which should be used for selling vegetables in the restaurant: "Okay, I'll go and say." I can definitely use it, buy two packs of cigarettes.

Zhang Tiejun asked the second brother and a few of them to organize people to get underwear and old goods to the second floor, and he and the owner of the garment factory came to the side to settle the accounts.

"There's no way to see the goods, so let's do it first, I'll leave it aside when I encounter something wrong, and you can admit it when the time comes. "

Okay, I'm sure I'll admit that. We have checked it ourselves when packing, so you can rest assured. "

Okay. I estimate that these goods can be sold for a few days, and when you go back, hurry up and prepare them, don't cut them off for me when the time comes. You've worked hard this month, too.

"What kind of hard work is this, you can only have a car a day, if you can really do a car a day, I can do it for you without eating or sleeping." Rest assured, the goods are full, that is, the old goods have to be greeted in advance. The

two of them talked about the rest of the matter, and Zhang Tiejun paid the rest of the payment and took the receipt and list.

The owner of the garment factory didn't stay for a meal, just called the driver and left. I didn't hurry back after taking the money, and I felt uneasy.

Zhang Tiejun waited for everything to settle down until noon, and everyone went to the restaurant to eat.

Today, because it was the first day, Zhang Tiejun asked the kitchen to add a few dishes, and told everyone how hard it was this month, and there would definitely be a bonus at the end of the month.

There was nothing to do in the afternoon, Zhao Weihong cleaned up the venue, cleaned it up and spread it out with cardboard and plastic sheeting, and then handed out leaflets. Just around the exit to see people and give, until you don't get tired.

In these years, there is no entertainment, and people usually have no way to relax, and the station and the associated company are the places with the largest flow of people, as long as they distribute leaflets here, this matter will spread all over the city tomorrow. It's that boring.

The content of the flyer is simple and crude. Sale. 'The garment factory wants to change production, and the garment factory price of the current season is sold for a month. Address. These are just a few words, and they are the same in newspaper advertisements.

Department store lottery lottery, what kind of activity, it's all such a routine at this time, it's quite simple, and the day is guaranteed to be that person's black and black. This is if the mall owner twenty years later sees it and vomits blood with envy.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang's mother came over with Zhang Tiebing and a few of his classmates.

After all, it cost tens of thousands of yuan to come in, and Zhang's mother must have been worried that she was not so relieved, so she gritted her teeth and stopped the small shop at home, and wanted to come over to see it with her own eyes, which also meant to help organize it, for fear that Zhang Tiejun would be inexperienced.

"The store at home is closed?"

"Well, it's okay to close it for two days, I'll go back when your side is stable."

"It's almost all arranged, just move the goods down early tomorrow morning, the main thing is to keep an eye on it at any time and not let anyone steal it." You can rest assured otherwise.

"It's easy to say, if I can put my mind at ease, how much will I learn? Your dad will come over on Sunday, and if it's okay, we'll go back on Sunday, and I hope it will go well." "

Brother," Zhang Tiebing leaned over and squeezed his eyebrows and said, "You said that salary counts, right?"

Am I the stingy one?" Zhang Tiejun rubbed two handfuls on his brother's head. This kid, strangely, has to grow up, and he has a full heart.

"That's okay, I'm blowing it out, if I don't cash it out, how will I mix it up in the future?"

The pressure is too great, that is, Zhang Tiejun knows that he has the bottom and doesn't feel anything, Xiaohua and the others are actually a little angry.

At dinner in the evening, she sat at three tables at once, and Zhang's mother was startled again.

"Are you hiring all these people?"

"Well, it's not all here yet, I'm still looking for them."

"Mom, are you going crazy? Why do you hire such people? How much does this salary get a day

?" "Mom, I have more than 30 counters when the mall opens, and no one can look at it

?" "More than 30?" Zhang's mother was frightened.

"It's not all mine, I lent it to me in the early stage, and I can't be idle if I have it, right? Don't worry, if you turn the saw, you won't lose it." I know it.

"No matter how many you have, you have to come little by little, how can you eat a fat man? This reassures me? I regret giving you the money now." Alas, sad. Your dad can't come and there will be a fire

?" Zhang Tiebing answered on the side: "Just gag it over?"

Zhang's mother gave two big pockets back: "Let you ga, let you ga, and ga." "Honestly.

Everyone who was close to them laughed, Zhang's mother was a little embarrassed, Zhang Tiebing didn't care at all, social was really not blown, not only was he not embarrassed, but he could also talk to others.

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