Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 349 Nuclear Weapons

Anyone who knows something about the international situation should have heard of the name Tokyo Prefectural Police.

In the Internet era, countless sources refer to it as the shadow department set up by the CIA in Neon.

In other words, it is the east factory of the United States in Neon.

But what exactly is this thing like? We can only talk about it from the end of World War II...

Neon's defeat allowed the Allied forces stationed in Japan to plant their flag on the island.

MacArthur, the five-star general who was the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces at the time, became the real commander here, exercising indirect rule in a practical sense over the palm-sized island nation.

In 1947, when the Allied forces were counting their supplies, they discovered that there was a difference of 240 billion yen between the actual supplies that Neon had plundered during the war and the account figures, and a large amount of gold and silver were missing.

More well-informed people said that after Neon knew that its situation was over, it transferred domestic assets in large quantities before surrendering, hoping to avoid the post-war cleanup.

Since these items were considered taboo by the Allies, MacArthur was very upset when he heard the news and wanted to investigate the whole matter. Therefore, he set up a department called the "Concealed and Hidden Material Incident Investigation Department" The department conducted reconnaissance and summoned Neon's bosses from all walks of life.

And this was the predecessor of the Tokyo Prefectural Inspection Bureau.

Therefore, fundamentally speaking, the Tokyo Prefectural Inspection Bureau is indeed a masterpiece of the Americans.

However, what makes the Tokyo prefectural inspection famous is actually the neon black soil that cannot withstand inspection.

As a country where aristocratic families are prevalent, Neon's political and business collusion is very serious. While investigating the retreat materials, MacArthur easily uncovered the Showa Denko Incident.

Showa Denko was founded in 1939 and is one of Neon's most important companies. In 1948, they paid more than 70 million yen in bribes to the Neon cabinet in order to obtain government loans.

After throwing money around like crazy, they got a loan of 2.3 billion yen.

At that time, their company's total capital was only 230 million.

Although the bribe reward of up to ten times was shocking, MacArthur did not care because the matter had nothing to do with him. However, the leader of the opposition party at the time was MacArthur's "good friend". Seeing that he had a chance to rise to power, he asked MacArthur to get to the bottom of it.

Then, the Showa Denko incident directly caused the complete collapse of the Neon Cabinet at that time.

After this battle, they won the hat of the American East Factory.

However, after only a few years of wearing this hat, the United States took it off on its own initiative.

Because the Yoshida cabinet, which successfully came to power with the help of MacArthur, was not a clean leader. The shipbuilding scandal that broke out in Neon in 1954 involved a large number of cabinet officials. The bribes they collected would have allowed a common man to work without food or drink for over two hundred years.

When the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office discovered this matter, they immediately launched a decisive attack to collect evidence.

In the end, the people in the Yoshida cabinet were sent directly to court.

Then, the Yoshida cabinet resigned.

When this incident occurred, the Tokyo District Prosecutors' Office had supreme prestige in the neon area.

The word Dongchang can no longer explain its power.

Being able to influence the neon political situation, he is like a supreme emperor, looking down on all living beings from a high position.

It seems that as long as the United States is willing, Neon can overthrow it and start over.

And the fact is...

is also like this.

The Lockheed bribery case that was exposed in the 1970s was actually a game of US military capital.

The gangsters fought each other with fists and fists, but the result was that the Neon Territory was completely blown up.

When this fact exists in the world, directly using the strongest spear to poke the weakest shield is the best way to solve the problem and the best choice to quell the rumors.

As for Ethan’s idea...

It immediately made the old principal laugh out loud.

"Okay, Okay, Okay..."

"Oh~Ethan, your idea is even wilder than I expected..."

"Let the Tokyo prefectural prosecutor arrest people directly?"

"And then ask Taitong and the former president of the American Film Association to tell the truth?"

"This idea is really too..."

"Be bold."

The old principal commented with emotion.

Looking at Ethan with bright eyes.

The muddy look it once had is gone.

Instead, there is a spirit of recalling the past.

