Rebirth and daily cultivation

Chapter 381 Advance shipment

At nine-thirty in the morning, Jiang Ning was home alone.

Originally, Xue Yuantong didn't want to go to the city and wanted to play with Jiang Ning at home. Then Aunt Gu claimed to go to the supermarket. When she thought of the big supermarket full of snacks, Xue Yuantong couldn't resist the temptation.

She abandoned Jiang Ning and set off on her mother's battery car.

Jiang Ning read for a while and left the bedroom. The weather was still hot.

He walked to the main room, put the mountain bike into the storage ring with his backhand, ejected the spirit boat, activated the concealment circle, and flew towards Huqi Mountain.

In the northwest corner of Lingtian, the sun shines through the fog, forming a faint rainbow light.

The small vegetable garden is filled with all kinds of vegetables and fruits, including peach trees, melon fields, tomatoes, pumpkins, eggplants, beans, and peppers. Some are standing on the branches, while others are lying on the ground, with various colors intertwined together. But very orderly.

Jiang Ning stood by the opened water channel and flicked his fingers, and three plump tomatoes fell down.

He gently hooked his hand again, and the tomatoes flew over.

These three tomatoes are as ripe as the midday sun. They are bright red in color and emit an attractive fragrance. You can tell at a glance that they are of excellent quality.

This is a tomato grown in a spiritual field. Its appearance, taste and nutrition are both the pinnacle of this world and a top-notch supplement.

Jiang Ning casually took out a black plastic bag, put it directly into the bag, and carried it onto the spirit boat.

He drove the spirit boat and flew towards the city.

Along the way, Jiang Ning overlooked the entire urban area from a high position.

Because of the holiday, the flow of people in the city was much larger than usual. On the bridge spanning both sides of the river, long lines of traffic were crowded together, and the sound of car horns was constantly heard.

In the traffic flow, there was a Mercedes-Benz S series stretch sedan with a spacious back seat. Qi Tianheng put down his tablet with a look of impatience on his face:


The driver driving in front said carefully: "There's a traffic jam."

Qi Tianheng was even more unhappy. This poor city always had traffic jams on holidays.

He reached out and took out a bottle of iced Coke from the refrigerator, unscrewed the cap and took a sip, finally feeling much better.

Thinking of going to Nanshi for a big meal at noon, his mood improved slightly.

Jiang Ning's consciousness captured everything below. He tapped his toes, and the spirit boat accelerated again, leaping across the bridge in an instant.

In less than a minute, Jiang Ning flew near the community where his uncle lived. He found a remote alley to land, and then rode his bicycle towards his uncle's house.

The tomatoes he brought were intended to be given to his uncle's family. In fact, he had thought of giving some elixirs before, but gave up, so he just used these fruits to make up for it.

His uncle's family treated him well. The mountain bike he is riding now was given to him by his cousin Jiang Junlong, who provided him with a lot of help.

After entering the community, Shen Qing'e was waiting for him downstairs.

Jiang Ning's consciousness scanned her. The last few times he came to his uncle's house, she always greeted him with the elevator card.

Shen Qing'e wore a pair of white sandals with a white skirt, which was fresh and pleasant, with a summer atmosphere.

Compared with last year, Shen Qing'e's skin is much whiter, probably because her nutrition has kept up.

"Let's go." Jiang Ning said.

In Shen Qing'e's eyes, Jiang Ning didn't even look at her. She felt ignored. She had chosen these clothes online for a long time before ordering them.

did not expect……

The entire journey was speechless.

Upstairs, my aunt greeted the door as before, and then my uncle Jiang Qitian's loud voice came: "Ning Ning is here!"

The situation in the room came into Jiang Ning's eyes. There was a strange middle-aged man and a girl with the temperament of a little princess.

"Uncle, aren't you doing business today?" he asked. Today is a holiday, and the customer flow is good. If he didn't open, he would probably make thousands less in one day.

Jiang Qitian said: "Your cousin is busy in the store, I will take a day off."

He had some considerations for doing this. His eldest son was not good at studying, dropped out of high school and got married early. If he went out to find a job, he would most likely only be able to do some hard work.

Simply teach him how to do business, teach him how to deal with people, and then tell him how to open a restaurant. Make connections yourself, and when the time comes, help him choose a location and use the money to open a restaurant for him.

After Jiang Ning said hello, she put the black plastic bag in her hand forward and said, "I brought some tomatoes. Uncle, you can try them."

After hearing this, Jiang Qitian's expectations were instantly dashed. When he saw his nephew carrying the bag, he subconsciously thought it was a big watermelon, but the size of the bag was just wrong.

Now that he heard that it wasn't a big watermelon, Jiang Qitian was fine. He smiled and said, "You're already here, what else do you bring?"

"Don't bring it next time."

