Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 335 Yuuki is waiting

In front of the golden beam, the Destruction Crown was torn into pieces without any resistance and dissipated into pure energy particles. The shining Alura barrier that absorbed most of Emperor Monera's energy was transformed into an unparalleled powerful beam, which even exceeded the sun for a while. of brilliance.

The shining Alura beam streaked through the air like a meteor, and all the tentacles illuminated by the light shattered and fell to the ground.

Emperor Monara was hit head-on by the shining Arula beam. In less than a second, he turned into powder and dissipated in the endless light. It was as if he had replaced Dana, who should have appeared in the bird's dream and turned into ashes.

The light on Wu'ao's body slowly disappeared and he returned to his original posture, but he did not relax his vigilance and was still carefully guarding against possible attacks. But the man behind the strengthening of Queen Monera has no intention of showing up.

In the outer space of the earth, Diavolo looked at the golden giant beside him and snorted: "Tartarus, is this the enemy you chose to bring despair to Gai Ying?"

Tartarus shook his head and said: "I don't know why, but there seems to be no shadow in our world. Let's go, the enemies in this parallel world will not hinder us."

Although Diavolo was a little dissatisfied, he still did not open his mouth to refute. He followed Tartarus into the golden space door and disappeared from this world.

At the same time, Maki Shuo seemed to be aware of it and glanced upward, but no abnormality was sensed anymore, as if the previous fluctuation was just his illusion.

After almost confirming that the mastermind who was hiding somewhere had no intention of taking action again, Wuao released his transformation at the same time and returned to his human form surrounded by light particles.

At the same time, Dagu and Asuka were stunned at the same time, staring blankly ahead. Gamu, Fujimiya and Koshizaki turned their heads warily, as two familiar figures were approaching.


Yuezakilang blurted out, looking at the person who stepped closer and stood opposite Dagu who had just released his transformation.

Two identical figures, two warriors who are also the human form of Ultraman Tiga.

After many years, Da Gu, who was living in seclusion on Mars, saw the former giant again, but this time he was no longer fighting alongside him.

The moment he saw Diga appear, there was no jealousy or anxiety in Dagu's heart, nor was he angry that any of his power had been taken away. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He subconsciously thought that was the new person who had inherited the power of Ultraman Tiga. But Jian Hui quickly gave him the answer, and that was himself, a self from another world who had experienced almost the same battle.

The corners of Jian Hui's mouth raised slightly. Although this scene was strange, it was extremely nostalgic. One of the two ancients is slightly younger, and the other has a slightly more tranquility, like a miraculous look across time and space.

Dagu opened his mouth, wanting to say something to himself in this time and space, but his body had gradually turned into golden particles and dissipated.

"If possible, I really want to have a good chat with you, but it seems that I have to go back."

He looked at his radiant palms and suddenly smiled. If they no longer need to go to other time and space to participate in battles, they have all lived the life they most hoped for.

Everything is perfect except that I have to live on Mars temporarily and cannot leave.

"But after this battle, Dagu will be able to appear on the earth legitimately." Hui Jian suddenly said.

Dagu was stunned for a moment, then nodded. Before Dagu came here in this time and space, there must have been records of his actions. Whether it was surveillance or witnesses, it could be confirmed that the Diga who appeared this time was not him.

He has lost his biggest attraction. Just being a former member of the Victory Team is no longer enough for many senior executives to continue to focus on him.

The bodies of the four people completely turned into golden particles and flew towards the sky. Only the flying bird who stayed in place glanced at the familiar yet unfamiliar Dagu and smiled.

"Senior Dagu."

In just a moment, the scene in front of Yuesaki Lang quickly changed, and the familiar city appeared in front of him again, which made Yuesaki Lang relax, who was originally tense.

After experiencing two consecutive battles in time and space, he finally returned to his own world. Energy can be replenished and physical strength can be restored, but the feeling of being in a foreign land makes it difficult for him to completely relax.

A long-lasting feeling of tiredness came over him at this moment, making him just want to fall on the bed and sleep.

Ten minutes later, Yuesakiro's whole body was buried in the quilt. He even had no clear memory of his experience on the way home and fell asleep in a daze.

By the window of the living room, Akutagawa Yuki's expression showed a hint of worry and relaxation.

For five full days, Yuesakilang disappeared for five days, and the only Ultra warriors who appeared during these five days were Aibo and Tiga.

She didn't know where Yue Qilang had gone, let alone what Yue Qilang had done. But the moment he returned safely to Yuki Akutagawa, everything before was unimportant.

But Yuuki Akutagawa has never been the kind of little girl who would shed tears and rush to Koshizaki Rō for comfort. After letting go of her worries, she no longer cared about it.

The sun shone on Koshiro's face through the window. Even with his eyes closed, he seemed to be aware of the glare and subconsciously turned over to avoid the sun.

Akutagawa Yuki walked to the bed with gentle steps and closed the curtains little by little to block the dazzling sunlight.

In the slightly dimmed room, he looked carefully at Koshizaki Rō's face. He is not very handsome and attractive, he can only be regarded as above average.

Akutagawa Yuuki followed Koshizaki's face to the dusty collar on both sides, and could vaguely see a small patch of shallow bruises.

After a brief silence, Yuki Akutagawa raised his right hand and flicked a slender white finger on Koshizaki Rō's forehead. Then he stood up straight, turned around and walked out of the room.

The groggy Koshizaki seemed to notice something, and he managed to open a small crack, but only saw a familiar figure leaving.

Tide-like tiredness surged up again, seeming to completely immerse him in it. Koshizaki tried his best to raise his head and plunged into the quilt again, turning his head to expose his mouth and nose.

In just ten seconds, slight snoring sounded from the bedroom.

Shuki Maki, who was in the consciousness space, shook his head. Although he was a little tired, he was an Ultra Warrior and could last much longer than Rō Koshizaki.

Even after returning to Koshizaki Rō's world, he still remembered the two fleeting breaths of energy and Queen Monera who was strengthened by the inexplicable mastermind behind the scenes.

Those who can do all this are definitely not ordinary enemies, but the performance and energy fluctuations are extremely unfamiliar.

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