Plague Doctor

Chapter 24 The Thing in the Iron Cage

When the audience screamed in shock, the entire gymnasium was silent, only the ugly sound of iron objects being dragged from the floor.

Shocked expressions appeared on the young faces. No matter if they were students from Dongda University or Qingda University, they all had the symptoms of excessive startle reaction at this time. Even Yu Shaowei, Feng Jing and other professors were at a loss.

The science and medicine they understand cannot explain what is in front of them.

At this time, everyone fully understood that their previous understanding of this world was just the tip of the iceberg...

"..." Gu Jun also stared straight ahead at the big iron cage that was being pushed and pulled by the staff in the stadium ahead.

This iron cage is more than three meters high, about the same length and width, and is in the shape of a cube. Objects are heavy to move.

In this huge iron cage, there is one, or a bunch of...

Gu Jun is not a person who lacks expressive ability. He won prizes for writing essays before, but now it is so difficult for him to describe the terrifying scene in front of him.

It was a monstrous madness kinked from a pile of misshapen remains.

Those were once human beings, but their limbs were all deformed, and their bodies were also deformed, except that their heads were still humanoid, and their faces seemed to be alive. Their deformed bodies and limbs twisted together again, not intertwined, but fused and grown into one, just like the radius bone of the previous corpse passed through the humerus, and one of them passed the palm of another person's calf, and some neck through another's belly...

Chaos, weirdness, and evil are combined into a tall and huge human monster.

And the faces of these people who are still intact are interspersed among them. Dozens of faces, dozens of eyes, staring at the surroundings deadly, seem to be still alive.

They have distorted themselves, and they are also distorting the will of hundreds of elite teachers and students here.

"Ah vomit..." Suddenly, on the seat of Jihua Medical Center in the south, a female student collapsed and vomited, her face was pale and blue, and her whole body was trembling. Only then did everyone understand why there are vomit bags beside each seat. All of a sudden, the audience was vomiting one after another, there were girls and boys.

They face all kinds of general teachers on a daily basis, but now they can't help themselves...

If I hadn't dissected a single deformed body before, I was a little psychologically prepared, and this time I might be scared to insanity.

Some people feel that they are ashamed, and some people don’t care about so many people. They just want to get up and leave here. They only came to study medicine after watching a few sets of medical dramas and thought they were handsome in white coats. suffer such a crime...

At the same time, Professor Qin Chengye and other judges have been observing the students' reactions.

Seeing such a reaction from the audience, several judges showed disappointment without hiding it. Is it just this kind of talent?

The talents they want not only need excellent medical skills, but first of all, they must have excellent psychological qualities.

"Gu, Professor Gu... Then, what is that?" He Yuhan asked in a trembling voice, grabbing the vomit bag, ready to vomit it out at any moment.

Wang Ruoxiang is much better, and can still keep watching calmly, although her eyebrows are tightly furrowed...

Xu Hai was about to vomit too, Zhang Haoran lowered his head and looked away, Cai Zixuan murmured Namo Amitabha.

"I know as much as you." Professor Gu is an old professor after all, the shock in his heart will not make him flustered, but he can also comfort the students: "Don't be afraid, the country will arrange this way, everyone is definitely safe now, just It's a disease, and it's not contagious this way."

Gu Jun was not afraid, his eyes did not dodge, and his mind was running fast: it must be a disease. The body dissected before was the initial symptom, and this... this may be the developing form...

"Ouch!" Suddenly, Xu Hai also vomited into the vomiting bag.

More and more people are vomiting, and the atmosphere of helplessness is getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone seemed to have fallen into the boundless ocean, floating, struggling, and shouting, but there was only a lonely darkness.

"I hope that not all of you will come into contact with this kind of thing again, but I sincerely hope that you are all ready for such a day." Professor Qin spoke again, his old wrinkled face was very calm, "Now I want to know What do you think about this thing. Remember, it's dead, but it can be alive."

Can it be alive? The students looked at each other...

Naturally, Professor Qin didn't expect those people who vomited to answer. Seeing that many people in East University were vomiting, he looked at the students in the front row of West Qing University, and a staff member walked over with a microphone.

The students of Qing University suddenly felt a sense of expectation. Sun Yuheng, Zhang Wenyue, and Yang Ming in the school team...all of them are strong men in the eighth-year program.

"I think." Sun Yuheng answered first, although he was biting the bullet, but after some thinking: "They were infected by a certain virus and caused a mutation... But how can they be combined? It can be alive, I don't understand, don't they have no rejection reaction?"

Yang Ming took the words and asked suspiciously: "Did someone piece the remains together like this after they died?" He was nauseated when he said this thought.

To do so is a crime against humanity, a crime that cannot be described in words.

It's just that everyone thinks with consistent thinking, and it seems that only this idea is reasonable...

"No." Professor Qin denied, "I just said that this thing can live

, can continue to grow. "

The teachers and students in the audience were dumbfounded for a while, this was not in their cognition range at all.

Professor Qin looked at the teachers and students of Dongdae sitting in the east seat. The Dongdae who usually have to fight with Qingda University in everything was silent. The staff swept the microphone across the front row, and everyone in the school team just shook their heads: "I'm sorry, I don't know." "Please tell us the answer."

Mr. Dong is not admitting defeat, but rather than talking nonsense himself, it is better to admit his ignorance frankly. What you know is what you know, what you don't know is what you don't know.

Especially in this matter at hand, I don't know is the most normal.

In fact, the judges did not expect to hear anything interesting from the beginning to the end, they just asked routine questions and observed the reactions of these students.

"This thing..." Professor Qin was about to say something.

Suddenly at this time, a male student in the back row of the East University seats stood up with his hands raised, "Mr. Qin, I want to share my opinion."

Immediately, the eyes of the audience looked over. When the students of Dongda University saw who it was, they were both startled and anxious, Tuhaojun, you bastard... sit down quickly! ! !

I like Plague Doctor.

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