Pirates: The wages are in place and the Yonko will be kicked out.

Chapter 165 Porusalino: All adults want it! Only children make choices!

Facts have proved that for the warriors of the giant race, no matter what you tell is the truth or a lie, whether it makes sense or not, you will eventually end up in a situation like fighting them - as long as you can win with dignity. With them, everything is negotiable.

"So I followed Mr. Porusalino's instructions and talked to Mr. Tori so much, but it was of no use at all!"

In the ruins of a forest that had become a mess due to the fierce battle just now, Tori, Broki, and Rosanna were seen cooperating with the sailors to measure their body sizes so that the World Government could build new weapons and armor for them. Di felt helpless, "You only fought with them for a while after you came back, and they fully recognized you..."

"You can't say that,"

Porusalino smiled and shook his head, "It's certainly good to convince the giant warriors through fighting, but letting them understand the truth and voluntarily form an alliance with us is what I really want to achieve... In short , you did a good job this time, Rocinante!"


Rosinandi, who always felt that he was just "memorizing information" according to Porusalino's instructions, scratched his head in embarrassment.


Porusalino spoke again.


"When the Navy's Giant Force takes shape, I think you, Rosinandi, can definitely do the ideological guidance work there. You guy, your language organization and expression skills are quite good... Moreover, with such a powerful force as the Giant Force, Without the correct guidance of spiritual will, it is easy to turn into an empty shell of a giant beast with teeth and claws..."

(As the same saying goes, the barrel of a gun cannot be separated from the zw!)

Long before Porusalino traveled through time, he had already experienced a situation that left him extremely speechless - as a subordinate, he submitted a plan that he thought he was very satisfied with, but the superior rejected it for various reasons. He called back, so he started planning new content again. As a result, just halfway through, the leader said that the first plan seemed good...

However, Porusalino never expected that such a speechless experience would still happen after he traveled through time - when he returned to Marinefando with Tori and Broki, the two captains of the Giant Pirates, and cooperated with After the World Government staged a touching drama in front of the major media in which "all races gather under the banner of justice to build a beautiful and peaceful new world," the Five Old Stars asked Marshal of the Warring States Period to notify Porusalino again, Let him implement the "King Shichibukai" plan that was previously shelved.

And when Porusalino tried to figure out from Marshal Sengoku why the five old stars suddenly made such a decision, Marshal Sengoku just shrugged helplessly, then raised his palms and gestured to him with both hands. Actions.

Porusalino understood instantly - it might be inappropriate to say that all adults need it, but after he successfully completed the preliminary work of forming the giant army, the five elders had already decided to move forward with the two plans he proposed. .

A decision-maker who assesses the situation? No, greedy politicians!

The location is the fortress building of the Marine Headquarters, Marineland, and Porosalino's office.

"Senior Porusalino, although recruiting the Shichibukai is a big task, it should be easy for you, right?"

Kuzan, who was called over, sat on the sofa, took a sip of his frozen orange juice, and scratched his head, "You can do it alone, why do you need to bring me with you?"

"The reason is simple, Kuzan. You are still a major general, and Sakaski and I have both become lieutenant generals,"

Porusalino, who was sitting behind his desk, shrugged and said in a tone that said he hated iron, "What this department hopes to show the world is the spectacular scene of three generals being awarded the title together, so you must quickly save up." Qualifications and achievements, otherwise you won’t be able to convince the public!”

"But, Porusalino-senpai..."

"Kuzan, if I remember correctly, I seem to be responsible for the daily task arrangements of all the major generals and brigadiers of our Malinfando..."

"There's no need to say anything, Porusalino-senpai,"

Kuzan's expression instantly became serious, "It is a soldier's bounden duty to obey arrangements. When should we set off? The King's Shichibukai plan cannot be delayed without delay!"

Seeing that Kuzan had made a very "conscious" choice, Porusalino smiled and took out a wanted notice from the folder and placed it on the table.

"The first target is this guy."

