Plague Doctor

Chapter 90 Who's Will

For the humble worm, death is a kind of sublimation, because that is the only moment when they see the truth.

After Gu Jun responded to Uncle Dan, he just stood there without moving, and the coldness on his face became more and more intense.

"Ah Jun?" Uncle Dan could see that Gu Jun was wrong, and said in his heart that he was terrible, he seemed to have encountered other abnormal forces, "Are you dizzy? Wake up!"

Regardless of Xue Ba who was standing, or Lin Mo who was sitting against the wall, everyone could see the clues. Gu Jun's eyes were obviously losing their vitality...

At this moment, Gu Jun's heart and soul are like the wandering night wind, floating above the earth, he doesn't know where it came from, and he doesn't know where it returns to. Is it the abyss of the sea, or the stone road of this ancient city. He said hoarsely: "Uncle Egg, I have never had this kind of operation, I don't understand..."

"It's okay, I told you to do it, you will do it if you know the structure of the eye." Uncle Dan called him, "No need to disinfect, put on gloves quickly, and do it right away!"

"Uncle Egg..." Gu Jun's eyes moved slightly, part of his mind froze, and another part of his mind wanted to move, but his body didn't obey.

"What are you still thinking about!" Uncle Dan scolded, no matter whether this kid lost his soul or is a traitor, he must be pulled over now, "Rescue is time, don't you understand! Gu Jun , Wake up! It is important to save people, you are a doctor!"

Anyone who wanted to speak out among the crowd was stopped by Xue Ba raising his hand, and he intuitively told Xue Ba that only Uncle Dan could move Gu Jun here.

Of course, Gu Jun has no malice towards Uncle Dan. He has been with the team for the past few days and has been taken care of by Uncle Dan. He has listened to a lot of jokes and learned a lot...

Uncle Dan's reprimand made his heart twitch suddenly, as if the ice cellar had been ignited, but this strange pain brought a trace of sobriety.

Why, why did I say "I don't understand" just now?

Gu Jun's head swollen and ached, did he take revenge on Lou Xiaoning? Seeing her miserable state, hearing everyone's begging, did he get pleasure...

Because they have reason to doubt, they are going to watch them die, or even... playing with them?

That whisper, that stone path... seemed to be calling out to his evil side, luring him into darkness...

"You will fall down if you don't save it!" Uncle Dan knew that there was no time to talk nonsense, "Huo dude, eyelid opener!" There is an eyelid opener in the medical kit, because eye injuries are also common injuries in mobile task forces. As soon as Uncle Dan got the small double-headed iron hook, he desperately looked at Lou Xiaoning, wanting to install a eyelid opener on her right eye.

Uncle Dan's complexion quickly deteriorated, his hands trembled so much that he couldn't pretend, "Ah..."

This helplessness caused everyone's heartache, Xue Ba hurried up to pull Uncle Dan away: "No, don't put yourself in!" These words were heavier than the entire stone steps. But Uncle Dan still refused to go away, still insisting: "It can be saved, as long as this eyeball is taken off, it can be saved..."

Gouging out the eyeball and digging out a complete ball is just a way of handling film and television works. The fact is that the eyeball is firmly protected by the ocular appendages, which are connected with 6 extraocular muscles. If you poke and poke randomly, it will only make a mess. For example, the eyeball is half hanging out with the muscles, or half of it is dug out, and the other half is rotten in the eye. in.

But now there is no other way, Xue Ba pushed Uncle Dan away, with an angry expression on his face, he shouted: "Huo, give me the scalpel, I'll goug it out!"

Seeing Uncle Dan's pain and the chaos of the crowd, Gu Jun's mind became more and more sober, and the old will was surging...

By human standards, this is definitely not a holy place.

It has a weird power...creating separation, panic, doubt, estrangement, fear...creating evil.

It was designed... If the sixteen of them entered the banyan tree cave, everything was designed...

That spell stone, that burrowing giant worm, that gust of wind, that red door... Were they all planned in advance?

Everyone in the team walked down the road, discussing many times why this stone road was built...was it to drag him into the darkness?

"Mr. Gu, we know you better than you do."

The incantation on the stone is black.

The vitality of Shi Dao is also black.

The self-will was flickering and reappearing, Gu Jun suddenly understood, a boiling anger roared in his heart, he gritted his teeth, and said to the whisper that came into his brain from the ear canal: "Shut up! I can really save Lou Xiaoning's life, I'm a doctor."

His heart was burning with that frantic agitation, and also suppressed, suppressed the unknown that was about to break out of its shell...

This is not Hawke City, and the one behind the red door is not the basement of Iron Son Langton.

So what? This is a game.

Some people and some forces want to erase his soul with an unknown purpose! I want that "child of misfortune" to come.

"Captain Xue, wait a minute...I'll do this operation."

Gu Jun's voice suddenly sounded, and most of his usual tone was restored, those emotions that belonged to people.

"Huh?" Xue Ba's big hand holding the scalpel that was about to gouge out the eyeball barely stopped, and he was already sweating profusely due to the abnormal force.

Xue Ba was puzzled, and everyone was also surprised that Gu Jun seemed to have changed back. Uncle Dan was overjoyed: "Hurry up, wash your hands, and wear gloves!"

"Here we come." Gu Jun poured some mineral water to wash his hands as fast as he could, put on a hood, mask and gloves, ran over to pick up the eyelid speculum, and opened Lou Xiaoning's bulging right eye. install. He looked straight into this eye, not undisturbed, but

he can't stand it...

"Toothed tweezers, scissors!" Uncle Dan became the equipment nurse, and while handing Gu Jun two tools, he said, "Lift the bulbar conjunctiva near the limbus, then cut a small opening, and put the scissors through the incision. Extend below the conjunctiva, and cut the bulbar conjunctiva in a circle close to the limbus!"

As soon as Gu Jun put on the gloves and took the surgical instruments, he felt a sense of familiarity, which made him focus immediately. No one who whispered in his ear to lure him could compare to Uncle Dan's command.

The four team members were in charge of lighting and making the shadowless lamp, but none of them dared to look directly at the operation area, and the others could only look at Gu Jun's figure; while Gu Jun followed Uncle Dan's instructions to operate, first cut the bulbar conjunctiva, and then separate the conjunctiva lower tissue, and then cut off the extraocular muscles...

These tissues are already necrotic, but fortunately, there is no distortion like that of patients with the disease; Lou Xiaoning didn't struggle or scream, but still made that strange sound.

Therefore, even though it was the first time for Gu Jun to perform eyeball enucleation, every step of the operation was not difficult. After cutting off the optic nerve, he used scissors to pull out the fearful and bloodshot eyeball. It's just like the effect of eye-gouging in movies and TV.

"Ah, is it done?" Uncle Dan asked quickly, and everyone could suddenly feel that the shadow covering the stone path seemed to dissipate.

"It's done." Gu Jun immediately threw the weird eyeball on the ground, stomped on it, and suddenly there seemed to be a buzzing sound...

Everyone was stunned, but the shadow seemed to be shattered all of a sudden, and the surrounding area became clearer.

No matter who you are or what you are, I am not your kind, never have been, not since I was born.

Gu Jun said in his heart.

I like Plague Doctor.

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