Plague Doctor

Chapter 26 The Howling of the Dead

At this moment, Gu Jun was in the iron cage, standing next to the human body tree.

He is not without psychological pressure. The tightness caused by the iron cage and the huge feeling of the human tree are oppressing the nerves of his whole body, making him want to take a deep breath.

But Gu Jun didn't. It's definitely a bad idea to take a deep breath in the cage. He already felt like he fell into the formalin pool when he took a light breath.

Professor Qin and the others were staring at it. Gu Jun knew he couldn't be cowardly, so he continued to carefully observe the human tree in front of him. The black liquid under the skin of these distorted corpses is more obvious than those of the general teachers. The patches are the color of dead trees, without corpse spots, but it is definitely the most weird and filthy skin he has ever seen.

But he thought, if the monster was alive, and the black liquid circulated back and forth like a river, it should be a scene of great vitality.

Gu Jun looked at a head on the "trunk of the tree" again, and the pair of expressionless eyes were almost level with him.

Or should I say, eyeballs.

The cornea of ​​the eyeball is so cloudy that the pupil cannot be seen.

But he felt that something was staring at him from the dark abyss through these eyeballs.

"..." Gu Jun suddenly had an impulse in his heart, and then it became stronger, wanting to reach out and touch this human tree...

Seeing Gu Jun slowly raised his hand, the students in the surrounding schools were very worried, what is this guy going to do?

At this moment, the eyes that Gu Jun was looking at suddenly seemed to come alive. He wasn't sure if the converging pupils he saw was an illusion, but he could clearly see that the head's mouth was slightly opening and hissing suddenly. Hissing sound!

That's not the sound made by the airflow vibrating the vocal cords, but the vocal cords, throat, mouth and nasal cavity are rubbed and squeezed to make sound.

Hoarse, deep, but recognizable: "Help, save me..."

Gu Jun's heart was suffocated, the hand raised in the air trembled, and he almost took a few steps back, but he resisted the instinctive panic. He couldn't bear it, because he heard this kind of voice just yesterday, in the call to Gurong Village...

But suddenly, the other heads on the human tree also moved together, and a dozen faces that had already died burst into frantic and hideous wailing: "I am not dead..." "Ah, no!" "It hurts..." "Help me!" "Why..."

All the howls rushed into the ears like a storm, and Gu Jun's body froze a little uncontrollably.

On the other end of the phone yesterday...was there really only one villager?

"Ah!!!" The seats around the venue immediately erupted into chaotic screams. Many students paralyzed on their seats in fright, and many students jumped up in fright. Part of their sanity was forever swallowed by this scene, waiting Waking up from a nightmare.

The jury looked around, these terrified students were all kicked out, maybe they will become tenacious after adaptation, but the department doesn't need them yet, and hope that the situation will never be so serious that they will be needed. After such a round of screening, less than one-tenth of the students who still retain their qualifications remain.

As for those teachers and professors, although they were still calm, they were not considered by the department from the beginning.

Because the department needs young people, young people have enough plasticity. And many ordinary positions still need these teachers to teach.

Professor Qin has been watching Gu Jun, paying attention to his every move.

At this time, the whole human body tree suddenly made a sharp and piercing sound that was ten times more piercing!

This scream from hell seemed to melt the entire gymnasium into pieces.

"Ghost, ghost..." More students were frightened and dumbfounded, and a few even broke down and cried.

When some animals see a tiger, even if they've never seen a tiger before, even if it's a fake ragdoll, they get so scared that they panic and just want to run away, it's a fear built into their genes. Now this sound is the tiger, and human beings are those animals. People can't understand it, they only know that they are panicked and scared.

"Huh." Gu Jun still took a deep breath to adjust his breath, not to be overwhelmed by instinctive fear.

However, the conscious mind thinks this way, but the subconscious mind obviously doesn't. His body is stiff and he can't move... What should I do?

