Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1447 Ukolan

Du Fei was shocked when he saw the people coming downstairs and stood up immediately.

He looked up at the people coming down the stairs.

This man walked to the bottom of the stairs with sharp eyes and pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose. It was Androbo who would succeed Polezhny in the future.

According to the information Du Fei checked before coming, Androbo is currently on the trend of becoming the heir. Not only does he control kgb, but he was also promoted to Dajiang last year. He is a real power figure in Mosco.

Even Natasha's grandfather, although older than Androbo, was still inferior in status.

Androbo came and sat down on the sofa on the other side of the fireplace. He raised his hand to signal to Du Fei that he was welcome and said in an unhurried manner: "Young man, what do you mean by what you just said, do you think you are not optimistic about the future of our Sulian?"

Even though he knew the identity of the other party, Du Fei did not suffer from stage fright. He admitted openly: "Although it is a bit offensive, this is indeed my personal opinion. Unless in the next few years, there will be someone like Comrade Iron and Steel who has a firm will and means." A tough and selfless man from heaven..."

"A strong man descended from the sky?" Androbo savored the novel words in Du Fei's mouth: "From what you say, I highly respect Comrade Iron and Steel."

Du Fei said: "Of course, without him, it is difficult to imagine what the Great Patriotic War would have been like."

Androbo was noncommittal and asked instead: "As far as I know, your expansion in the Nanyang region has been very successful. Are you planning to restore Huaguo's influence in the traditional sphere of influence?"

Du Fei was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Androbo to suddenly change the subject and not ask about Su Lian's problem.

After thinking for a while, he said: "You are right. Originally, there was no need to worry like this, but because of the contradiction between you and me, I had to find a way to expand my living space." Du Fei paused at this point. Dayton: "Although we chose to cooperate with America as a last resort, through past experience, America is unreliable and we must be prepared."

Andropov and Natasha's grandfather looked at each other and were quite satisfied with the position expressed by Du Fei.

Although according to previous information, Du Fei has a very positive attitude towards America.

Had it not been for the establishment of a direct fruit and vegetable route to Moscow through Natasha, which brought tangible benefits to Sulian, they would have labeled Du Fei as pro-American.

After face-to-face communication, it was obvious that it was inappropriate to say that Du Fei was pro-American, and Du Fei expressed a cooperative but defensive attitude.

Du Fei added: "In fact, in the minds of myself and the wider Huaguo people, I still have a lot of goodwill and continuous feelings towards Sulian. It was you who helped us establish the industrial system. A poverty-stricken agricultural country has turned into a complete industrial country. This is an undeniable fact."

Androbo pursed his lips and sighed softly: "What a pity~ You finally chose to betray..."

Du Fei listened and did not rush to refute or argue about what was right and wrong.

That makes no sense. This is not the first time for this kind of debate. The butt determines the head, and the position determines the attitude. Even if you can talk about lotus flowers, it is impossible to convince the other party.

Du Fei smiled and said: "I personally don't like the word 'betrayal'. It's inappropriate, inaccurate and carries strong emotions. In the relationship between the two parties, you are strong and we are weak; you are active and we are passive; this is a fact Let’s go~”

Androbo acquiesced that this was indeed the case at the time and now.

Du Fei continued: "So, no matter what the final result is, the cause does not lie with us. We can only passively accept it. When there is no other way, we use the few chips we have in our hands to exchange for a little living space. Of course, If you insist on saying that this is betrayal, it only shows that you, the big brother, are unqualified and cannot win the hearts of your brothers."

Androbo laughed instead of getting angry and didn't say much on this issue. He added: "You shot down a MiG-25 in Chenla some time ago..."

Unknowingly, the conversation lasted for more than an hour, but there was no central topic and it was all random talk.

Du Fei and Natasha were still confused until they left, not knowing what Androbo meant.

There were only two people left in the villa. Androbo looked at the burning fire and sighed: "This Du Fei is really a talent."

Natasha's grandfather was more than ten years older than Androbo and had worked with Androbo when he was very young.

The old man leaned on the sofa and said: "Of course he is a talent. It is no exaggeration to say that he single-handedly opened up the situation of Huaguo in Nanyang. With such means and vision, no one else would be able to achieve his achievements."

