Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading

Chapter 9 Charter Flight Preparation

Chapter 9 Charter Flight Preparation

Two days before the Diablo 3 public beta.

Mu Yang came to a large Internet cafe outside the school, Miracle Internet Cafe.

There are more than 200 computers in this Internet cafe. There are ordinary computers on the first floor, and boxes on the second floor. There are five computers in each box, which can satisfy players who like to fight.

At the same time, some lovers who like flirting and don't want to be disturbed by outsiders also like it.

The hourly price of ordinary mobile phones is 2 yuan, and if you participate in the recharge reward activity, it is about 1.7 yuan.

The computer configuration in the private room is better, and the hourly price of Internet access is 3 yuan.

It takes 24 hours to turn on the machine to swipe gold coins. It is easy for people to tamper with the computer when it is hung up on an ordinary machine, and Mu Yang does not want to be exposed.

It's not that Mu Yang has never thought about buying a computer, but to play Diablo 3, the computer configuration requirements are not low, and the computer price is more expensive. Second-hand computers are cheap, prone to problems, and fail to meet the requirements.

Moreover, what he wants is not a computer or two.

A computer can only be opened in two ways. If 30 game accounts are opened, 15 computers are needed, and funds are in short supply.

The most important thing is that these days, the Internet speed of residents is not as fast as that of Internet cafes, and if they often get stuck, they can still earn a dime.

Renting a house, pulling network cables, buying computer assembly, moving, wiring and other chores can be done in a few days, which is too much trouble. If you have this time, you might as well read more books to gain experience, which can cost thousands of dollars a day.

Mu Yang inspected this Internet cafe and came to the bar.

The female cashier, who was about twenty years old, saw that he was standing in front of the bar and did not swipe his card, so she politely asked him: "Handsome guy, let's go online, just use your ID card to swipe your card."

"No, I have something to do with your boss." Mu Yang replied, pointing to the middle-aged fat man who was reconciling accounts at the bar.

"Little brother, what's the matter?" Boss Zhang heard someone looking for him, turned his head and looked at Mu Yang carefully, with a kind face, not like a gangster.

Boss Zhang handed over the cigarettes. He was most afraid of gangsters making trouble when he was doing business in an Internet cafe. Even if he could ask someone to solve it, if the gangsters came in with a machete and hacked, all the customers would run away. Who would dare to come to his Internet cafe to surf the Internet in the future.

"Boss, you're welcome. I don't smoke. I want to rent 3 boxes and 15 machines for 30 days. How much is it?"

Boss Zhang was pleasantly surprised: "Hey, bro, what kind of game business are you going to do? The most popular games now are Z Road and Westward Journey."

Mu Yang said nonsense: "I have received a few big orders, let's do leveling on the Z way, and get some equipment by the way."

Boss Zhang stretched out his thumb: "It's amazing, even your studio can receive such a big order."

Mu Yang babbled again: "The local tyrants in the game just support me, I just met them.

Otherwise, how can I be so lucky, just tell me how much it costs, if it is too much, I will change the place, there are many Internet cafes nearby. "

Boss Zhang didn’t quote directly, he was really afraid that he would scare off the “big customer” in front of him: “Brother, let me do the math with you, the Internet access fee in the box is 3 yuan an hour, even if it is a recharge discount of 2 yuan 7, 24 hours, there is The overnight fee for 9 hours is 15 yuan, and a machine is 55.5 yuan a day, 55 yuan for you.

825 yuan for 15 machines, 24750 yuan for 30 days. "

Boss Zhang didn't want to fool around. If it was calculated at 72 yuan a day, it is estimated that the young man turned around and left immediately.

Internet cafes charge transparent Internet access, it is difficult to fool people.

After hearing this, Mu Yang sneered, and said: "Boss, you are not mean enough, your Internet cafe has 60% attendance during the day, 90% at most at night, and 50% overnight.

