Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 747 The First Level (4)

"Isn't it? It seems that this little girl's understanding is very good!"

"In martial arts training, talent is important, but it's just that you can advance faster in the early stage, and you can also improve your physique through pills. But in the later stage, comprehension becomes even more critical! Without comprehension, no matter how good the talent is, It's a waste. This Bai Ruoqi is a talent!"

None of the elders thought that Bai Ruoqi had known the content of the assessment in advance, and thought that she had really come up with a plan on how to distribute profound energy in such a short period of time, and they all looked at her with admiration.

Although a genius with good talent is rare, a genius with such a good understanding is even rarer!

Even Vice President Ling said: "This girl's comprehension is not ordinary, but it's a pity that her cultivation talent is really not good enough, the fourth-level inferior... Sigh! Otherwise, she can be directly recruited as a core student! Now , first give her a quasi-core qualification, wait until the first year is over, and then see her performance!"

In this way, it is equivalent to admitting Bai Ruoqi in advance.

The examiner received a message from Vice President Ling and immediately announced it in the examination room.

This time, everyone looked at Bai Ruoqi with envy and jealousy, and the whole audience was full of noisy voices talking about her.

"Oh my god, Bai Ruoqi was admitted directly, and even became a quasi-core!"

"Yeah, why? I've actually seen it. This part of the assessment can't be passed by brute force. You need to have certain skills. She just has a number ahead of me, so she can be the first to show it!"

"That's right, why did she take advantage of all the advantages?"

Despite various psychological imbalances, other people only dared to discuss in private, and no one dared to raise objections.

Bai Ruoqi smiled contentedly, accepting everyone's jealous eyes, not to mention how proud she was.

This is what she wanted!

After she learned the content of the assessment, she tried several times, but she couldn't get the highest score. Later, the national teacher had the knowledge to help her design a method of distributing profound strength, so that she could perform well in the formal assessment. So outstanding!

But these, she will never say it.

Bai Ruoqi smiled, and turned her gaze to Huang Yueli. Immediately, he froze for a moment.

Bai Ruoqi originally thought that if she performed so well and overwhelmed Huang Yueli's limelight just now, Huang Yueli would definitely be very angry and jealous.

But, in fact, Huang Yueli's face was calm, and she didn't even look at her.

"What are you pretending to do!" Bai Ruoqi gritted her teeth secretly, "I want to see how much strength you can exert later, how can you surpass me!"

The assessment continues.

With the precedent of Bai Ruoqi, every candidate after her tried to retain part of their strength, and gradually increased their strength when attacking the last few power stones.

But it's a pity that they haven't practiced beforehand, and they can't be sure for a while, what kind of strength is the most appropriate, so the final test result is still not as good as Bai Ruoqi.

In this way, it further highlighted that Bai Ruoqi's understanding was superior to others, and there were a lot fewer people who questioned her.

Bai Ruoqi was so triumphant that she couldn't control the smile on her face.

"No. 95: Song Yaru!"

At this moment, the examiner on the stage announced Song Yaru's name.

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