Jiang Junlong next to the sofa rushed over when he heard the tomatoes. He took the bag first and looked at it twice, almost ecstatically:

"Brother Ning, are these the tomatoes I ate at your house last time?"

He missed the taste of tomato fish fillet so much that he couldn't sleep due to craving for it in the middle of the night.

I even asked my mother to cook a meal for this, but the taste was a hundred times worse.

Jiang Ning heard this and said, "Well, it's the tomatoes we used to make fish last time."

Shen Qing'e's eyes lit up with anticipation. She couldn't resist the taste of delicious food. Just because she had a conflict with Jiang Ning and was still in a cold war, she naturally wouldn't show it, but she was also eager in her heart.

When Jiang Junlong heard this, he said directly: "Damn, that's so good!"

The aunt looked at him pitifully, and Jiang Junlong smiled awkwardly. He would be criticized for swearing at home.

The uncle didn't think it was anything at first. When he picked up the tomatoes, he immediately smelled a fresh fragrance and his expression became serious:

"This tomato is extraordinary!"

A middle-aged man, Uncle Yao, came over and said, "Is there anything different?"

Yao Yiyao disagreed: "It's not much different from the ones sold in supermarkets?"

My uncle owns a restaurant. For a long time, he has personally purchased and controlled the ingredients for the restaurant, so he certainly has good eyesight.

"Nowadays, many tomatoes on the market are accelerated ripe and don't have the same smell as tomatoes."

"Look at this again."

As he spoke, the uncle rubbed the tomatoes with his hands and opened his mouth to taste them.

Jiang Junlong's expression changed: "Dad, shut up!"

Jiang Ning stayed at her uncle's house for half an hour. Before leaving, her uncle repeatedly asked her to stay, and finally gave Jiang Ning a bucket with four small green dragons in it.

When Jiang Ning returned to Heba's house, Xue Yuantong was already waiting at home. In addition, there was a black battery car parked at the door.

That's Xue Chuchu's battery car.

Looking at Xue Chuchu's back, she has long hair shawl, white T-shirt and slim jeans, her waist is slender, and her legs reveal soft curves.

"Jiang Ning Jiang Ning, you are finally back." Xue Yuantong ran to greet you. "I bought a lot of snacks, enough for us to eat for a week. Come and see."

As she said this, she pulled Jiang Ning and asked him to look at the pile of snacks.

Then she noticed the bucket in Jiang Ning's hand, "Jiang Ning, why are you carrying the bucket?"

"I took the little green dragon from my uncle." Jiang Ning replied.

As he spoke, he carried the bucket and walked to the shady area of ​​the yard. He poured the little green dragons in the bucket into the big basin, and suddenly four green-brown little green dragons appeared.

The little green dragon is very big, weighing half a kilogram. It is strong and tall, with dark-colored armor and two long beards on its head. It looks majestic and domineering.

Xue Yuantong was frightened, even though she searched for knowledge on the Internet yesterday in order not to show her timidity.

However, seeing it with my own eyes, the little green dragon is really big!

The lobster's body was almost as thick as her wrist.

Xue Chuchu also came over to take a look. This kind of big lobster is really eye-catching.

Xue Yuantong squatted and watched for a while, then suddenly asked: "Chu Chu, can you beat them?"

Xue Chuchu was confused at first, and then after studying it carefully, she said softly: "They don't have pliers."

Xue Yuantong then noticed that Xiao Qinglong actually didn't have pliers. She was a little happy at first, which meant that the opponent's force value was not very strong.

Then she regretted and said angrily: "Why doesn't it have pincers? Without pincers, it loses a lot of meat!"

She stretched out her finger and tapped Xiao Qinglong with hatred.

Jiang Ning: "6."

Xue Chuchu looked at Tongtong and didn't know what to say.

When Aunt Gu came over and saw it, she was surprised: "So many."

These green dragons are definitely not cheap. Aunt Gu estimates that they are worth at least more than 300 yuan, which is quite expensive.

Jiang Ning said: "It must have been all burned at noon."

At noon, including Xue Chuchu and her mother, there are five people in total, so there is no need to worry about not being able to finish the meal.

Aunt Gu knew that Jiang Ning had always had her own opinion, so she didn't shirk anymore: "Okay, Auntie will cook today, how do you want to eat it, steamed, minced with garlic, or sashimi?"

Jiang Ning looked at Xue Yuantong and let her make the decision.

Xue Yuantong thought about it and said, "Mom, two minced garlic, two dry fried."

So the way the crayfish died was decided.

The lunch table is set up in the main room.

Chu Chu's mother, Hua Fengmei, blew in the draft and looked at the beautiful fields:

"This place is better than our home."

Aunt Gu ate the vegetarian dishes and said with a smile: "After we finish our meal, we will go to Aunt Pan's next door to have a look."

