Reborn at Hogwarts

Chapter 117 The Beginning of the Troll Incident

In the dark room, the man sat at the desk and opened the diary.

The diary is brand new, but there is a piece of yellowed paper that doesn't fit in it, which is empty and has no writing on it.

The man took his wand from the shelf on the desk and tapped it on the paper.

A line of writing appeared quickly.

"Have you got something?"

The handwriting stayed on the paper for a moment, and then it seemed to be erased by some force.

Seeing this scene, the man was not in a hurry, he leaned back unhurriedly and leaned on the back of the chair.

After waiting for a moment in silence, new handwriting appeared on the paper.

"If you're in such a hurry, why don't you come and get it yourself?"

The man smiled.

"You are very reluctant." This sentence is in an affirmative tone.

"I want you to remember our relationship."

"Cooperation, I understand. So you got the stuff?"

There is a bit of indifference in the sentence the man wrote.

In fact, it is true. He doesn't care about these insignificant things. As long as he can achieve his goals, who will take the lead in this cooperation, or turn "cooperation" into "employment" or even "slavery" , he doesn't care.

——So, don't waste your time, talk about things.

The person who talked to him in the air obviously understood what he meant. After a moment of silence, the tone became much calmer.

"I haven't got the things yet. Dumbledore is very strict and can't find a chance."

"If I can't get it, my body will collapse, and you will lose the source of magic power." The man calmly described the consequences of the failure of the plan.

"I already have a new source of magic power."

"Really? Do you think you can hide from me what you did in the Leaky Cauldron?" the man sneered, "I taught you that magic, 'The Greatest Wizard'."

After a long silence, new handwriting reappeared.

"There is a problem that needs to be solved."

"What's the problem?" The man smiled.

"A boy—Ivan Vesemir. A student of Ravenclaw. He noticed me. Every time I was in class, he would set up a gadget in advance to try to spy on my identity."

Ivan Vesemir...

The name made the man frown slightly.

"What are you going to do?" he wrote.

"When snatching the Philosopher's Stone, I will find a chance to kill him." The answer came from the paper.

"Just do it."


At this time, Ivan was still unaware of these things that happened in a dark corner.

Consciously having found out the relationship between Quirrell and Voldemort, he no longer chose to arrange "monitoring" in the classroom in advance, and began to shift the focus of his actions to "promoting the smooth development of the original plot".

Zooey was discharged from the hospital half a day later than him. In the next few days, Ivan paid attention to the situation between her and Hermione, and noticed that Zooey really followed his advice and was going to be perfunctory with Hermione.

It's just that the girl's heart is still relatively kind. After trying to be hard-hearted once, she was quickly defeated by Hermione's aggrieved tears. Analyze how to change yourself so that everyone can accept her.

Of course, Ivan already knew that with Zoe's character, he couldn't do such a bad behavior that completely abandoned Hermione, and he also knew that Hermione's temper that had been maintained for more than ten years would not be able to survive at all without being baptized by some major events. There will be no essential changes, so I didn't panic at all, and chose to sit on the sidelines.

Sure enough, under Zoe's careful guidance, although Hermione has improved, she still hasn't changed much overall.

A few more friends, but most Gryffindors still don't like her very much.

This of course includes Harry and Ron.

Seeing all this developing in the direction he wanted, Ivan felt relieved that "everything is finally on the right track".

It's just that he hasn't realized that when he thought he could stay out of it, he was actually already involved in it.


Halloween dinner.

Every year, Hogwarts holds a banquet when Halloween comes. The professors and prefects will decorate the school hall with two thousand fake bats that have been cast on spells, and put candles on the long table of the college. Serve the pumpkins and let the Halloween spirit spread throughout the school from the morning onwards.

This day is also a day for the ghosts of Hogwarts to revel. When Ivan woke up in the morning, he found that they were already flying around the castle with great excitement. The children they know go to the ghosts' dinner party.

"Don't go."

Ivan heard a senior Hufflepuff student secretly say to a girl in the lower grades, "It's full of ghosts, and the whole room is terribly cold—the most important thing is that we humans can't eat ghost food. "

Hufflepuff's junior girls looked serious, and even nodded solemnly.

Why does it feel like their focus is on food... Ivan murmured in his heart.

Soon, this small incident that could not even be called an episode was ignored by him.

He felt tense for a long time.

Halloween dinner --

Today is a big day!

Today in the original book, Hermione was sad because she heard Harry and Ron's bad evaluation of her, and she hid in the women's bathroom and cried alone. In the middle of the dinner, Professor Quirrell "panicked" broke in, told the students and professors that he had discovered the troll, and then fell into a coma.

Of course, Ivan, who knows something about the plot of the original book, knows that this is what he pretended to be. In fact, the giant monster was put in by Quirrell.

After receiving Quirrell's notice, Dumbledore suspended the dinner, and the prefects returned to the common room with the students from each college. Harry and Ron, who had learned of Hermione's whereabouts from Parvati Patil before, secretly left the team and went to the women's bathroom to find Hermione. After Ron defeated the giant with quick wits, the "Iron Triangle" was formally formed.

In other words, whether the "troll incident" goes smoothly or not determines whether the "iron triangle" can gather.

At this time, the students had already taken their seats, and Ivan secretly glanced in the direction of the Gryffindor long table, but he did not find Hermione.

Ivan looked at the guest table again.

Professor Quirrell's place is vacant.

Ivan relaxed slightly.

It seems that there will be no problem... He thought to himself, and boldly picked up a fried golden and crispy chicken leg from the plate.

Before he could finish eating, the door of the auditorium was knocked open, and Professor Quirrell rushed in, his face full of horror. Everyone stared at him as he walked over to Professor Dumbledore's chair, leaned over the table, and gasped, "The troll—in the dungeon—thought you should know."

After speaking, he fell headlong to the floor and passed out.


Ivan suddenly perked up.

The pace of the plot has been accelerated, and it will be completed within two months.

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