Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 323 The hero in my heart

Whether it was Kipbu's left arm or his chest with the Blitzblots absorption organ, it seemed that the lone Ultra Warrior was helpless.

If the fusion light is used again, it may be absorbed by Blitzblotz's organs and counterattack.

The colored timers on Wu'ao's chest have flashed one after another, which means that their condition can no longer support a fierce battle. But the electromagnetic shield and subspace barrier of Nao's five emperors are still a problem.

"Leave Neogagard's subspace barrier to me. That is the enemy I will face."

Dana stretched out his hand and clenched his fist and said, but Gai Ying shook his head, and Maki Shuo's voice sounded in Si'ao's consciousness.

"Since the subspace barrier can only block the chest and the main protection range of the electromagnetic shield is the left arm, then the right abdomen is the weakest point."

Just as his teleportation stopped, the three people watching suddenly raised a hand to touch the red ball. Huge negative energy fell from the sky with a low murmur and was injected into the bodies of the Five Emperors of Nao.

At this moment, Xiao Mian, who was driving the Adventurer, landed slowly, the hatch opened, and Xinxing Mian and Hao walked out.

The three people in front of them turned around at the same time, and a face that they had seen countless times in the information but never seen in person appeared in front of Xinxing Mian.

Kogan Abe, Keiichi Qingren, Kazuhiko Kurohoshi.

"It's really you..."

Hao said with a somewhat complicated expression, while Xinxing Mian took a step forward and said eagerly.

"Stop it. As those who shoot Ultraman, you also have light in your heart, don't you? Even if you are affected by negative energy, you always stick to your bottom line and do not harm any human beings."

The movements of the three of them were all in a hurry. Indeed, even if they got the red ball falling from the sky and were able to realize their dreams for nothing, they always adhered to the bottom line they should have.

"Don't be affected by the so-called negative energy, do what you should do." Hao Ye said.

Yes, those who want to film Ultraman and those who design Ultraman themselves. Who doesn’t have such a hero in his heart?

Stand up in times of crisis, protect humanity, fight against powerful enemies, and finally win. The influence of negative energy is illuminated by the light blooming in the heart, and the unwillingness and anger that just arisen gradually dissipate.

"Yes, what we want to create is a hero who brings hope, rather than imposing his own emotions on the world." Abe Hongyan sighed.

Black Star Kazuhiko nodded and said: "I also wanted to create my own Ultra Warrior, but..." His expression was a little sad, and it was obvious that he had not fulfilled his previous wish.

Qinglian Keiichi sighed, looked at the shadow in the battlefield with some nostalgia, and said nothing. Xinxing Mian also stepped forward, and the four of them each stretched out a hand to touch the red ball and said in unison.

"Ball, please restore the energy of the Ultra Warriors and let them regain the strength they deserve when fighting side by side."

The remaining energy was converted into a huge beam of light energy and injected into Wu'ao's body. The golden light spread from the color timer and quickly spread all over the body.

After the golden radiance passed, the burnt blackness and dust all over his body disappeared, and the flashing red light returned to full blue.

"Now, it's round two."

Abe Hongyan raised his head slightly, and the red ball touched by his hand dimmed. The accumulated negative energy has been completely exhausted under this wish, allowing Ultraman and the Five Emperors of Neo to have a "fair fight". This is all they can do.

"Beat it, Ultraman, and let this end."

The invisible blockade was lifted, and all five Ultra Warriors noticed something unusual. When sensing the light of the other four, its own light particles spontaneously become active and resonate with their light.

The energy fluctuates at an unprecedented frequency, followed by a steady increase in power.

No one thought that it was true that the six Ultra Warriors of Heisei would gain strength when two or more of them fought side by side.

"It's much easier this way." Aguru crossed his arms and looked at the Five Emperors of Nao across from him. He leaned slightly to avoid the oncoming purple light bullets.

"Let's go." Dana moved his arms and said proactively.

Gai Ying looked along the source of the light energy, and happened to catch the gazes of Qinglian Keiichi, Kurohoshi Kazuhiko and Abe Koyan.

Koshizakiro was slightly stunned, looking at the three people who "created" him in this world. They had never met before, but they seemed to have known each other for a long time.

"Do what you gotta do, Long. You're a hero, theirs and ours."

Gai Ying nodded firmly, Yue Qilang, who controlled the body, had extremely firm eyes, and the red lines on his body lit up faintly, with hot energy fluctuations.

"Thank you, Gai Ying, for fighting with me until now."

Zhen Mu Shuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Why are you so polite all of a sudden? You can handle such an enemy."

Facing Yue Qilang's gaze, Maki Shuo nodded and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

He didn't say anything more, but completely handed over the control of his body to Koshizaki Rō. The palm of Gai Ying's right hand tilted to the upper left, and the palm of his left hand made a fist toward the sky, slowly moving into the very familiar starting position.

The oncoming light bombs were blocked one by one by the energy-containing hand knives, and exploded one after another at their feet.

The fighter planes in mid-air were still releasing lasers in vain, trying to attract the attention of the Five Emperors of Neo and create a chance for the Ultra Warriors.

But the Five Emperors of Nao didn't even need an electromagnetic barrier. They could easily ignore their attacks by relying solely on their body's surface defense.

Facing the oncoming simplified version of Rosim's light, King Neo raised his right arm, and a beam of light emitted from the top of his arm, forming a red circular subspace barrier in front of him.

The faint electromagnetic flicker represented the electromagnetic shield covering the whole body. The defense that had just been broken through with all the effort was restored to its original state in an instant, and even the way it was used changed slightly.

The previous tactics of dividing and defeating could no longer take effect. Koshizaki carefully observed the subspace barrier of the Five Emperors of Nao, trying to find its weakness.

The pure black huge wings behind the Five Emperors of Nao spread out, and the slow flapping caused a terrifying violent wind. The body of more than 100,000 tons broke away from the ground and rose into the air.

Wuao stretched out his arms at the same time and chased Naowu Emperor, who was gradually speeding up. The strong wind swept up countless rubbles, carrying everything in the ruins and crashing to both sides at extremely fast speeds.

Six huge bodies flew past at low altitude one after another. The rubble swept by the strong wind was like a hundred thousand guns pulling the triggers at the same time. The sounds of collision and shattering were endless.

Five light blades were fired from five directions, trying to intercept the direction of the flight of the Five Emperors of Neo, but were immediately smashed to pieces by the two-color light bullets fired from its arms.

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