Hua Fengmei nodded: "In the past, what I actually thought was that when Chu Chu was admitted to college, I would go to the city where she went to college to take care of her. But now it's different."

She is now working in Yuzhou Changqingye, and the salary is not good. Let alone a middle-aged woman with little education like her, it is not easy for even a student from a key university to get in.

Hua Fengmei's current salary, after deducting five insurances and one housing fund every month, is a full 5,500!

However, this salary level is still at the bottom of Changqingye, and there is a lot of room for improvement in the future.

Aunt Gu said: "You definitely can't leave. If you leave, you won't have a chance to come in."

Hua Fengmei: "So I want to settle here. After Chu Chu graduates from university, if I can find a way, let her enter Changqingye."

At this time, she looked at her daughter: "Chu Chu, Changqing Liquid is amazing. Our own brand makes foreigners money, all in US dollars."

She looked proud: "Our company has acquired a piece of land, several hundred acres, and will build a park when the time comes. It will be very powerful."

Changqingye Company does an excellent job in cultural promotion. It develops its own brand and earns money from foreigners. In addition, foreigners rush to buy it. The superposition of several elements creates a truly far-reaching word-of-mouth effect.

Xue Chuchu silently ate the small green dragon meat in the bowl, keeping her mother's words in mind, and thinking at the same time, the shrimp meat is so delicious~

Hua Fengmei calculated in her mind that buying a house should be put on the agenda. Firstly, the rent in the city was about to expire, and secondly, the rented house did not even have air conditioning.

On the top floor of the seventh floor, there is no air conditioning. In summer, it is like a steamer. Chu Chu is very hot. She usually doesn't say it. She has the conditions and doesn't want her daughter to suffer.

"Let's take a look together later. It's good to settle early."

"Do you still have enough money?" Aunt Gu asked with concern, "I'll get you some."

She said directly at the dinner table that the relationship between the two was very good and they would not be secretive about such things.

Hua Fengmei: "No, I have enough money."

In fact, the money was not enough, but the better the relationship, the less she wanted to borrow money from Sister Gu.

Now she has a good job that everyone envies. It is not difficult to borrow money from relatives to buy a house because her family can afford it.

The two adults were talking while Xue Yuantong was eating the little green dragon. After eating like crazy, she stopped to rest.

Jiang Ning took a sip of orange juice and scrolled through her phone leisurely.

In the QQ group, Yu Wen was complaining to her classmates: "I'm convinced. I bought clothes online, but they didn't arrive until today. I have to go to school to get them."

Guo Kunnan: "Isn't that what online shopping is like? Just buy something and wait three days."

Next, a bunch of classmates complained, saying that you should never send a certain express, it is too slow and too slow.

Yu Wen came out again and said, "I'm confused. Since the express delivery only arrives in 3 days, why not send all the express delivery 3 days in advance?"

"If we do this, if I place an order today, won't it arrive today?"

Zhang Chi jumped out and retorted: "Express delivery cannot be sent 3 days in advance!"

Yu Wen: "Why can't it be sent 3 days in advance?"

Zhang Chi explained: "Because some express delivery can arrive in two days. If it had arrived three days in advance, the express delivery would have arrived yesterday. Wouldn't it be possible for me to get it today?"

Yu Wen thought about it carefully: "It seems right!"

The two of them actually started discussing in the class how the express delivery should be delivered, and they ended up quarreling.

No one obeys anyone.

The classmates in the class watched him chatting with each other, and Duan Shigang couldn't stand it anymore. In order to show that he was educated and had leadership, he suggested:

"It is recommended that the industry formulate regulations that stipulate that express delivery must arrive within three days, and then can it be shipped three days in advance?"

Yu Wen: "With so many express delivery companies, how can we set rules and who should we listen to?"

Duan Shigang said domineeringly: "One day, someone will appear who makes the rules."

Yang Sheng, who had just finished her meal, finally couldn't bear the IQ of her classmates. She spoke:

"It was shipped three days in advance. You didn't place an order three days in advance. Let me ask you, can the express delivery company predict the future?"

A word to wake up the dreamer.

The class group fell into silence. A few people finally realized something. Their IQ was exposed, and the atmosphere in the group gradually became weird.

In order to break the embarrassment, monitor Huang Zhongfei sent a photo of lunch:

"What did everyone eat on the first day of vacation?"

Guo Kunnan followed suit. There were fish, meat and crabs on the dinner table, which was extremely rich.

Wang Longlong: "Brother Nan's food is good."

Guo Kunnan: "Haha, my sister is back. Eat well."

The next second, Hu Jun appeared: "Brother Nan, can I come to your house for dinner?"

"Okay, you come." Guo Kunnan said generously.

Hu Jun replied instantly: "I will ride a motorcycle in the evening."

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