Reborn at Hogwarts

Chapter 114 The Girl in the School Hospital (4000)

Ivan had to admit that his knowledge reserve was still too little.

Few of the things learned in textbooks before entering school can be used in actual combat.

Just like now, part of his memory is blocked by some kind of power, and there seems to be something hidden in his eyes.

Faced with this weird and somewhat terrifying situation, Ivan was helpless and could only pin his hopes on Dumbledore.

It is undeniable that Lao Deng is indeed a good teacher and principal who is dedicated to his duties, but Ivan does not wish to seek his help whenever he encounters any difficulties.

Not to mention whether this will cause some unknown troubles, more importantly, Ivan is worried that in the long run, he will have some kind of dependence on Dumbledore.

This is not a good thing.

Everything depends on Dumbledore to solve, so when the battle of the Astronomy Tower and Dumbledore's death, he may become a useless person.

...Of course, having said that, but the current situation is more urgent, and Ivan has nothing to do but trouble Dumbledore one more time.

Ivan thought for a while, then looked at Snape: "Professor, can I trouble you to go find Dumbledore with me?"

After such an accident, Ivan didn't think going it alone was an option.

It is best to be accompanied by someone.

For this request that was not too much, Snape thought for a while before agreeing.

Ivan was not only a student at Hogwarts, but also the son of his best friend from school days, and Snape felt it was his duty to keep Ivan safe during his stay at Hogwarts.


The two walked out of the office and walked towards the eighth floor of the castle where the principal's office was located.

Because Snape's office was in the Slytherin dungeon, on the way, Ivan saw many Slytherin students fighting.

But when they saw Snape, they all fell silent and became extremely honest and well-behaved.

It was like a mouse seeing a cat, they all stood in a row against the wall very consciously, and slipped away neatly.

Occasionally, a few daring ones tried to see who Fangshen dared to walk with Snape. Before they could take action, they just moved their bodies before being pulled away by other people.

"They seem to be very afraid of you." Ivan quietly said to Snape, watching this scene which made him quite amusing.

"That's none of your business, Vesemir—sir," Snape replied without looking away. While talking to Ivan, his footsteps did not stop for a moment, and the hem of the black cloak swayed slightly with his large strides, as if walking with wind.

"Just curious." Ivan shrugged.

"I don't think it's curiosity... Is it nervousness?" Snape said sarcastically, "Because of the unexpected incident, I was a little flustered, and I didn't want to show it. I subconsciously started looking for topics to distract my attention—with all due respect, Mr. Vesemir, there are many ways to solve this problem, there is no need to choose this one."

Ivan didn't feel embarrassed when the old bat said what was on his mind, but rolled his eyes instead.

"Professor Snape, I remember that you usually don't like to talk, and you speak very slowly? Why are you talking too much and in a hurry this time?"

Snape's eyelids twitched slightly.

He glanced at Ivan expressionlessly, grabbed the boy by the shoulders, and pushed him in front of him.

"Go ahead." He said coldly.

It seems that the old bat is also very nervous... Ivan thought.

It's just because I usually have a paralyzed face, so I can't tell it.


After a small episode, both of them fell silent.

When he didn't say a word, the speed of the journey became much faster. Not long after, Ivan and Snape had already stood in front of the headmaster's office.

Looking at the stone beast sleeping soundly lying on the ground, Snape silently pulled out his wand and knocked on its head.

There was a soft "crack", sparks splashed from the place where the magic wand struck the stone beast's head, it suddenly woke up from its deep sleep, stood up angrily, and wanted to see which daring student dared to attack him.

But when he saw Snape's face clearly, the momentum disappeared immediately.

"What's your business, Professor Snape?" Stone Beast asked in a low voice.

Its tone has a hint of discontent awakened by violence.

"I'm looking for Professor Dumbledore." Snape said flatly, and then glanced at Ivan, "and this student."

"Well, Professor Dumbledore is out," said the stone beast.

"Out? When?" Snape frowned.

