Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 12: Canteen, Bicycle

The two chatted as they walked, and walked out of the street office, about two hundred meters, and entered the gate of another courtyard.

Section Chief Qian walked in front, and entered the inverted room familiarly.

Du Fei followed him in, and found that the room was like a restaurant, with all three inverted rooms connected, and a table and chairs set up.

Du Fei realized in an instant that this was probably a black shop operating illegally!

But after thinking about it, it seemed impossible.

What's more, he also saw Zhu Ting, sitting in a corner by herself, eating with her head down.

Du Fei's thoughts changed, and he already guessed that this is a cafeteria.

Section Chief Qian came in to take a look, saw Zhu Ting, but didn't talk to him, but walked straight to the back kitchen where the cooking was done, and shouted as he walked, "Old lady, add some meat dishes, a new comrade is here today."

After finishing speaking, a neatly dressed middle-aged woman came out from the back kitchen, glared at Section Chief Qian, and then looked at Du Fei.

Section Chief Qian smiled "hehe" and introduced them to each other.

This woman is the wife of Section Chief Qian. Through Section Chief Qian's relationship, she runs a small canteen here and provides lunch at the standard of 20 cents a day.

Because the price is cheaper than restaurants, those like Du Fei and Zhu Ting, who are unwilling or unable to bring meals, just come here for a bite at noon.

Although private operations are not allowed in this era, there are quite a few small canteens where everyone pools money to form a partnership.

As long as you don't hire workers, don't make huge profits, and have a little relationship, almost no one will bother.

Section Chief Qian brought Du Fei here to introduce business to his family.

Not to mention, Chief Qian's daughter-in-law is really good at cooking! Although there is no oil or water, the taste is definitely much better than Du Fei's own fire at home.

Du Fei took a sip and made a decision on the spot, and it will be here at noon from now on.

It's not only to give Section Chief Qian face, but also to save trouble for himself.

Section Chief Qian was very happy. While eating, he told Du Fei a lot of work experience and points that need attention.

Especially the backgrounds of everyone in the office, let Du Fei weigh in his heart, if something happens, who can touch it, and who must not be messed with.

After dinner, Section Chief Qian took Du Fei to a nearby car repair stall.

When passing by the supply and marketing cooperative, Du Fei used an excuse to go shopping and bought two boxes of big front door stuffing for Section Chief Qian.

Although Director Wang greeted him, he still had to show filial piety to his immediate superior, and Section Chief Qian was also very attentive to him.

If you don't have money to give advice from the section chief, you can rely on Du Fei to explore slowly, and you won't be able to figure out the depth of these people in the office within a year or so.

Section Chief Qian was not polite either, he smiled and accepted it directly.

The two left the supply and marketing cooperative and continued to walk forward. From a distance, they saw a car repair stand beside the intersection.

Although it is just a street stall, it is also a serious public-private partnership, and it is hung under the neighborhood committee.

But at this moment, Du Fei suddenly found a familiar figure, with a pot head and a green padded jacket, it was the eldest son of Widow Qin's family, 'Bang Gan'er'!

Bang Gan'er's eyes wandered, looking left and right, sneaking around, came to the car repair booth, muttered something, and then opened the schoolbag cross-body.

Master Wang at the cart stand stretched his neck to have a look, then shook his head hastily.

Bang Ganer was not reconciled, so he said something.

But Master Wang still shook his head and waved away, so he had no choice but to leave.

Seeing this scene, Du Fei couldn't help laughing inwardly. I'm afraid that this boy Banggan'er didn't do a good job and stole something and sold it here.

Du Fei stopped suddenly, which made Section Chief Qian slightly surprised. He followed his gaze and saw the stick, and asked, "Do you know that kid?"

"One courtyard." Du Fei replied lightly.

"Oh~ this kid is really wild!" Chief Qian seemed to remind Du Fei with something in his words.

Du Fei was noncommittal, and did not continue to argue.

The two came to the car repair booth. When Master Wang saw Section Chief Qian, he immediately put on a smile and rushed forward a few steps: "Oh! Leader Qian, what wind brought you here?"

"Don't talk to me about these things." Section Chief Qian scolded with a smile, and handed Master Wang a cigarette, but it was not Du Fei's filial piety to his big front door, but an eight-cent pack of economic cigarettes.

Master Wang was not willing to smoke, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and then clipped it to his ear.

Section Chief Qian pointed at Du Fei: "My new Xiao Du, you give me the whole car."

Master Wang hurriedly called out to Leader Du, but his face showed embarrassment.

Section Chief Qian was a little unhappy, and said in a deep voice, "Why, is there any difficulty?"

Master Wang hurriedly waved his hand and said, "There is a ready-made car, but it's a bit old, and it's still a 26-year-old. I'm afraid I won't be able to get it for this leader Du."

Section Chief Qian also frowned when he heard that, but instead of making the decision, he looked at Du Fei and let him make up his own mind.

Du Fei didn't care about the old and the new, but he was a little worried about whether he could ride it. Don't make troubles every day, let alone delay things, and make troubles.

When Du Fei said what he was worried about, Master Wang dared to pat his chest and promise that the car would be fine for another ten or eight years.

Du Fei thought for a while, then nodded to Section Chief Qian.

Section Chief Qian helped to ask the price again, and asked Master Wang to push the car over.

The smile on Master Wang's face grew stronger.

At this point, today's deal is basically done.

He didn't expect that Du Fei would buy a 26 car. Generally speaking, a man as big as Du Fei would definitely buy a 28 car. It's unambiguous that the 26 car is one size smaller. Totally almost meaningless.

Not long after, Master Wang launched a 60% new bicycle from the opposite alley.

Du Fei rode for a lap and thought it was okay.

Although it is an old bike pieced together with parts from different brands, Master Wang's craftsmanship is undeniable. The bike rides lightly, and there is no messy noise.

Forty-five yuan can buy such a bicycle, Du Fei is quite satisfied.

Thanks to the rich section chief for bringing him here, if he wants to come by himself, Master Wang will ask him at least seventy yuan for this bicycle.

Even so, it is more than 100 yuan cheaper than buying a new car, and it can save a bicycle ticket.

It's just that in this era, the management of bicycles is very strict. If there is no solid network, this kind of patchwork of second-hand cars cannot be registered at the police station and stamped.

Most people can only be greedy, but dare not take this risk.

Du Fei has a relationship with Chen Zhongyuan, so of course he doesn't have to worry about this, and according to Section Chief Qian, he can directly put the bicycle under the name of the street office, and then give him a letter of introduction, and then he can go to the police station to go through the formalities.

But buying a bicycle today is completely a temporary idea. Forty-five yuan is not a small amount in this era.

Du Fei works in the street office, and his monthly salary is only 16.5 yuan. No one usually carries 40 to 50 yuan with him.

Du Fei knew that the money was not revealed. He came to report today, with Director Wang's endorsement and a new outfit. He had already shown enough strength, so there was no need to do something amazing in front of Section Chief Qian.

Not only will that not increase the impression points, but it will only make Section Chief Qian feel that others are stupid and have too much money.

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