Plague Doctor

Chapter 86 The Power of Different Texts

Obscure, ancient, mysterious.

At this time, amidst the howling wind, there was something strange again.

This is the language that Xue Ba, Lou Xiaoning and others heard from Gu Jun. He just stood there in the black wind, uttering the same sentence over and over again.

But they didn't know that during the one hour of resisting the strong wind, Gu Jun was almost always floating and sinking in that phantom surging pain.

He gradually resisted the pain, cleared the fog of confusion, and saw the long-loomed revelation, which became bright and full of vitality.

He understood that in the myriad universes, each has its own laws, and has its own power that belongs to this world and that foreign civilization.

Although he still doesn't fully understand what kind of power that is.

"Stop!" Gu Jun said in a different language, his voice was not high, but firm, "Stop!" He said again, facing the darkness at the end of the front.

Regardless of whether this tunnel is a pile of stones or a giant beast, he wants to communicate with it at this moment, without fear or surprise, just a pure communication between life and life, or even two life forms The joy of meeting each other.

He told it he didn't like it, it shouldn't be like this.

"Stop!" Gu Jun said again, "Stop."

Xue Ba and the others were surprised to see that the black gust seemed to be able to hear and understand Gu Jun's commanding words, and it gradually slowed down...until it disappeared.

All of a sudden, silence was restored in this tunnel layered by layers of boulders, only the sound of their panting and the thud of things falling to the ground remained.

The surrounding stone walls were still clean and smooth, and the black wind left no traces, as if it had never appeared before.

But everyone knew that it was not an illusion, and when they looked at Gu Jun's tall and straight figure hidden in the half-darkness, they were all confused...

At the same time, Lou Xiaoning picked up a 95-type automatic rifle on the ground and pointed it at Gu Jun, with her right index finger lightly on the trigger.

"Kid, don't move." Her mature face was very serious, "Until you explain clearly, you are not allowed to speak a word of that language, even silently."

"Hey..." Uncle Dan instinctively called out, waved his hands nervously and said, "Don't, don't, don't, Miss Lou, don't shake your hands, it's Ah Jun who told you to stop the strange wind!"

"Uncle Egg, I'm not crazy, but I can't let Gu Jun talk anymore." Lou Xiaoning stared at Gu Jun's mouth, "Didn't you see? He made the stone explode, he made the wind stop Did he let the wind come? If he knows witchcraft, we can't fight against it without guns."

Of course she would not shoot casually, but Gu Jun must be controlled.

After hearing Lou Xiaoning's words, Yang Henan, Zhou Yi and the others were speechless, and silently took the gun from the ground into their hands.

Lin Mo on the stretcher said anxiously: "Everyone, calm down! If you have something to say, speak up. Ah Jun saved my life."

"How the giant worm came out is still unknown." Lou Xiaoning said, once you have doubts, you have to think of all the possibilities, "Before the giant worm came out, it was Gu Jun who asked if there was something underground. Things, earthworms and the like."

"Ah Jun, please explain what's going on." Xue Ba didn't stop the sudden confrontation, and Fang's face was heavy, "Try to explain clearly. We are an expedition team specializing in investigating abnormal forces. Even if you are a ghost , we can all accept it.”

Gu Jun didn't surprise or blame them for this reaction, this is professional.

Lou Xiaoning looks like a thick-skinned female guy, Xue Ba looks like a muscular guy, but in fact, they are all thoughtful and smart.

"Captain Xue, Sister Ning, everyone. The strong wind just now revived some of my hidden memories, and I have a deeper understanding of that variant."

This is all the truth, so when Gu Jun said it, his expression and tone were frank: "This language can be combined with other life forces to form a new force. I don't know if it will work in our world. But in this different space, it can be displayed."

"That's the case with the huge stone with the different text before." He added, "It's not an ordinary line of different text, it contains the power of the huge stone. So if you don't know how to use it, you can't photograph it, draw it, or Remember, those forces will unbalance and distort the replica."

Doubts and thoughts flashed across everyone's faces, Xue Ba frowned and asked, "You mean, different scripts can be used as a spell?"

"I don't know if that counts as a spell." Gu Jun shook his head, "It's different from our language..."

In fact, he just had a clue and couldn't fully clarify it, so he could only organize it while talking: "But I think this language is alive, with... the vitality and perception given by the Goddess of Life, so that it can be compared with other languages. The forces of life combine, like stones, like trees."

Everyone only thought that the "Goddess of Life" he mentioned was a metaphor, even if it could really combine forces, it must be some kind of physics.

"Stones are also life." Gu Jun said again, "This stone path is also. I am not saying that it can also think what we think, say what we say, don't anthropomorphize, it is another kind of different function, form, and will. Life. Can be combined by different texts."

"Boy, did you cast a spell to stop the wind?" Lou Xiaoning still hadn't let go of her guard.

"I don't have it, it's not a spell." Gu Jun said truthfully, "I think I just triggered the mechanism. You must first understand the vitality of this language, and use it as a bridge to feel the vitality of the combined thing, and then read the language Come out, meditating seems to work, there may be a reason for the brain waves. This can be triggered."

Many players

They were all confused, but Xue Ba understood a little bit: "You mean, firstly, you need to communicate with different languages, secondly, you need to communicate with the combination of spells, and thirdly, you need to read spells. In this way, you can perform a kind of psychic induction and succeed. and the spell will work."

"Yes!" Gu Jun nodded with his eyes brightened immediately, Team Xue did have a mastery side, so he summed up what he meant at once,

This allowed him to think much more freely.

The power of the different text itself lies in the fact that it can be combined with other life forces to form spells or mechanisms.

This characteristic may not be possessed by human languages ​​on Earth.

As for the method of combining mantras, Gu Jun had no idea.

"Before the stone exploded, I completed these three steps in my heart. Perhaps the brainwaves from my meditation triggered the spell. I also communicated with Shidao just now, and all I said was 'stop', maybe Brain waves and sound waves trigger another mechanism, and the wind stops."

Uncle Dan, Lin Mo and the others listened to Gu Jun's words, even though they were used to dealing with abnormal forces, they still tended to trust him, and they all felt that this was very mysterious.

If it was someone from the Operation Department, they would have rushed up and pushed Gu Jun to the ground.

But to be honest, they saw it twice.

Lou Xiaoning pointed a gun at Gu Jun, Xue Ba looked pensive...

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