"Half an hour ago." The stone beast replied. Ivan felt that it seemed a little gloating, "I watched the principal leave with my own eyes."

Snape didn't pay attention to the little emotions hidden in his words, but turned to look at Ivan, "Dumbledore is not here."

"I'm going to the school hospital." Ivan replied bluntly.

Since Dumbledore is not in the office, let's go to Madam Pomfrey to check his body, maybe he can find something.

He has always been very clear about this.

"You can wait here for a while." Seeing that neither of them was interested in responding to it, the stone beast hummed and said the last sentence, and then got down again.

What are you waiting for? Waiting for Dumbledore to come back?

Ivan shook his head.

Even with Snape by his side, he didn't dare to stay here for a long time.


The Hogwarts school hospital is on the second floor of the castle.

Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey is the manager here, and she is usually responsible for receiving students who are accidentally injured.

Ivan had seen her more than once when he was in the first grade. To be honest, compared to Madam Pomfrey's sternness, her superb medical skills are not so easy to remember.

Snape still accompanied Ivan to the school hospital this time. On the way, Ivan said that he would stay in the school hospital overnight, so Snape didn't stop much, and left in a hurry after seeing Madam Pomfrey busy in the house while standing by the door.

"Madame Pomfrey." Ivan watched Snape go down the stairs, his back disappeared, and he turned and knocked on the open door of the school hospital.

He didn't dare to go in directly, in case there were wounded people receiving treatment inside, not to mention whether he would see something he shouldn't have seen, just Madam Pomfrey's scolding was enough for him to drink a pot.

"Come in." When Madam Pomfrey's voice sounded, Ivan opened the curtain and entered the room.

He saw Madam Pomfrey immediately.

This conscientious lady is standing in front of a hospital bed at the moment. There is a girl sitting on the bed. Madam Pomfrey half-forcibly fed her a bottle of bright red potion. The girl choked and bent over coughing. twice.

"It will be fine tomorrow." Madam Pomfrey patted the girl on the back, smiled at her with satisfaction, then put away the empty medicine bottle, and scanned Ivan's whole body with puzzled eyes, asked:

"What's the matter with you? I don't think there's anything wrong with you, kid."

Ivan said in his heart that of course I look fine, if the problem is serious enough to be seen, you won't be able to see me...

Of course, what was in his heart couldn't be said casually, Ivan smiled at Madam Pomfrey, and just about to speak, he heard the girl leaning on the hospital bed speak.

"He thought what you said was nonsense."

For a moment, the faces of Ivan and Madam Pomfrey froze.

Hearing this familiar voice, Ivan gritted his teeth and checked the operation of Occlumency, while giving the girl a hard look.

The latter smiled and waved to him.



"Why did you come to the hospital?"

Ivan asked.

"Ability is a bit out of control." Zooey didn't shy away from Ivan, and directly stated the problems she encountered.

She leaned forward, getting closer to Ivan who was sitting by the bed, and then carefully opened her eyelids with her fingers, exposing half of her eyeballs.

In the white of her right eye, a large number of thin black lines spread out in all directions, densely scattered on it, forming a terrifying and weird "spider web".

The "spider silk" that makes up the spider web is still beating slightly.

"What is this?" Ivan was taken aback by this shocking scene, and subconsciously leaned back, moving away from Zoe.

"What are you so afraid of doing?" Zooey was very dissatisfied with Ivan's behavior, put down her fingers, and rolled her eyes fiercely to show him, "It's just an abnormal reaction caused by losing control of abilities. I have encountered it several times before I went to school. , Don't worry, it won't get out of control and swallow you alive, at most it will hurt so much that you can't sleep."

She was still in the mood for a joke.

However, Ivan was smart enough not to laugh along with him, but kept a serious expression on his face.

"What did Madam Pomfrey say?" he asked.

Seeing that Ivan didn't intend to smile, Zooey's smile gradually stopped, and her mouth shrunk slightly, "It's not a big problem, I've already taken the medicine, and I'll be fine after a night of rest."

