Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 483 King Tyrant

"Why don't you leave as an intruder? I have never interfered with the normal development of human beings with my own power. But you are not on the track of normal development."

Zhen Mu Shuo raised his head, and the fluctuations of his mind power were transmitted back along the polyhedral crystal. He didn't understand why the root body of death would talk to him through the crystal polyhedron at this time. Unless the root body of death could be forgiven by life on earth, there would be no room for relaxation between the two parties.

There is no reason for the other party to appear, unless the always cautious Root Death Body suddenly has a Diavolo in his mind.

"Destruction is a fate that all life cannot escape. The universe has an end of life. Why should human beings survive forever?"

Zhen Mu Shuo was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but laugh: "It is true that everything will disappear one day. But what does that have to do with you? You will also disappear one day, do you want me to give you a ride now. "

The polyhedral crystal remained silent, no longer transmitting any fluctuations in thought power, but still folding and unfolding repeatedly, blooming into dreamlike colorful colors.

"After all, that is the universe's own business, and it is not the turn of outsiders to interfere." It seemed that he was not good at arguing, and the crystal polyhedron said after a moment that he was at the end of his rope.

"You are also an outsider to Earth."

Seeing that the polyhedron had no intention of continuing to communicate, Maki Shuo waved his right hand, and the light particles condensed in the palm of his hand and turned into a silver light bullet. The crystal polyhedron quickly folded itself and wanted to leave, but in the end it was a step too slow.

The silver light bullet first hit the center of the crystal polyhedron, shattering into countless crystals with a sound like breaking glass, and dissipated into colorful energy particles.

It was obviously connected to the source of destruction that brought destruction, but it showed such brilliant colors when it exploded.

Maki Shuo no longer paid attention to the dissipated communication facility, took out the spark prism from her arms and raised it above her head.

The silver light covered Maki Shuo's figure, and only the general human shape could be vaguely seen through the light. Then the human shape expanded rapidly, reaching a height of more than fifty meters before stopping.

The shadow appeared in the gradually disappearing silver light. After a short period of energy accumulation, its arms formed an L shape. The light composed of silver lines swept past and exploded the dormant Transformed Gob and Transformed Batzus.

After finally confirming that there were no other modified monsters left behind by the root-destroying body on the entire planet, Gai Ying turned into a silver light and rose into the sky.

A silver space channel opened in front of him, and the shadow turned into a stream of light and flew into it, leaving this strange galaxy.

Back to half an hour ago, a space channel composed of dark golden energy opened, and a strange giant monster fell from the sky. XIG quickly compared the monster files that Maki Shuo had added not long ago, and quickly gave the results.

"Suspected to be a tyrant monster, an abnormal individual of Tyrant." Dunzi turned back to the stone chamber commander and reported: "It also...has some characteristics of King Gulant?"

That monster can still generally see many of the characteristics of Tyrant projected by Shui Maki relying on his telekinesis, but many parts of its body surface have been replaced by metal-like tissue.

What was originally an upright biped turned into a centaur-like four-legged walking, waving its two forelimbs to smash nearby buildings.

"Immediately send an evacuation order to the target area and let the Lightning team dispatch."

There was no sign of the powerful energy source that appeared in previous wormholes, and there was no time to even issue an evacuation order in advance. King Tyrant just appeared in the city.

"It seems that there is no root cause of death involved in this attack. Is it Tartarus?" Staff Officer Chiba frowned.

It takes time for the Lightning team to dispatch, and it also takes time for the masses to evacuate. From this point of view, this invasion is likely to be the most casualty in recent times.

Just the two destroyed buildings were enough to add two zeros to the single digit number of casualties. .

"Let me go." I Meng took two steps forward and stood in front of the commander of the stone room, saying without hesitation.

Commander Shishi looked at the screen and did not answer my dream’s request. I Meng took it as his acquiescence, turned around and ran out of the command room.

A red "shooting star" streaked across the sky, turning into a red giant and falling in front of King Tyrant. The road cracked instantly under the powerful impact, and countless gravels were sent flying into the sky.

But as soon as Gaia stood firm, King Tyrant's spike-covered hammer on his left arm fired a chain, binding Gaia tightly.

A huge force that was irresistible caused Gaia to be instantly thrown into the air, then spun around and hit the ground. The tall buildings on the ground were smashed into pieces upon contact, leaving a huge human-shaped pit on the ground.

The "mouth" in the center of the polygon on the abdomen and King Tyrant's huge mouth opened at the same time, and cold air and flames spurted out at the same time, intersecting on Gaia's body.

Extreme cold and extreme heat are distinct, half blackened and half frozen, turning Gaia into a black and white giant.

Even so, King Tyrant's attack still did not stop. The rectangular red luminous object on his chest lit up, and a red beam of light hit Gaia who was trying to stand up with terrifying penetrating power.

The flames of the explosion soared into the sky, and the chains that bound Gaia were finally retracted. The lower body that had just been covered with white frost quickly dissolved in the high temperature of the explosion, making Gaia look extremely funny.

"The root death body has not appeared again. It seems that Zog's transformation has entered a critical juncture."

On the rooftop of a high-rise building a hundred meters away, Fujimiya stared closely at the battlefield. This attack has nothing to do with the root cause of death, and it is precisely because of this that it is even more suspicious.

"Senior Aguru, won't you transform?"

Fujimiya lowered his head and glanced at Taiga, who was standing on the edge of the rooftop. He would fall if he moved even slightly, and stretched out his hand to pull him back. Then the sapphire cone on his wrist flipped and unfolded, and red and blue light rushed upward.

Instead of helping Gaia immediately, Aguru emitted the same light and took the lead in transforming into the supreme form.

King Tyrant is not an enemy that can be dealt with casually, and Gaia's performance is the best evidence.

After completing the transformation, a little red part is added to the body, and the silver lines separate the two different colors, and then the two-hand version of Aguru is cut and released.

King Tyrant, who was about to continue attacking Gaia, turned around and swung down the sickle-like weapon on his right arm, shattering the blue light blade into countless blue light spots.

After getting a chance to breathe, Gaia quickly stood up and came to Aguru. Aguru released golden light from his right hand and began to heal Gaia's injuries.

After a moment, Aguru retracted his palm and took the lead in meeting King Tyrant. Gaia used the opportunity that Aguru fought for to stimulate the energy in her body and transformed into the highest form.

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