In the city with many tall buildings, armored swords were wreaking havoc. The prosperity created by steel and concrete was shattered in front of him. No building could stop his progress.

It was late at night, and the guys didn't even have time to issue an evacuation alert due to the sudden attack. The Wings and the Phoenix rushed to the scene respectively and hovered in the sky.

Long turned back to the future and said: "Damn it, he actually used the appearance of a sword to attack the earth. We must tear off his disguise!"

Just when the flying wing ray was about to be launched, a burst of light suddenly lit up in the sky, illuminating the city like daylight. In the light, Gai Ying's figure slowly appeared and landed lightly on the ground.

"Shuo? Didn't that guy say that the recent battle will be left to us?" Sadaharu was somewhat puzzled and controlled the fighter plane to avoid the shadow blocking him.

At the same time, Captain Susui, Mu Zhimei and Zheping in the combat command room looked at Maki Shuo with strange eyes, and Maki Shuo himself was confused for a moment.

You are Gai Ying, then who am I?

Zheping immediately reacted and said to Ryu and Sadaharu: "Don't believe it, that's a fake!"

Maki Shuo looked at the fake shadow on the screen thoughtfully. He originally remembered that this part of the plot should be about the Babar star pretending to be a sword to destroy the trust between people and Hikari. So where did this fake shadow come from? ?

He frowned slightly and looked into space for a moment. The darkness was still slowly approaching the earth. In this case, the origin of this false shadow was even more difficult to confirm.

Zhen Mu Shuo turned to look at Xi Shui, who nodded to him. Zhen Mu Shuo was about to turn around and leave, but the fake shadow on the screen made an awkward start to the fake Hikali.

"Are the counterfeiters fighting among themselves?" Long looked at the battlefield confused and did not launch an attack for a while.

While the two impostors were confronting each other, nearby residents gathered in a turbulent flow of people and fled into the distance. Neither Fake Hikali nor Fake Geying paid attention to those humans, they just stared at each other warily.

Maki Shuo suddenly figured out that as the impostors concealed their auras, these two guys regarded each other as real Ultra warriors.

What happened was completely beyond everyone's expectations. Even Mirai did not transform immediately, but watched as the two fake Ultra warriors began to fight.

The fake Geying imitated Maki Shuo's fighting skills awkwardly, which looked extremely funny. His movements were wide open and closed, and his skills were not very good. He seemed to be used to crushing his opponents with pure strength.

Maki Shuo saw the key at a glance, and unconsciously thought of the polarization among super-ancient giants. The red giant is good at strength and the purple giant is good at speed.

So, another follower of Abel?

Maki Shuu recalled Naro who had fought with him in this world. It was a high-speed movement that he was not confident he could catch up with.

Judging from this, the giant who completely pursues power may not be able to compete with him in terms of strength. Although it is not impossible to contend with, it is definitely a powerful enemy that cannot be ignored.

It wasn't that he thought too much. Albert, who was gradually approaching the earth, forced him to think so. He was even worried about whether they could resist such enemies if Abel and the Amperas came to Earth at the same time.

Just as he was thinking about it for just ten seconds, the fake Gaiying completely gave up imitating fighting skills and punched the fake Hikali directly in the chest.

After being hit hard, the fake Hikali flew backwards for hundreds of meters and was knocked out of the city from the edge of the city. The power to maintain the disguise disappeared in a few flickers, and the appearance of the Babar star was restored.

The Babar star became angry when their plan failed, and opened their mouths to spit out mist-like frozen gas at the fake shadow. The terrifying low temperature instantly began to condense ice on the fake shadow's body, and the ice quickly spread and sealed it inside.

Star Babar ruffled his golden hair and turned around proudly to leave. But in the ice behind him, blazing flames began to burn, and the ice exploded, revealing the sturdy red giant inside.

The giant's body seemed to have a set of armor-like tissue wrapping the body. Only a pair of milky white eyes and a blue timer were exposed. The whole body was larger than the Babar star, exuding an explosive energy. A sense of power.

Hikari fell from the sky and was about to help the fake shadow escape from the ice. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned, and he was a little at a loss for a moment.

Maki Shuo sighed, but walked out of the combat command room and ran towards the open-air platform. At the same time, his figure instantly turned into light and soared into the sky, falling towards the battlefield like a meteor.

The afterimage-like light dissipated, and the shadow in the radiance turned slightly to look at the red giant, then stood up slowly. Hikali also fell from the sky and landed on the ground, and the two Austrians simultaneously made a fighting stance.

The red giant looked at Gai Ying and actually stood up straight, bent down and bowed, and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness Gai Ying."

Gai Ying still did not let down his guard, but said calmly: "Som, you don't have to salute me, we are enemies now."

Som shook his head, and his voice was extremely rough: "No, we still recognize your status, even though you are an enemy."

Gai Ying didn't say anything more, but took the lead and rushed forward. Som behaved respectfully, but without any hesitation in taking action, he raised his hand and punched the person in the face.

Gai Ying did not dare to take the punch forcefully. He raised his hand to deflect the punch, then turned around and kicked Som in the back.

After missing a punch and being kicked in the back, Som stumbled a few steps and immediately stood up straight. His fists collided in front of his chest, causing a red energy ripple, which he swung up and down at the same time.

Gai Ying could not pull such two heavy punches at the same time, so he could only dodge sideways, and while dodging, he hit Somu's ribs with an elbow.

Although this blow made him take a few steps back, Gai Ying knew in his heart that among the super ancient giants, the red giant's body defense was undoubtedly the strongest, and these two blows could not cause any harm to the opponent at all.

What's more, Somu is also a leader among the super ancient giants. Let alone ordinary fighting skills, ordinary light cannot break through the defense.

Taking advantage of the brief moment of passing by, Gaiying raised his fist to the sky and punched out. Gaiying's beam hit Som's back, causing sparks to explode on his armor-like skin.

Som took two steps back and punched out his fists up and down at the same time again. The huge red beam of light struck Gaiying like giant teeth that bit up and down.

Gai Ying moved his hands up and down in front of his chest to maintain balance, and the flaming teeth he bitten were slightly deflected, exploding into a huge fire on the ground.

In the flames, Som's loud laughter rang out: "Your Highness Geying, you have become much weaker. Is this the so-called power of light?"

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