At the same time, words of nostalgia came out of his mouth——

"Ethan, the name Tokyo Prefectural Police is too old."

"It's so long ago that I can't even recall MacArthur's stinky face."

"I have met him and known him, so I know what the Tokyo Prefectural Police Department is."

"And when you mentioned the Tokyo prefectural inspection, I think you should also understand that this thing cannot be used casually, because it is our weapon to curb neon, so..."

"Are you sure you've thought about it?"

"I can help you call and arrest someone."

"But if you are caught this time, I won't be able to help you next time."

"Because I broke the rules."

The sincerity of the old principal made Ethan raise his eyebrows.

Make eye contact with it.

There was only caution in those already bright eyes.

"Principal, I know this is a very difficult decision." Ethan sighed and said, "But at the same time, this is the best way at the moment, isn't it?"

This rhetorical question made the old principal purse his lips.

He stared at Ethan for a long time.

Finally, he turned the handle of the wheelchair and came to the window sill.

Feeling the warm sun spreading over the earth, he smiled and asked: "Ethan, what do you think of the country Neon? Or, have you paid attention to this country?"

Although the topic of the old principal changed a bit strangely, Ethan still walked up to him and said: "Principal, I wonder what you want to ask?"

"What I want to ask is, do you think the current neon is a threat to us?"

The old principal was blunt.

"I think there is, but no." Ethan replied sincerely.

"Oh? Why do you say that?" The old principal was very curious.

"The reason is very simple." Ethan put his hands on the window sill and said slowly while looking out at the campus: "Because of the rapid development of neon in the past few decades, it was all based on the accumulation of demographic dividend. The rapid development of their industry is a result of the post-war baby boom. The continuous release of demographic dividend has allowed them, like countless economies, to enter the era of urbanization."

"The dividends of this era cannot be controlled by personal will, so the threats that arise are problems that we must face head-on."

"But at the same time, all of us know that demographic dividend is actually a business model. If this business model wants to be successful, it must have two foundations."

"The first is to have strong industrial manufacturing capabilities externally, and the goods produced can achieve a huge trade surplus. The second is to have efficient taxation capabilities internally."

“That is, while relying on low labor costs to earn huge amounts of foreign exchange, we can highly concentrate profits in a special way. Only in this way can the entire model run like a snowball.”

"There will be no problems when the first foundation is in operation, because it is the process of a country's industrialization, and it is also the dividend of people's wealth that the people of that country can enjoy, but when the second foundation is implemented, it will make countless industries The country is in pain because taxes are never easy to collect."


"Play real estate."


"It's financial real estate."

At this point, Ethan paused.

The old principal sitting in the wheelchair looked at the bowed back with surprised eyes.

Although Archmage Barbara Babcock had told him many times before that, Ethan did not look like a guy who had not received higher education.

And he felt the same way when he was listening to Ethan's information on a daily basis.

But it wasn't until now that he truly realized how much Ethan had been acting stupid before.

As for the reason?

Very simple.

Because Ethan revealed the Pandora's box of financial real estate.

And this is actually the tightrope Neon is walking on right now.

"You are right, the game of financial real estate is not that fun."

Now that Ethan stopped pretending, the old principal no longer hesitated.

He sighed softly while leaning on his wheelchair: "In the past ten years, Neon's automobile, electronics, steel and other industries have brought them huge trade surpluses, which has given them a foundation of people's prosperity, and recently this For some time, they have wanted to turn the people's wealth into national wealth, and they are using the financial and real estate head tax model to collect all the people's money into the national treasury to achieve true national wealth."

"And I think you are very clear about the reason for choosing this method."

"Taxes have a high cost."

"For example, our country's Internal Revenue Service, when it was established, they went around collecting taxes like robbers, because no matter what products we taxed, there were always people who would find ways to evade it."

"But financial real estate is different."

"Just speculate on land prices and housing prices."

"Then people will obediently hand over all their money."

