Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 439 Counterattack

Just as the three of them were watching each other's backs and cautiously moving toward the depths of darkness, my dream's voice suddenly sounded.

"Captain Kajio, what are you...?"

Kajio turned around quickly, and Yume and Shuki Maki walked out from the right side by side, with some doubts on their faces. It's as weird as seeing a suspicious person holding a weapon on a busy street.

"You have been away for too long, and the lizard man has not come back. The captain is worried that something happened." Daheyuan put down his gun and looked at Connors who was following behind Maki Shuo.

Maki Shuo and Wo Meng, who hurried back from their transformation, looked at each other and both breathed a sigh of relief. Although Team Lightning are all trustworthy partners, hiding your identity can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble and is the best option at the moment.

"It doesn't matter. It's a good habit to be wary of other races you meet for the first time." Connors said nonchalantly. Although he had a beast-like figure, he unexpectedly had the temperament of a researcher.

"Now that Natro Kentero has been solved, our research is of no use. For the rest, please contact the Stone Chamber Commander for instructions on how to deal with it."

Seeing that Kajio seemed to be about to ask something, Maki Shuo decisively turned around and walked out without looking back. My dream hesitated for a moment before I realized what I was doing. I looked at Kajio's eyes and ran away.

"Senior, wait for me!"


Having just finished a battle, Maki Shuo was not in a hurry to return to the air base, but wanted to hang out on the ground. It had been a long time since he had walked between cities as a normal human being, and it was somewhat strange to see the flow of people coming and going.

But not long after I walked away from my dream, a call came from behind me. Maki Shuo turned around and saw Fujimiya dressed in black as expected.

"Fujimiya? What's wrong?"

I Meng followed curiously and cast his gaze. Although he was angry at the destruction caused by Natro Kentero, he finally avoided a crisis of destruction, and he felt somewhat relaxed in his heart.

"After the transformation was released... I met Dr. Inamori." Fujimiya's mood was a little complicated, but there was no change in his expression. He paused and did not continue on this topic.

"During our research, we discovered ancient murals. The civil war of Earth's Light created a huge wormhole, and Zolim appeared in the wormhole."

The slight relaxation that had just appeared in Maki Shuo's heart was immediately replaced by seriousness, and Fujimiya's voice stopped at the right time. This is not the place to talk about such things in this crowded street.

"Come with me, senior, I dream, I have a fixed resting place nearby."

The two of them followed Fujimiya in silence, and oncoming passers-by moved out of the way. Whether it was Fujimiya's cold face or my dream's XIG uniform, they were unwilling to mess with him at will.

A small open space appeared in the crowded flow of people heading east, and they headed west against the flow of people.

After many twists and turns, Fujimiya took out the key and opened the door on a deserted road. Except for the lack of people coming and covering the floor and tables with a light layer of dust, everything here is still clean.

"Is that mural still there?" Maki Shuo suddenly asked. Fujimiya nodded, opened the computer on the table, and pulled out the photos hidden in the file.

The biological expression used in the mural is not abstract. It is clearly visible that a spiral light column composed of two beams of light rises into the sky, and then a huge hole appears in the sky. Zolim's features are even more clearly visible.

Zolim destroyed the civilization of the lizard people, and Natron Kentro completely changed the environment suitable for their survival, so that the remaining survivors had to hide and survive. M..

In the extremely blurry mural below, a multi-headed dragon-shaped monster is vaguely visible.

"Sure enough, Renlong is the guardian born by the Star Voice to fight against Zolim." Photos flashed on the screen one by one, and I Meng frowned.

If the earth has always given birth to guardians in this form, what about them? For what purpose were Gaia and Aguru born?

"Is it really for Zog?" Zhen Mu Shuo said softly. He had almost no doubt that the Zog sent by the root-destroying body would be completely different from what he knew.

If it were just the original Zog, he could contain the light of Gaia and Agur in his original form, and he could easily defeat the opponent with almost no effort.

This kind of strength is no longer enough to be used as a last-ditch combat weapon for the root-destroying body, not to mention that there is a Tartarus hidden in the dark.

"From ancient times to the present, at least for hundreds of thousands of years, the civilization born on the earth has always been passively resisting the invasion of the source of death, and has never made a proper counterattack."

Fujimiya stared closely at the mural on the screen, his eyes showing anger that could not be erased. He wanted to make up for the damage caused by his trust in Chrysis, and wanted to do what he could for the Earth.

"So I dream, let's compete with me again. The same energy waveform will definitely open the door for Zolim to come to the earth again. Human firepower can be poured out without any scruples, without worrying about causing damage to the earth."

"Do you want to... counterattack?" Wo Meng was stunned. It was not that he had never thought about this possibility, but the origin and true form of the root-destroying body was always a mystery.

The earth in the future timeline that Maki Shui experienced last time may be the home of the root-destroying body, or it may just be a simple future where Gaia and Aguru have lost.

"Perhaps, you can give it a try." Zhen Mu Shuo was the first to agree with this idea. If he just passively withstood the attack, the other party's attacks would only appear in an endless stream.

Even if they defeat the ultimate weapon, no one knows whether they will come back decades or even hundreds of years later and invade the earth that once defeated them.

"Before the enemy appears, senior cannot transform at will. This serves as insurance against the two possibilities of Tartarus appearing or the source of death being attacked." Fujimiya clenched the sapphire bracelet tightly, and his knuckles were pressed by the huge force. turns white.

"But, what if the door we opened releases an uncontrollable danger? Are you prepared for this? Fujimiya." I dreamed of weighing it repeatedly, but after all, I couldn't let go, so I couldn't help but ask.

"Don't be naive, I dream. If the opponent really has such a weapon, passively defending is just waiting for death in vain. The wormhole is a two-way door. If we don't open it, the root-destroying body will never open it. Let this opportunity pass.”

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