The door separated the hustle and bustle of the hall from the quietness of the private room, Hou Si left quietly after serving the food, not daring to stay for a while.

Yang Jian pushed the dishes in front of Xiaotiangou, and waited until the door was closed again, then said to Pi Xiu: "Boss Pi, I only want Xiaotian to take the first place, and I'm not interested in anything else."

Pixiu thinks you are not interested, but those followers who can't stand you are interested, and they have worked on the support club overnight to canvass votes. As for the old, weak, sick and disabled who come to eat and drink soup in his shop every day, they have to charge one person and two bowls every day. Draw a tie.

"So what are you going to do?" Pi Xiu raised his eyebrows: "Exchange the ticket with me?"

Yang Jian nodded: "Add one to the conditions for drinking soup in your store. Everyone has to vote for Xiaotian, and I will let those so-called support clubs vote for you."

Pi Xiu was puzzled: "You don't want merit?"

"It's just a burden for me to have too much of that kind of thing. As long as the annual goal is achieved." Yang Jian said and patted the head of Xiao Tiangou: "Xiaotian needs it more than I do."

Pixiu looked at the tengu who was staring at him, and thought to himself that this three-eyed baby sees the world with three eyes, and the angle of seeing things is different from that of ordinary people. Such a dog can also be a treasure.

"Okay, do you want to make a written statement or make an oath?" Pixiu leaned on the chair: "Starting tomorrow, all the customers who drink soup in my shop and my buddies will vote for Xiaotian Dog, and I will vote every day. Screenshot sent to you."

Yang Jian smiled: "There is no need for these, I believe in Boss Pi's character."

Pi Xiu raised his eyebrows: "That means you have a good vision, but why are you so sure that the supporters will listen to you?"

"Whether they want to listen or not is two different things." The third eye on Yang Jian's forehead slowly opened: "I naturally make them obedient."

Pixiu understood the meaning and couldn't help smacking his lips: "You are too selfish, but I like it."

"Gods are all selfish." Erlang looked at Xiaotiangou who was eating deliciously, and knocked on the table and said, "Eat slowly, no one will grab you."

Pi Xiu looked at the two of them coldly, and asked in a low voice, "How much merit does Xiaotiangou need in a year?"

Yang Jian said a number and turned to look at him: "Why, does Boss Pi want to raise a dog too?"

"I'm not interested. Raising dogs and cats will lose a whole house of hair, and my son can become a sweeping perpetual motion machine."

Boss Pi clasped his arms and calculated, if Wen Xi, a little thing in the world, would deduct as much merit a year, the merit would not be shared, otherwise Yang Jian wouldn't look down and look for people to vote.

Pi Xiu frowned and took out his mobile phone, looked at the voting area again, and found that there were no votes for the most beautiful ghost.

"Xiao Tian eats very well and doesn't lose hair casually." Yang Jian corrected Pi Xiu's words with a frown, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and threw it to his hand: "I heard you want to catch Fei Yi?"

Pi Xiu came back to his senses: "It's just a casual remark, Zhenjun Erlang doesn't have to come over and question me after listening to Li Jing's nonsense."

"It's not for this reason." Yang Jian motioned him to take a piece of paper: "Recently, I found that Fei Yi seems to be inquiring about Taotie's news. Could it be that he is also one of Taotie's creditors?"

Pi Xiu raised his eyebrows: "A bird that is not enough to fit between the teeth, what qualifications do you think he has to be the creditor of Gluttony?"

The four major shareholders of Taotie Property, the Queen Mother of the West, Yuelaoxian, and Pixiu, the God of Wealth, these four are now big figures with heads and faces, and they are unspeakable on the forum.

What qualifications does a fat bird have to be equal to them? Even if they sell fat leftovers wholesale as insect repellent, they may not be able to make half as much money as Pixiu.

Speaking of his own Qian Pixiu, his heart began to hurt again. He turned over the paper and took a glance at it. The long conversation on it made him frown, and suddenly asked in a cold voice, "Jiazi is looking for Taotie?"

"It seems that you don't know about it." Yang Jian said lightly: "Jai Zi ordered Fei Yi to inquire about the news of Tao Tie, and it seems that he has confirmed that Tao Tie has appeared in the vicinity, and has sent many people to look for it these days. Yu is not worthy to be the creditor of Tao Tie, so what about Ya Zi, his brother?"

"Impossible." Pi Xiu denied, "Do you think Yazi's narrow-mindedness is a joke? If Taotie owed him money, Yazi would have to dig three feet to find him even if he was struck by lightning." .”

Pi Xiu sneered: "Although Taotie only knows how to eat, he is not without brains. He will never do a loss-making business like looking for Yazi who borrows one yuan and pays one hundred yuan."

Yang Jian: "You mean that Yazi is looking for him for other things."

"I'm not Yazi, how would I know." Pi Xiu scratched his head irritably, and said in a cold voice, "Zhenjun Erlang, don't blame me for not reminding you, Yazi is not something to get along with, it's just your dog treating him. If you bark, he will find a way to get revenge. When the dog is gone, don't cry."

Yang Jian paused: "I didn't go to find Yazi, I just reminded you for the sake of exchanging tickets."

He said indifferently: "After all, Taotie just loves to eat, so he can't spend so much money. Pixiu, have you ever thought about what he wants so much money for after all these years?"

How could it be possible that Pi Xiu hadn't thought about it? For so many years, he still didn't understand why Taotie didn't tell him directly when he asked for money, but chose this way to deceive him completely.