“Many people have always felt that when they paid their high housing prices to developers, it was the developers who made the majority of the profits. But in fact, we all know that financial real estate is a model of low profits and high leverage. Take the current For Neon, land transfer fees, various taxes and fees, loan interest for home buyers, bank interest for land buyers, and operating interest for construction teams are the root causes of rising housing prices."

"In this process, money is actually just a unit. After throwing away the unit of money, people actually rely on their own future value when buying houses."

"When they can get assets that are rising rapidly without having to pay huge sums of money right now..."

"A country can receive a large amount of tax revenue at a relatively small cost."

"Because the people will voluntarily hand over everything."


"The neon economy will take off instantly."

Hearing this, Ethan turned around.

Leaning against the window sill, with the sun behind him, he looked at the old principal with a smile and said, "So, we have to pierce it, right? Because only in this way will they collapse."

"Yes." Ethan's words made the old principal nod his head and said: "This is also the reason why I don't recommend you to use the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office, because it may become a tool for us to puncture the bubble."

"His presence is serious and critical."

"He can serve our personal interests, but if our personal interests affect the collective interests, then most people will not help us in the future."

Ethan understood what the old principal meant.

The Tokyo Prefectural Inspection Bureau is a big killer. If you can't use it, don't use it.

And the biggest role of this big killer is at the moment.

That is to give Neon Real Estate a devastating blow at a critical moment.

This may sound complicated, but it's actually very simple.

In the final analysis, the tax model of financial real estate has very large systemic risks.

If a country's manufacturing industry can continue to prosper, then financial real estate will be the icing on the cake, but if the ability of financial real estate to create wealth exceeds that of manufacturing...

Real estate will become an industry for national speculation.

Once someone achieves financial freedom with the help of leverage, it will definitely attract countless people to take up leverage and pour into it. Then, real estate will become more prosperous and more emptied.

Because all the leverage is actually added to manufacturing and exports.

The good situation of manufacturing and export is the fundamental reason for the real estate boom. But once these two decline?

Sorry about that.

All must die!

This is why Neon collapsed quickly after the Plaza Accord.

The imbalance between the real economy and the financial system is the real root cause.

What's more important is that Neon has not achieved industrial transformation, and the entire country's technology industry has been driven into the ground by the Silicon Valley that Fred Terman spent his life cultivating.

When they cannot export and cannot develop high-tech industries...

How can a country with no entity not explode?

It is precisely because Ethan knows this that he can immediately understand the meaning of the old principal's words, and because the Plaza Accord and the Semiconductor War are things in the future, the old principal without foresight did not know , so at this moment he attaches great importance to the Tokyo Prefectural Inspection.

Because once they fall into strategic failure.

Then you can use violence to take people by force.

Pop the neon real estate bubble directly.

It's like long-arm jurisdiction.

As long as you can win, what does it matter if you pay a little violence?

And use this kind of killer weapon to save the game of destiny?

The old principal could sway people, but he really didn't want to sway them.

Because he is afraid that if he shakes it now, he will never be able to shake it again in the future.

It's like a nuclear weapon.

The greatest significance of its existence is deterrence.

Once you really fight it out, there's no going back.

"So you still want me to help you arrest people?" The old principal raised his eyebrows.

"Of course." Ethan nodded seriously.

"Why?" the old principal continued to ask.

Ethan stamped his feet and said, "Because the future is under our feet."

"Although video games are entertainment products, they are also a member of the software industry."

"It is the best channel for the general public to access technology."

"It can promote the crazy development of industries such as computers, semiconductors, and electronic communications."

"It is precisely because we actively embraced video games that Apple was able to become popular in the shortest time. It is also because the public accepted Apple that spreadsheets had a chance to come out."

"And when all is well..."

"How could we give it up so easily?"

"Or, how could we allow our own people to act recklessly?"

Maybe he knew his words were not strong enough.

At this point, Ethan clapped his hands again and said: "Principal."

"I think you should have heard of Neon's semiconductor support plan, right?"

"Steve Ross is selling out."

"So, can we get someone?"

Fred Terman was stunned when he heard this inquiry.

But soon, he laughed.

"if it is like this……"

"That can actually be taken." (End of Chapter)

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