Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 75 Niu Wentao Cleanly

At the same time, we exited the alley and found ourselves in an open space next to the main road.

A military green extended Jiefang truck was parked on the side of the road, loaded with a cart full of cabbage, which was piled up to more than four meters high!

Next to the truck, there was a queue of dozens of people.

Everyone was shivering from the cold as they watched the staff weigh and pile the cabbage.

Those at the front stretched their necks to see which pile of cabbage was better.

Du Fei stood with a young film policeman named Niu Wentao.

They were both so cold that they breathed white from their mouths.

In fact, from Du Fei's point of view, there is no point in queuing up in the middle of the night.

Even if you get the first chance, you won’t be able to pick at will.

There are rules for selling vegetables.

When the cabbage comes in a cart, there must be some good and some bad. The staff divides the cabbage into first and second classes according to the good and bad, and piles them into small piles.

When buying groceries, there is a distance of two or three meters, so you can point to the pile you point to. There is basically no advantage to take advantage of.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the queue, followed by someone scolding: "Why are you so crowded? Go and be reincarnated!"

"Fuck you, you're looking for death..."

Then there was a woman's scream.

Niu Wentao, who was standing nearby, suddenly became anxious and rushed towards the direction of the incident.

Du Fei, however, took his time and decided to check the situation first before talking.

Generally speaking, although everyone is a little restless at this time, if they have been waiting in line for half the night to buy groceries, if they really get into a fight, half the night will be wasted.

Therefore, Du Fei estimated that the probability of actually fighting was low. At most, he would just curse and vent his frustration.

But this time it was really hot.

Amidst the yelling and screaming, the people in the queue instinctively scattered around, and the two people in the middle were already struggling with each other.

Neither of them were good martial artists. Although they scolded each other harshly, when they started fighting, they were just like old women fighting in the countryside. They basically used three moves: swinging their arms, pulling their hair, and cracking their fingers.

The end result is probably that whoever is taller and stronger will be able to take advantage.

If you are an experienced player, you don't have to worry about them. If you let them play for three minutes, they will be as tired as a dead dog.

But Niu Wentao just started working this year and is basically a clueless young man.

When I saw this scene for the first time, I immediately panicked and quickly went to start a fight.

But the two of them were at loggerheads, and the more people started to fight, the more energetic they became.

Niu Wentao got anxious and grabbed him with two moves. They were all knocked down in an instant. He pulled two ropes tied to the cabbage and tied them up.

When Du Fei came over and saw that the knots were all tied!

Du Fei couldn't help but take another look at the little policeman, and thought to himself: "What a deft move! But he's a little reckless in doing things."

He was happy with the capture and binding, but what to do next?

If the police hadn't taken action just now, when they let go on their own, this matter would be over.

These days, it's so common for gentlemen to fight. As long as they're not seriously injured, like a split head or broken bones, no one cares.

But once the police took action and kidnapped people, the nature changed.

Now we must bring these two people back to the police station. Otherwise, if the police tie them up and then untie them in public, what does it mean?

Arrested the wrong person?

That can't be done!

Although it won't be a defeat, it still needs to be taken back and gone through the procedures.

The two men woke up and wanted to beg for mercy, but it was too late.

Seeing the two of them being taken away by Niu Wentao, Du Fei suddenly heard a woman shout: "Tiecheng~"

Following the sound, I saw a pretty young woman with pear blossoms and rain. She was not Yu Xiaoli, the daughter-in-law of the third uncle's family in the front yard!

Taking a closer look, one of the two unlucky guys who were tied up was Yan Tiecheng!

Du Fei didn't expect that Yan Tiecheng, who was usually a bit timid, would be arrested for fighting.

He had no friendship with Yan Tiecheng and didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

Unexpectedly, Yu Xiaoli has a keen eye and her husband is about to be taken away by the police. She is distracted and happens to see Du Fei.

It happened that Niu Wentao and the two of them were going back to the police station, and said hello to Du Fei before leaving.

Yu Xiaoli thought they knew each other, and as if she had grasped a life-saving straw, she rushed over and said with tears in her eyes: "Xiao Du, please save Tiecheng! He just... was impulsive."

Niu Wentao was stunned, raised his chin at Yu Xiaoli, and said to Du Fei, "Do you know him?"

Du Fei said: "From the same hospital."

As soon as Niu Wentao heard the tone, he understood that it had nothing to do with Du Fei, so he ignored Yu Xiaoli and took the others away.

In fact, after tying up the two of them, he calmed down a bit.

But on the first day he arrived at the police station, his master taught him that when dealing with mass incidents, he must be firm and decisive. Whether it is right or wrong should be discussed later. He must not show any cowardice at the scene!

Seeing the police walking away, Yu Xiaoli felt even more anxious and looked at Du Fei pleadingly.

At this time, people were instinctively afraid of people in uniform. Yu Xiaoli was also in a hurry and sought medical treatment. Du Fei was an acquaintance at the scene and she subconsciously asked him for help.

Don't tell me, Yu Xiaoli's miserable appearance is quite pitiful.

However, the essence of "Cao Thief" lies in two characters, one is stealing and the other is robbing.

Now in public, we can neither steal nor rob. Even if I feel pity for the young woman in front of me, it will not help.

Du Fei spoke righteously and didn't even reach out to help her. He stood aside and advised: "Sister Yu, don't worry, it's not a big deal. Just ask the third uncle to go to the police station and pick her up. "

After hearing this, she came back to her senses and hurriedly went home to report the news.

All parties involved left, and order was quickly restored at the vegetable seller's side.

After a while, the third uncle and the third aunt hurried over with Yu Xiaoli and their second child.

Although the third uncle behaved like an intellectual and was calm and collected in the courtyard, when something really happened, he was still in a state of confusion.

When they arrived, they didn't see their boss. He quickly ran to Du Fei and asked, "Xiao Du, what do you think is going on? You know who Tiecheng is, why were you taken away by the police?"

When Du Fei saw that everyone was so worried, he didn't even smile. He said with a sullen face: "Third uncle, don't be anxious. Fighting is not a big deal, but today's occasion is indeed a bit inappropriate. Police Station Your comrades are still present, isn’t this giving people eye drops?”

The third uncle nodded in agreement. In fact, he also knew that this was really nothing, but caring about it would be confusing.

In the past, it was emphasized that if you were born and died, you would not enter the officialdom, and if you died, you would not go to hell.

Now that Yan Tiecheng has been taken away, the third uncle can't calm down no matter what, but he has no connections to look for. He can only count on Du Fei and pleads: "Xiao Du! Go and have a look, the third uncle thanks you." .”

Du Fei didn't refuse, after all, it wasn't anything troublesome.

But he didn't have any friendship with the Yan family. Even if he gave the third uncle some face, he wouldn't go immediately.

"Okay, that's no problem." Du Fei agreed: "But now you have also seen the situation. The Mavericks from the police station have just left, and I am the only one left to keep an eye on it. I will leave again, just in case something happens. Son, this is dereliction of duty!"

It will be released at noon tomorrow, and there will be a free chapter at 11am.

Then I will update Chapter 20. I hope everyone will support subscribing.

Coding is not easy. If it looks okay, please give Jin Chan some encouragement. Thank you all!

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