Calculated in this way, 24 hours a day, the vacancy rate of computers reaches 40%, and the actual income of one computer a day is about 33 yuan. I will give 38 yuan a computer, okay? "

"Hey, brother, if you don't take it with you, it will be calculated like this. Internet and electricity fees will be charged for surfing the Internet. Let's do it, 50 yuan a day." Boss Zhang didn't expect that he was still knowledgeable, but according to Mu Yang's attendance rate, it would definitely not work.

But no matter what, 38 yuan a day is definitely not enough.

40% vacancy rate, that is, 9 hours more on the computer, and the electricity bill for the optical computer is one or two dollars, and there are other losses.

And you only earn two dollars in 9 hours, which is definitely not enough.

Not to mention 38 yuan, if it is less than 40 yuan, he doesn't want to rent it.

"Boss, the electricity bill is a dime. A computer has a power of one or two hundred watts. One kWh of electricity is enough for seven hours, and commercial electricity is only one yuan.

As for the Internet fee, boss, you really know how to joke. You pay a fixed fee every month, and it is a waste if you don’t use it. "

In fact, for Mu Yang, even if the price is more expensive, he will choose this Internet cafe, which is more in line with his requirements.

This Internet cafe seldom loses power or internet, but it is hard to say for other Internet cafes. As long as the power and internet are disconnected once, he will lose more than a few thousand yuan if he wastes time.

But if you can bargain, it's a little bit cheaper, and I'm used to being poor.

Boss Zhang chuckled, scolding the young man for being so stingy in his heart, and waved his hands to disagree.

Mu Yang looked at the boss's expression, thought for a while and said: "Boss, 40 yuan, in a word, is it okay? If not, I can talk to another Internet cafe. There are more than a dozen Internet cafes nearby, and there are always people who can talk about it. It's just that I am a frequent visitor here. I feel that you, the boss, are not bad, so I will choose this place first."

"Hey, what I said to you sounds good, let's say 40 yuan, it's really not profitable." Boss Zhang sighed, and didn't worry about losing a few yuan a day.

Opening an Internet cafe to make money these days is really not as good as it was a few years ago, he really regrets entering the market late.

"To be honest, young man, I keep the box, even if I make less money, but it doesn't occupy the seat, and I can still keep customers.

You are alone, occupying so many machines, it’s not about the money, just like if you buy the entire Internet cafe, I won’t agree, the customers are all gone, what business do I do. "

"But some money is better than nothing, isn't it, boss." Mu Yang smiled, 40 yuan is acceptable, and there is no need to worry about how many dollars, even if you shop around, it is a waste of time.

"40 yuan for one set, 600 yuan for 15 sets a day, 18,000 yuan for 30 days, when did you start paying?" The boss put out the cigarette, took a puff of cigarette, took the calculator and calculated.

"Well, let's start at ten o'clock in the evening on November 11th." Mu Yang took out 18,000 cash from his backpack and handed it to the boss. He was used to mobile payment, and he hadn't touched so much cash for many years.

After Boss Zhang finished counting the money, ask him to write a bill for collecting money, indicating the start time and end time of the chartered flight, as well as the price, so as not to change his mind midway.

If more money is traded, Mu Yang will also ask for liquidated damages. Being cautious is like regretting in the future.

"Please explain to your network administrator and waiter. During the contract period of my computer, no other people are allowed to enter. After all, it is a way to make money. There is no need to restart the machine in the morning, and there is no need for cleaners to clean up. It is too troublesome to log in to the computer again."

"Understood, as long as you don't break the computer, it's fine, but you have to stop for a few minutes every five days, and the computer is not good for long-term operation."

Mu Yang thought for a while, and quickly agreed: "Yes, I am more afraid of computer abnormalities than you, and if you don't tell me, I will shut down to cool down from time to time.

Before tomorrow night, ask the network administrator to clean up the dust on the case of the computer I want to rent, and replace the damaged computer and keyboard for me. "

Internet cafes have to restart all machines in the morning to restore the system, but some lunatics continue to play until noon after all night, or even for two or three days, and the network administrators cannot shut down customers' computers at will.

Mu Yang specified that he wanted boxes 5-7 in the corner of the second floor of the Internet cafe, and then got to know the two network administrators, and he just came to the computer tomorrow night.

