Plane Development Plan

Chapter 8 Visiting Violet

After thinking about it, Xiao Jiang went to the back of the church. After the church, he saw a few cars. This time he was relieved, because there was a nice gray RV in it. He cautiously entered the car and turned on the lights. Sofa TV computer bathroom bedroom everything.

Violet World's technology is much more advanced than reality, and its technological equipment is also much stronger. A TV attached to the wall like a paper can directly receive all satellite TVs in this world, and a semi-touch 3D projection computer can be used as long as people are in the room. Operates anywhere and is also connected to the satellite network.

After checking it carefully, Xiao Jiang got out of the car happily, and he lifted the RV with both hands and pulled it hard. With his current super soldier evolutionary power, he can't lift a RV temporarily. He only needs to drag it, so that he can The dimensional suction generated by the space compression device at the waist can hold the RV in.

After putting away the RV, Xiao Jiang kept putting away the two specially made motorcycles and an off-road vehicle here, and then he climbed over the fence and went out in the other direction.

In the city for a long time, Xiao Jiang also inquired about a lot of things. The polarization of the rich and the poor in the world has reached its peak. Even if many poor people know that it is dangerous outside the city, they can only set up tents outside the city for the night without housing. Work in the city.

Crossing the two hillsides, Xiao Jiang took out the RV that could automatically change color and drove the car leisurely to the poor man's tent area. When he saw the arrival of the RV, the tents on the hillside occasionally looked envious. The owner of the RV could live there. He is already a rich man among the poor.

If these people knew that the interior of the RV that Xiao Jiang picked up was extremely luxurious, even as good as those of the big men in the city, the people here would understand that this RV should only be played by the rich among the rich.

The vampire leader Nehwal's private RV is of course luxurious. Xiao Jiang stopped the car on the hillside, retrieved various information on the computer and looked at it for a while. This Nehwal is a smart man, but his fighting power is not very good, but with his smart head He made the vampires a lot of money, and of course he made countless times more.

The computer is filled with records of Nehwal engaged in various illegal transactions or robbery. After a look at Xiao Jiang, he erased the information in it. He began to download various information from the Internet, and the most important thing was about quantum computers. New ways of programming and various hacking illegal tutorials.

As for why he wants to learn these things, Xiao Jiang can't say that he can't buy some things and has to find a way. Since the emergence of quantum computers, this kind of computer system with entangled particle technology, as long as the underlying data is set, in addition to With the password, there is almost no way for others to crack it, and even those top hackers can't crack the advanced quantum computer. They can only try various cracking methods on ordinary personal terminals.

Xiao Jiang doesn't have much computer programming foundation, and doesn't know much about the previous computer languages. Now he needs to learn from the basics. Fortunately, he has a head that even Stark envies. He has a good memory and strong analytical skills. When it comes to energy data parameters, Xiao Jiang has never used a notebook to calculate tiny data with dozens of decimal places.

With such an ability, he learned computer technology very fast. He had already mastered a lot of knowledge in less than half a night. It was not until he felt a little dizzy that he leaned on the bed and rested.

Early in the morning, Xiao Jiang drove his RV into the city and used the 30 million credit points of his personal terminal to buy a super host system from an electronic technology company. This super host system is super, but in fact it is just over two meters in size. The diameter is more than one meter high. This kind of system is generally purchased by super-large companies, and private individuals rarely buy this thing. Fortunately, the electronic technology company has reserved a set, otherwise it will take a few months.

The reason why he had to spend huge sums of money to buy such a system is that Jiang Xiao learned that the compression device company and the antigravity device company are both using this kind of super host, this quantum computer host,

It is simply impossible to crack the data from the outside;

Only use the password to enter, and the password input mechanism set by this super host is also very powerful. If the correct password cannot be entered within one minute, the entire system data will be completely locked. To reopen the database, you must use a special key to start. , the password is still required to enter after startup.

Xiao Jiang just wanted to verify it himself. After tossing around in the RV for an afternoon, Xiao Jiang was frustrated. No matter what method he used, the password could not be cracked successfully. This was still when he set the password himself. The exact password could not be obtained even through constant analysis, not to mention that he planned to infiltrate the two companies to steal information, and it only took one minute to open the password.

"It seems that there is only one way left, to get the exact password from the bosses of these two companies, but even if such a big boss is at home, he will be discovered within ten minutes of being missing. Once the password is obtained, other senior executives of the company can lock the host in time. Make the password temporarily invalid, that is to say, within ten minutes, I have to get the password and download the data at the same time, unless I have a clone technique, it is still impossible."

Xiao Jiang put away the super host, he leaned against the window and muttered to himself. At this moment, an explosion sounded in the direction of the port area, and black smoke rose from a huge glass dome building where the pharmaceutical company was experimenting. When he saw the black smoke in the room and the production factory, Xiao Jiang muttered with joy on his face:

"I can't do it alone, can't I just add her?"

After watching the movie, Xiao Jiang knew that Violet had almost wiped out most of the army of the pharmaceutical company at this time. At the same time, he also killed the villain Daxis and rescued the cloned test body that was captured, and he thought of Violet. That sky-defying spear fighting skills and weird skills.

Being able to fight in and out of the army alone, Xiao Jiang thinks he doesn't have the ability. If he can get Violet to help, everything seems to be completed smoothly.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jiang drove the RV directly to the only exit of the dock. After a while, a red RV sped out from the inside. Xiao Jiang followed far behind the RV. After a while, the red RV parked beside a small wood.

Xiao Jiang drove the RV to a nearby mountain valley, put it away, and walked towards the RV alone. When he got close, he shouted:

"Anyone? A guest is visiting."

The back door of the RV opened, and a slightly sloppy and wretched man jumped down. He frowned at Xiao Jiang and said:

"What are you doing, why are you here?"

The man's hands were behind his back. Needless to say, he was guarding Xiao Jiang. Xiao Jiang spread his hands and said:

"I'm here to find someone to do business, not to make trouble. Please inform Miss Ovelett that I'm going to ask her to help with one thing, and I'll give her ten million credits. I think this money will be very useful to you now."

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