Androbo said: "Yes! It's a pity that such people were not born in Sulian."

The old man was silent for a few seconds, and then asked: "What did Comrade Polezhne say about the matter you proposed last time?"

Androbo frowned and shook his head silently.

The old man was not surprised. Last time Androbo tentatively proposed some reform measures.

It does not involve sensitive issues such as personnel and systems, but only issues about economic operations and labor discipline.

Still did not get a positive response from Polezhne.

The old man said seriously: "This matter ends here. Don't mention it again in the future. We must be more patient with Comrade Polezhny."

Androbo pursed his lips, the muscles in his cheeks bulging from gritting his teeth.

Of course he understood the meaning of this sentence, which was to remind him not to arouse Polezhne's resentment and to wait patiently for the opportunity.

Normally, this would be no problem, but Androbo sometimes has the urge to wait for no time.

Although he is eight years younger than Polezhny, his physical condition is not very good. He is afraid that if he waits for a few more years, he will not be able to bear it anymore.

Thinking of this, Androbo's eyes became firm, as if he had made some determination: "It's time and we must make some changes!"

The old man's expression became serious: "That matter...have you decided?"

Androbo said: "Yes, to remove the pustule, you have to endure the pain. It is time for the Soviet Union to do something."

The old man reminded: "But, Comrade Polezhne's side..."

Androbo said: "I understand that struggle requires strategy, and I believe that Comrade Polezhny will support this action."

The old man raised his eyebrows and thought of something in an instant: "We are going to do it in Afhan after all~"

The eyes under Androbo's glasses became sharp: "This is the best option at the moment. Waging a war can solve many problems. Victory can win the heartland and open the passage to the Indu Ocean. If it fails, or Encountering huge difficulties and losses on the battlefield, there is reason to eliminate some cancers that are too big to be eliminated...especially in Central Asia. As the kid just said, Sulian is not the decadent Tsarist Russian Empire..."

Du Fei didn't know what the two said after he left. If he knew, he would suddenly understand.

In fact, in the world before Du Fei traveled through time, later generations had been criticizing Sulian's decision to invade Afhan, and it was even difficult to understand.

But if you listen to what Androbo said at this time, some things may become logical.

As an important promoter of the invasion of Afhan, as Androbo said, this war can achieve some goals regardless of victory or defeat.

But what he didn't expect was that in the world before Du Fei traveled through time, this plan would have to be delayed until two or three years later, and it did develop in the direction he imagined at first.

Especially after Polezhnye, Androbo came on stage and performed a series of drastic actions, but unfortunately... his body couldn't bear it anymore.

In the end, the people and the government were inevitably destroyed. Instead, the Afhan War, which was just a means, turned into a quagmire.

Instead of taking the opportunity to eliminate the local factions in Central Asia, it became an opportunity for them to gain power.

In the following days, Du Fei, accompanied by Natasha, visited various famous attractions in Moscow, and unexpectedly met several people who were famous in his impression.

For example, the commander-in-chief of the last generation of Speed ​​Alliance.

This person was only 45 years old at this time. Because he was responsible for youth work, he was not dressed in an old-fashioned way and looked very energetic.

Although he is somewhat bald, he is not completely bald, and the hair on his head can still cover up the birthmark on his head.

He is warm and generous, and looks very familiar with Natasha, so he must be from the same faction.

Needless to say, although he knew some of this man's future actions, after two days of contact, Du Fei had a very good impression of him. No wonder he was able to climb to a high position in the SpeedLink system at a young age.

During his few days in Moscow, Du Fei experienced with his own eyes how prosperous and vigorously developing Sulian was in this era.

Although there have been problems internally, the flowers are still blooming on the surface, especially the people walking on the street, whether young or middle-aged, all with confident smiles, and you can see the light in their eyes. .

That is the self-confidence and pride of being born in the most powerful fruit family in the world.

A few days later, Du Fei followed the procedure and participated in an event to commemorate Comrade Ulyanov.

There was no direct contact with Polezhne during the process.

After that, he was not in a hurry to return, but proposed to Natasha to visit Leningrad and Ukraine.

Leningrad is no problem at all, it is a place where Sulian is open to the outside world.

