Tatsuno used the Pokmon Illustrated Book to teleport Bidiao back, and then came to Kirulian and rubbed its head. Kirulian raised the corners of her mouth, threw herself into his arms and acted coquettishly for a while, and then was taken away by Long Ye. Ye took it back into the baby ball. He walked over and picked up Guisi's treasure ball and released it.

"You win and I keep my promise!"

Although Guisi likes to be naughty and mischievous, he still has integrity. If you lose the bet, you lose.

Hearing Guisi say this, Long Ye smiled slightly, raised the talisman in his hand and handed it to Guisi and said:"This talisman is I leave it to you. You must train well from now on!"

Guisi was slightly startled when he heard Long Ye's words. Such a precious charm was given directly to him?

Longye had no other ideas at all. Anyway, he only had this ghost-type Pokémon. If he didn't give it to Guisi, who would he give it to?

Guisi raised the corner of his mouth and asked,"Aren't you afraid that I will become stronger and run away from you after taking the spell?""

"You can try? See how I deal with you!"

Tatsuno's tone of voice was very gentle, but it gave people a chilling feeling, which made ghosts like Guisi shudder.

It seems that you should train well in the future!

This kid is really scary. Guisi has lived for a thousand years and has seen countless people, but Long Ye feels that it is very dangerous and has no doubt that he will end up miserable if he escapes.

After thinking about it, Guisi floated over and swallowed the dragon in one bite. At the same time, a system prompt sounded in

Long Ye's mind:"Guisi has been nourished by the girl's spiritual power for two thousand years, and after fully absorbing it, he can reach the potential of a divine beast!"

I'll go!

" Long Ye exclaimed in his heart. He didn't expect that this spell would have such a great effect on the ghost system. It could actually increase the potential. I thought it could only increase the power of skills.

In fact, Long Ye didn't know about this spell. The girl's two thousand years of spiritual power can nourish the souls of ghost-type Pokémon, thereby extending their lifespan.

Don't think that ghost-type Pokémon are immortal. Since they are Pokémon, they will die one day, but ghost-type Pokémon will die one day. The lifespan of Pokémon is generally longer, but monsters like Guisi who have lived for a thousand years are still rare. It is because of Guisi's extraordinary talent that this talisman can break through the shackles of the championship and reach the potential of the mythical beast.

This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. After Karakura and Fire Dinosaur, she got the third Pokémon with the potential of a mythical beast.

On the way back, Xiaoxia was still confused about what just happened, so she asked Tatsuno what happened just now. , Longye told everything he knew, and then Xiaoxia asked tangledly:"Longye, is the person waiting for that girl really Xiaozhi's previous life?"

"It doesn't matter whether he has a previous life or not. Even if that person reincarnates Xiaozhi, he is not the person Xiaozi is waiting for. Cherishing the talent in front of you is the most important thing."

Hearing this, Xiaoxia was shocked and stopped.

That's right!

The most important thing is to cherish the talents in front of you!

It was also because of this sentence that Xiaoxia made a bold move!

Xiaoxia ran out like a rabbit. , blocking Long Ye’s front. Just when Long Ye was wondering, she stood on tiptoes and covered Long Ye’s mouth.......

So soft and sweet!

This was the first reaction in Tatsuno's mind, and then he changed his mind.......

The lips parted for a long time.

Long Ye looked at Xiaoxia, who was shy but huddled in his arms like a quail after being bold, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Xiaoxia never thought that she would be so bold and make such an amazing move. Maybe it was because Xiaozi's story gave her courage!

She was only fifteen years old this year and was at the age of Huaichun. Tatsuno appeared in front of her at this time. His handsome appearance instantly won her favor, and at the same time, he slowly walked into her heart during the journey. My whole heart is tied to Long Ye, and I just want to keep traveling with him and stay together until I grow old.

But Nanami's appearance gave her a sense of crisis.

Although there is no clear monogamy in this world, as long as the man is in love and the concubine is willing, he can have three wives and four concubines, but more people are still monogamous because of financial resources, so Xiaoxia is very afraid that Tatsuno will leave because of Nanami. Own.

Tatsuno's words just now inadvertently awakened her, cherishing the present is the most important thing, and don't regret it after losing it.

Long Ye caressed Xiaoxia's let down hair and said softly:"I will treat you well from now on!"

He always understood Xiaoxia's thoughts and wanted to let it develop naturally. Now Xiaoxia is almost confessing her love. The actions naturally come naturally


Xiaoxia curled up in Long Ye's arms, feeling the body temperature on his body, and responded softly.......

The celebration of Maiden Strait was held for two days in total. During these two days, the feelings between Tatsuno and Xiaoxia continued to heat up. Although they did not have too close contact, their hearts were already tightly connected.

After the celebration was over, Tatsuno and Xiaoxia continued to move forward towards Jinhuang City, where the fourth gym was located.

On the way, Long Ye and Xiaoxia passed by a cliff. There were many trainers here releasing their Bada butterflies. Because this time of year is when the Bada butterflies secrete the most hormones, the trainers would also gather in unison. Come here and let Bada Butterfly come to find a mate.

Although neither Longye nor Xiaoxia has Badahu, they both just fell in love and are very similar to the current situation of Badahu. Therefore, at Xiaoxia's request, the two stayed here for a day and even We also rented a hot air balloon to experience the love between Bada butterflies up close in the air.

Looking at the pairs of Badahu lovers under the setting sun, Xiaoxia also snuggled into Longye's arms, looking like a pair of fairy curls against the backdrop of the sun.......

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