Have you ever read that ancient scroll?

What kind of problem is this? Still doing it so seriously?

Rowena was taken aback by this inexplicable question, and the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously.

Confused, a little annoyed.

Although I found it strange, I knew that Gryffindor was not the kind of person who liked to talk nonsense, so I immediately suppressed the subtle anger and recalled it carefully.

Seeing her looking down in thought, Gryffindor became visibly flustered.

"You you you...you don't know how to read it?"

He stammered and asked, unable to speak clearly.

"Who remembers such a trivial matter?" Rowena raised his eyes and glared at him, "Be quiet, let me search my memory."

She immediately closed her eyes, as if immersed in a special state.

Gryffindor was afraid to speak.

Just obviously apprehensive.

Fortunately, Rowena didn't keep him waiting for long. Within half a minute, she opened her eyes again and shook her head at Gryffindor.

"Didn't read the content. Didn't catch a glimpse."

Gryffindor breathed a sigh of relief, but still asked persistently, "Didn't you see it?"

"If I say no, there is no!"

Rowena frowned slightly, and unconsciously raised her volume, looking a little angry.

"What the hell is going on?"

she asked.

Knowing that Rowena hadn't read the contents of the book, Gryffindor was relieved.

He leaned on the back of the chair in a daze for a while, then stood up abruptly, and started... undressing?

Ivan really wanted to turn his face away, but his rationality told him that he couldn't do this, as he might miss some key information.


A bunch of muscles will have a ghost message!

"What are you doing?"

Rowena was also confused by this scene.

But after all, she is a witch known for her wisdom, and she has decades of friendship with Gryffindor, so she doesn't think that Gryffindor is going to do something... So she also sat quietly without getting an answer. Sitting on the chair, he watched Gryffindor take off the upper body of the heavy armor without saying a word.

Under the armor, what was revealed was a shocking scene.

Stripes of snow-white cloth wrapped Gryffindor's upper body.

Below the neck, there are all such white cloth strips.

No, not white.

Ivan saw very clearly that the cloth was stained with stains one after another.

It wasn't blood, but a stain like yellow mud.

What makes one's scalp tingle is that these "sludges" are still wriggling slowly and consciously.

Ivan felt his stomach churning.

If it wasn't in his memory at this time, he suspected that he was going to spit all the fried chicken legs he just ate on Rowena's hair.

"What's this?"

Rowena looked at the scene in front of her in shock, and murmured in disbelief.

"Dark magic, or rather, curses."

Gryffindor gasped.

His forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. Obviously, taking off his armor and showing Rowena this strange appearance consumed a lot of his energy.

Ivan knew that this was not normal.

There's no way a guy who can swing around in armor like this and win a duel won't get sweaty from the act of taking it off.

So, because of the curse in his mouth?

"What curse? How did you get it?"

Rowena blurted out.

Immediately, she remembered Gryffindor's previous questions, and her face suddenly turned pale.


Gryffindor nodded solemnly.

"That ancient scroll, I suspect, is not a copy."

"Not a copy?"

Rowena was stunned, "Duplicate? You mean..."

She looked at Gryffindor in disbelief, "You are telling me now that the ancient scroll that you and Helga dug out from the ground is not the 'copy' or 'rubbing copy' you mentioned earlier, but The real "Jade Record"?"

Gryffindor was silent for a moment.

"I'm afraid so." He said slowly, "Otherwise, the curse on me and Helga would not be explained."

"What?" Rowena was going to be tormented by this guy's way of speaking like peas in a bamboo tube. "It's not just you, but also Helga? She also got this curse?"

"We have all read the contents of that ancient scroll." Gryffindor said, "But maybe because I opened the tomb, I am cursed more seriously."

As he spoke, he cautiously stretched out a finger, and gently picked up a strip of cloth around his waist.

In an instant, a stench hit his face.

It was an extremely indescribable taste, and Ivan was even at a loss for words for a while. He fell to the ground in a daze, and he couldn't even reach out to support the wooden table, so he collapsed directly on the ground.

I don't know how long it took before Ivan came back to his senses.

As soon as he regained consciousness, he hurriedly opened his eyes wide and looked at Gryffindor.

——Just kidding, he took this diary to find clues, the first time he was frightened and disconnected, but the second time he was going to be stunned?

Then, he saw a picture that he will never forget.

Godric Gryffindor stood in the center of the wooden house, all the cloth strips on his body had been stripped off at some point.

One after another, tiny holes spread all over his upper body, wriggling slowly as if alive.

And from the hole, viscous yellow mud slowly flowed out.

"Grass, grass, grass, grass!"

Just at this glance, Ivan felt goosebumps all over his body.

The holes that were denser than a honeycomb almost killed him just by looking at them.

Gryffindor's appearance, if he can take a picture and post it on the Internet in his previous life...

The next day he will be invited to drink tea for spreading horrific information and causing tens of thousands of trypophobic patients to faint.

too scary!

Ivan no longer dared to look at it.

As for Rowena Ravenclaw, she didn't look uncomfortable at all, standing in front of Gryffindor, staring intently at those holes.

"When did they appear?"

"Yesterday at noon."

Gryffindor replied immediately.

"I went to Helga as soon as I found it, and wanted her to help me see what was going on, and help me prepare the potion...but she told me that she also encountered this situation.

"We checked a lot of relevant classics, but found nothing.

"Finally, we remembered that the only thing we had done together during this period was the opening of the mausoleum and the copy of "Jade Records"."

"This is a curse from an ancient alchemist, Rowena." Gryffindor said word by word, "Geralt—I suspect he has encountered the same problem."

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