The 24-hour boot also requires someone to guard the computer to prevent the computer from being abnormal without his knowledge, or someone entering the box to tamper with the computer.

In addition, it is estimated that it takes an hour to manually operate each game account from logging in to the gold mining secret realm. There is no original game code, and his hang-up software is not powerful enough to simultaneously operate 30 game accounts.

It takes nearly 30 hours to operate 30 coin-swiping game numbers, and it must be done within one day, requiring two people to operate.

Too time consuming!

After shutting down and restarting the machine, there are still exceptions to be handled, and people are needed to help when buying game equipment and replacing equipment.

In order to keep it secret, he needed someone he trusted. Mu Yang thought of Fatty and asked him to help him level up, as long as he paid some wages.

In addition, three people need to take turns to guard the machine, there is a plug-in, and they do not need to operate the computer.

Mu Yang discussed with the boss about renting a computer, and after checking that the computer was fine, he called Fatty. On the way back to school, he found him at a roadside stall. This guy was eating.

Seeing that there is no one at his table, sit down and ask him directly:

"Fatty, do you want to make money?"

"Just kidding, my living expenses are only 700 a month. I'm so poor that I'm going crazy. Do you have a way?" This month, the fat man saw that Mu Yang's living standard has improved a lot and his clothes are better. He thought it was because of his family's financial situation. alright.

"Help me do things for one month, two thousand yuan, if it goes well, I will give you another one thousand yuan at the end, do you want to do it?" Mu Yang made it clear to him.

These days, the wages of general workers are about 3,000 yuan in the provincial capital of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and the wages of skilled workers are even higher.

Compared with other provinces, it is relatively high.

If you are a graduate of their school, the starting salary is about 2,000 yuan. In the final analysis, it depends on the region and company.

The better the school you graduated from, the higher your education, the better your business benefits, and the higher your starting salary.

Mu Yang estimates that Diablo 3's profit from brushing gold is at least 3 million yuan, and if it goes well, it will be far more than that.

How much you do, how much money you give, even if you are a classmate, it is still the same, and you will not give too much money for no reason. The helper account is upgraded, and the helper maintains it every day, which is a lot of two to three thousand yuan.

"Two thousand yuan, that's a lot, do it, of course." The fat man was very excited when he heard that two thousand yuan was enough for his living expenses for two or three months. He could buy a second-hand computer and save money for surfing the Internet.

However, wondering in my heart, how could there be so many, and asked in a low voice, "Yangzi, it can't be illegal, then I won't do it."

"You think too much, it's not illegal, even if you rob a bank, they won't come to you.

Hehe, with your weight, it's no wonder that you can run away, and cheat your teammates. "

"Hey, then I'm relieved, let's talk about what to do."

"The game Diablo 3, you know."

"Well, there have been a lot of reports on this game recently. I know there is such a thing, but I don't know the details. My mind is full of Z ways."

Mu Yang probably told him some information about the game, which requires his cooperation and cannot be kept secret.

The core thing, even if the fat man wants to steal it, he can't steal it.

Fatty is obsessed with the Z way all day long and doesn't know much about this game.

Mu Yang said: "I have hired 15 computers in the Internet cafe for a month. I will tell you how to do it when the server is opened tomorrow."

The fat man widened his eyes in surprise and said, "Damn it, 15 computers in an Internet cafe for a month, how much does that cost?"

"Ten thousand to a few thousand. Pay the money in installments. Just the two of us know about it. Don't talk nonsense to others, including Zheng Zhe and the others."

"Thousands of dollars, you can buy a few computers. Are you so sure that you can make money?"

"Whether you can make money or not, you don't have to worry about it. I have to ask three more people to watch the phone. I will write a poster first, and you will copy a few copies later, and then help me post them." He took out a pen and a 16mo notebook, and wrote posters on the table.

Fatty still has a lot of questions. Where did Mu Yang get so much money? What is he going to do? Are the 15 machines just hanging up to flash equipment?

But when Mu Yang sat down to write a poster, he stopped answering his questions and had to stand beside him to see what he wrote.

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