Natasha had no right to make the decision to go to Ukraine, but she agreed happily after reporting to the relevant parties.

To travel to these two places, Du Fei did not take a plane, but took a train. Starting from Moscow, he first went north to Leningrad, and then south to Kiev, heading for the famous Crimean Peninsula.

The world before Du Fei traveled through the war, and the rich Ukolan had been reduced to ruins.

At this time, it was a different scene. Huge factories could be seen everywhere, with towering chimneys emitting black smoke symbolizing productivity.

Until they reach the coast of the Black Sea, which is the outlet for the Southern Speed ​​Link. Unfortunately, the Black Sea is an inland sea. If you want to enter the Mediterranean, you must pass through the Dardania Strait.

To enter the ocean from the Mediterranean Sea, go through the Suez Canal to the south and Gibraltar to the west.

In name, it is an outlet to the sea, but in fact, it is impossible to get out at critical times.

This is why Sulian has been thinking about going south from Central Asia, hoping to open up the exit to the Indus Ocean.

At this time, Du Fei and Natasha were driving to the Nikolayev Shipyard.

After special approval, Du Fei was allowed to enter the shipyard to visit.

Of course, seeing the shipyard was secondary. Du Fei wanted to see with his own eyes the Minsk aircraft carrier being built by Sulian.

Nikolaev Shipyard is the fifth largest shipyard in SMU and the only shipyard that can build aircraft carriers.

Du Fei and Natasha came here and were specially received.

When we arrived near the slipway, we saw a huge ship being outfitted in the distance.

This is the second ship of the Kiev class, with a full load displacement of 43,500 tons, which is two or three times larger than the guided missile cruisers in Du Fei's hands.

Although I was mentally prepared, I still couldn't help being shocked and amazed when I came next to the ship.

Du Fei didn't come all this way just to take a look at this aircraft carrier.

But to see if we can get some "benefits" from the Soviet Union, such as anti-ship missiles.

It's just that the hope is slim. The reason why I mentioned this is actually to express an attitude in disguise.

Hearing that Du Fei wanted to buy advanced anti-ship missiles, Natasha wondered if she had heard wrong!

What is the relationship between the two sides now, just buying anti-ship missiles?

Although the relationship between the two parties was not very good when it was originally sold to the Huaguo MiG-21, can anti-ship missiles be bought just by buying them?

Du Fei explained: "You know, I had some conflicts with Aozhou some time ago. Although it has been suppressed for the time being, there are some things that we have to guard against."

"Australia?" Natasha frowned slightly.

Du Fei nodded: "They have an aircraft carrier they got from Yingguo. I have a few dismantled and rebuilt broken ships. If we really want to fight, I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand it..."

Natasha raised her eyebrows, wondering how true or false Du Fei's words were.

If Du Fei and Ozhou really fight, this will definitely be a good thing that Su Lian would like to see.

But this reason alone is not enough for them to come up with advanced anti-ship missiles.

Du Fei knew it well and didn't say anything in depth. He couldn't explain this kind of thing just by talking.

Just put forward the request, then change the subject, and look at the slipway again: "It is really a shocking giant ship. Only a great Guo family like Su Lian can build such a masterpiece. Unfortunately... your geographical location is not good for you. The navy is very unfriendly. It seems that there is the Baltic Sea to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Black Sea to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the east. In fact, the four directions are trapped in small ponds and cannot enter the ocean for combat. The only hope is to go from Central Asia to South, get through Yindu Yang..."

Natasha had known Du Fei for more than a day or two, so she knew there must be something behind his words, so she asked, "Why do you say these things suddenly?"

Du Fei said bluntly: "I have an important mission here to see if there is any hope of easing our relationship. I have said more than once that we should not be enemies, and Sulian should not focus on the Far East, where It is not the main battlefield that determines victory or defeat. In the end, the victory of the World God does not depend on whether you defeat us, but on whether you can defeat America. The key to defeating America lies in the heartland, in the Indian Ocean, in Persia , in Indu...except in flowers and fruits.”

"So~" Natasha asked.

Du Fei said: "Therefore, in order to express our sincerity, we are willing to take the initiative to disarm and reduce the number of troops deployed in the north, so that you can concentrate your forces in Central Asia."

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