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Professor Qin's calm and composed look. He must not have expected him to pass this test, a bunch of sadists.

"Even if you let me in, there shouldn't be any real danger." Gu Jun thought, calming himself down, digesting and thinking, "And there is a way to deal with it. Why did the human body tree suddenly make a sound? What's the difference? I left Did you come in, there should be some kind of trigger..."

The more fearful, the more inescapable.

As Gu Jun thought, he looked again at the pair of cloudy eyes on the human body tree, and at the eyes of other heads.

Facing the pressure brought by those screams, he felt the slight changes in these eyes, and the pupils became dilated...

Under normal circumstances, the cornea of ​​a person will become cloudy due to loss of water after death, and the longer the death time, the cloudier it will become until the pupil cannot be seen. This is an irreversible corpse phenomenon. Forensic medicine can estimate the time of death based on the degree of corneal opacity.

Even shortly after death, the pupils are no longer able to constrict or dilate as the smooth muscles become relaxed, and remain only of medium size.

But now the dead of the Human Tree... seem to be alive again.

Did I wake them up? Gu Jun's desire to touch the human body tree just now surged up again, or are they calling me?

Give it a try. He Ning

After staring, he raised his hand again and stretched it out. This time, he didn't stop, but stretched out to close the eyelids of this face. The orbicularis muscle was tense and had such an unusual strength that he had to work hard to stroke it.

As soon as the eyelids are closed, the head quickly quiets down.

It turned out to be like this, Gu Jun continued to close the other eyes, and silently said sorry to them: I can't save you, please rest in peace.

"Huh." This is not the scene that the judges imagined. You look at me, I look at you, and there is a surprise.

This kid had this kind of performance when facing the human tree for the first time. He was calm and rational, which is so rare! This time, I might really find a treasure.

As the howling gradually weakened, the students also saw Gu Jun's response clearly, and they were suddenly a little excited, and the shock around them subsided... Everyone gritted their teeth and regained their spirits. Well, there is nothing to be afraid of, medical dogs are fearless!

"Hmm..." Professor Qin watched Gu Jun close the eyes of those heads that he could reach, and he felt a little more satisfied in his heart. I don't know about medical skills, but this young man's psychological quality Very good, "Student Gu, stop, it's okay, come out."

Creak, the staff went forward to open the cage door.

Gu Jun took one more look at the human body tree before walking out steadily. As soon as he left, the heads with eyes closed gradually stopped howling.

When Gu Jun walked out of the iron cage, the audience suddenly burst into applause. Students from Qingda University, Jihua Medical... many students from various universities spontaneously applauded Gu Jun. Of course, the students of Dongda University applauded their own people even more. Gu Jun who walked back to the seat was like a hero returning in triumph.

"Tuhaojun, you are really doing well this time."

"You are so calm."

Gu Jun returned to his seat in response to the praise from everyone. Professor Gu gave him a thumbs up. Xu Hai, Zhang Haoran and He Yuhan were very excited to worship him. They were all terrified just now. Their lives.

But it wasn't until he sat down on the seat that Gu Jun's nerves relaxed a little. The horror of the deformed human body and the unique beauty were still lingering in his heart...

He was still thinking about the meaning of that scream. Maybe that doesn't make any sense at all, maybe it's just that humans don't understand it.

"Haojun." Cai Zixuan sighed beside him, "You walking into the iron cage reminds me of Zhao Zilong walking up the long slope."

Wang Ruoxiang, who was sitting on the other side of him, patted him and asked, "Actually, did you panic just now?" She noticed that he was still a little nervous, so she made a joke on purpose.

"No." Gu Jun smiled self-deprecatingly, "But I panicked twice." Thank you, monitor, I'm fine.

On the other side, Professor Qin did not urge him away, and only after the applause of the audience fell, he explained seriously: "Students, you didn't run into a ghost just now. It was this kind of creature in a cage—let's call it a creature, that is A symptom of its dead state."

I like Plague Doctor.

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