Although he is stingy, he is not beyond hopeless.

What's more, he is a wealth-gathering beast, wanting money is just a matter of thought, and there is no need to ruin the relationship with Taotie for so many years because of a little money.

One hundred years and two hundred years have passed, no matter how much Pi Xiu thinks about it, he can't think of the answer to this question, and he simply doesn't want to think about it anymore. He just waits until he catches Taotie and then asks him personally, the truth will be revealed.


But after waiting for so many years, he didn't even find a single gluttonous hair, as if he had made up his mind never to show up again.

Pixiu thought, whether this is a demon or a ghost, whether he is alive or dead, he has to be sure of himself, because there is no graveyard for Zhenlong's son after his death, and there is no one to clean it in Qingming, so it would be too miserable to tell it. A little bit.

After sending Erlangshen and Xiaotiangou away, Pixiu asked Su An to send the crab back with the trash can, because he was not in a good mood when he thought about the Taotie, so he went upstairs to take a shower after threatening the crab, and hugged Wenxi I fell asleep for a while.

Yang Jian kept his word, and the voting photo that night changed from his uniform temptation to a photo of Xiaotiangou's stinky face, and a line was added below, indicating that it was enough to vote for Pi Xiu and Xiaotiangou, and he didn't need it.

Immediately, the forum was flying like dogs and dogs, and a road monster tore up a forced flying milk fried, asking the sky and the earth, and he was short of prestige to talk to the sky, asking what happened to his gentle three-eyed brother.

Erlang Zhenjun, if you are kidnapped by an old monster with no assholes, just blink, you can blink any one of the three eyes.

Those wild fan clubs were silent for a while, and then they all changed their announcements. Everything followed my brother. He voted for whatever he said. Fame is not important. He is fair and comfortable, and everyone knows who is the most handsome.

There were still a few loose fans who stubbornly resisted, scolding the support club as traitors, crying that we are the only brother, and still insisting on the decision of Yang Jian, the peerless handsome man in the world, and resolutely not giving Pi Xiu a look.

But the dance can't last long, the general situation is gone, Boss Pi's votes are coming from behind, so angry that Fei Yi, who is exhausted in canvassing votes every day, scolds the three-eyed and the ass-less gangsters, it must be the three-eyed Pixiu and one eye.

He sent someone to post on the forum overnight, connoting that the owner of the skin is unworthy of virtue and handsome, how can a man who runs a restaurant compare to the diamond king of the fairy world?

Even if the relationship between the two is good, it's still a foil for the handsome guy.

As soon as it was posted, there were thousands of responses, and occasionally the voices of a few honest people speaking for Pi Xiu were drowned in the crowd. After posting the post, Fei Yi let out a bad breath, but rationality regained the high ground, and he suddenly realized that he was helping Yang Jian, the three-eyed baby, to abuse his fans and solidify his fans?

Depend on! Careless!

Fei Yi hurriedly asked someone to go to the forum to delete the post, but as soon as he refreshed the entire homepage, it was occupied by the word ah. The titles of all the posts were like the mass grave of Ah Wei's family, and between the lines were Ah Wei's sit-ups in the coffin, Dead and alive.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't say it! Don't say it! I really can!"



Fei Yi frowned and opened a post casually, and a semi-nude photo full of masculine charm immediately caught the eye. Although the photo was a bit blurry, it was not ambiguous at all where it should be clear.

Leaving aside that cool smiling face, the eight-pack abs and chest muscles that any man would be jealous of, as well as the talent that can't be concealed in certain parts even though he is wearing loose beach shorts, are all together. call--

This is fierce 1!

Fei Yi continued to slide tremblingly, the word Pi Xiu gave this photo ownership, and also gave Fei Yi a head-on punch.

It turned out that what he did so much was nothing more than making wedding dresses for others. A person with a big head and a thick neck can be called a chef, but someone like Pixiu should be called the chef, and the boss of Zhonghua Shuai.

How much he belittled Pi Xiu before as a villain and an ugly guy, but now his face hurts so much.

Fat Wai sat paralyzed on the sofa, murmuring that it's over, it's all over...

He thought that he could win the victory by climbing over the mountain of Erlangshen, but he didn't expect that the mountain fell down by itself, and in the end there was still the swamp of Pixiu waiting behind him.

After all, the fate between the most handsome male immortal and Master Yazi is over.

Sitting on the bed, Pixiu watched his ranking go up and down, feeling infinitely complicated. Why did he finally come to the step of betraying his wife?

Wenxi, on the other hand, looked at the rising number of votes and was complacent, thinking that he would go up after changing the ranking of the photo, and pushed him and said, "You're going to be the first, why are you so sad."

Pi Xiu sighed: "I lament the superficiality of the world, who only know the skin and don't know what's inside."

Wenxi wanted to ask you what is the inner meaning of a cheapskate, but she was taught a lesson during the day, and now she still has lingering fears.

Pi Xiu was full of emotion in his belly, he couldn't get rid of his melancholy when he fell into Wu Zu's dream, and he let out a faint sigh while watching him do the paper.

Wu Zu raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong with you? Are you unhappy? Tell me what's unhappy to make me happy."

Pixiu glanced at him, and said calmly: "I just lament that people nowadays are too superficial, so I don't know if they like me, whether they like my appearance** or because they like my inside."

Wu Zu, who was appraised as having the inner flavor of the evil god of fire cloud: ...


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