"I thought Dumbledore's little trick had helped you stabilize your abilities," Ivan said.

Zooey thought about it.

"That's what I thought too... But maybe something went wrong, something unusual happened suddenly today." She looked at Ivan suspiciously, "Could it be that you did something again? I still remember very Clearly, that little trick of yours sometimes causes my perception to be abnormal."

What the hell is the little trick... Ivan couldn't help but rolled his eyes at the girl, then shook his head, "I've been staying with Professor Snape in his office since the end of get out of class, helping him make potions , never went out at all.”

"Is that so..." Zooey thought about it.

Ivan looked at the girl who was lost in thought, and swallowed the words again. He endured and endured, endured again and again, and finally couldn't help interrupting Zoe's thinking: "Um... did you hear my heart because of your ability to go berserk?"

Hearing this, Zooey suddenly laughed "ha".

"I was thinking just now, when on earth will you be unable to resist asking me this question." The girl said with a smile, her eyes were sly, "I didn't hear about your new student."

"Then why—" Ivan blurted out, halfway through the sentence, he suddenly realized, "Did you guess?"

"Yeah." Zooey lifted her chin triumphantly, "When Madam Pomfrey asked you something, you can hide it from others, and you can hide it from me? I was forced to tell everyone A great master of Legilimency for the person I met, his observation skills in this area are much stronger than you can imagine."

Ivan was speechless.

When Zoe told him to break his mind, he almost had a heart attack from fright.

Under Madam Pomfrey's weird eyes, he checked the status of his "Occlumency" repeatedly, and confirmed that he had already activated it immediately after waking up from the abnormal state in Snape's office.

If it weren't for Zooey's confession, he almost thought that his secret would be seen through by Zooey.

After learning the truth, Ivan's slightly anxious mood calmed down a lot.

Only then did he realize that although Zoe had been smiling, her right eye covered in black "spider webs" was always beating unconsciously, and her face was a little stiff.

It still hurts... Ivan sighed silently in his heart.

"Who asked you to sit down? Go back and lie down!" When he was still thinking about how to comfort the "forced smile" Zoe, Madam Pomfrey's voice came over.

Ivan and Zoe looked back and saw Madam Pomfrey walking in with a tray in both hands.

Putting the tray on the bedside table, Madam Pomfrey involuntarily drove Ivan away from Zoe's bed and let him lie down in the next bed.

Then, she took out a small bottle of clear liquid.

Under Zoe's horrified gaze, Madam Pomfrey lifted Ivan's eyelids, held her breath, and carefully poured a drop into the boy's eyes.

"This is... what?" Ivan could feel Madam Pomfrey's cautiousness, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The transparent liquid fell on his eyes, which felt like eye drops.

"A potion made from the mucus secreted by caterpillars." Madam Pomfrey said the words that made Ivan's scalp tingle, "Didn't you say that there might be something in the eyes? If there is If something is hiding in your eyes, then this potion can reveal it immediately."

She must be taking revenge on me...

After hearing "slime secreted by caterpillars", this idea flashed through Ivan's mind for the first time.

He was quite sure that besides this kind of secretion that just sounds like vomiting, there must be other drugs with similar effects in the wizarding world.

"Madame Pomfrey..." After thinking about it, Ivan spoke.

"Yes, I did it on purpose." Before Ivan finished speaking, Madam Pomfrey said without thinking. She also deliberately lowered her head, glanced at Ivan, and smiled.

Seeing this kind smile, Ivan shut his mouth tightly without saying a word.

Zooey blinked at him and cast a look of pity.

Ivan wanted to stare at her, but there was a strange feeling in his right eye dripped with secretions.

It was as if some kind of creature was swimming around in his eyes.

A black silk thread appeared in front of his eyes, and then he struggled violently.


Madam Pomfrey, with quick eyesight and quick hands, seized the opportunity, stretched out her hand suddenly, and pressed it on Ivan's eyelids.

A shallow palm print was left on Ivan's right cheek.

I'm too lazy to score two chapters, let's post them together...

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