"Alala, have we met this person in Roger Town?"

Looking at the face of the man on the wanted poster, Kuzan couldn't help but show an unexpected look.

Of course Kuzan and Porusalino had seen this man before, three years ago, when Roger was executed. The two of them were responsible for the security work in Roger Town, and this guy came to observe the execution ceremony and made a lot of noise before the execution, killing many troublemaking pirates.

"Judging from his performance at the time, this guy is quite arrogant. Will he really accept the invitation to become a Shichibukai this time? After all, within the pirate community, legal pirates are probably quite despised, right?"

"If it were Whitebeard and his ilk, they would definitely despise the Shichibukai, but with this guy's character and his level, he shouldn't."

Porusalino smiled and picked up the wanted poster on the table. It was a man with a slicked back hair, a cigar in his mouth, and a very unruly smile, like a crocodile, "And will he know? We can't guess whether he will agree or not. We still have to ask him himself to know - what if he has some shady secret plan to implement and plans to use the power of our government~"

(Don’t worry, for Pluto, this guy Lao Sha will definitely agree...)

"Hey, Polusalino-senpai, don't say such scary guesses in such a relaxed tone!"

Porusalino was responsible for drafting the list, and the five old stars finally decided that the first candidate for the "Shichibukai" was Crocodile. This rising pirate star who has already made waves in the park, a natural Shasha fruit user, is as dominant in the park as the future pirate supernova King Luffy and others.

Nowadays, there are almost no pirates in the entire paradise who can stop his progress - but the strange thing is that, completely contrary to his unruly character, this person has not done anything to burn, kill or rob, and the bounty has only reached 8,000 one million.

This is quite abnormal, because guys with his temper, such as the future "Wings of the True King" Kidd, are famous for brutally massacring civilians.

Of course, even if there are some abnormal points about him, in the original plot of One Piece, the World Government chose him to be one of the seven legal pirates. In fact, many factors were taken into consideration:

First, this guy's strength is not weak - Crocodile is very talented, and the Shasha fruit is also a very good natural fruit. Although he will lose to Wang Lufei who has the halo of the protagonist in the future, in terms of his true strength , he is still at the level of a great pirate.

After all, even the most rubbish natural ability user is overwhelmingly powerful when facing ordinary fish pirates - Caribu, the swamp fruit power user more than ten years later, can even rubbish like him in the face of ordinary fish pirates. There was a bloody turmoil in the Shampoo Islands, and they were even nicknamed "Little Dark Dark Fruit Power Users" by the Haimies. This is the best example.

It is no exaggeration to say that for the numerous pirates in the sea, what the natural ability users symbolize is absolute invincibility and fear itself.

But, except for those miscellaneous fish who don’t know what nature-type ability users are, after all, those who don’t know are fearless...

By the way, besides strength, the second reason that drove the World Government and Porusalino to choose him is actually a bit ridiculous - proximity.

Yes, according to the navy's intelligence, Crocodile's adventure is about to reach the Chambord Islands. In this area, the navy's spies are everywhere, making it much easier to find him, and if the negotiation fails, they can kill him on the spot.

The Magic Triangle is a rare and shocking place in the paradise. It is the future king of the Shichibukai and the base of Moonlight Moria's pirate group.

This is a sea area covered with thick fog all year round, and a large number of ships disappear here every year. And not only that, it is said that some people who escaped from the thick fog went insane and yelled "Monster! Monster!" after coming out, as if they saw something terrifying in the thick fog.

No one knows whether there is something terrible hidden in the thick fog. The only fact that people know is that there are always ships that disappear inexplicably in the Magic Triangle.

"Although there is nothing to be afraid of, this place really gives people an ominous feeling..."

The huge warship floats quietly on the sea, and in front of it is a thick fog that never seems to dissipate. The dense fog was very strange. It was clearly close at hand, but it would not expand. It followed the sea surface and the warships facing each other - yes, it was like the strange dividing line of the windless zone.

"Can I not go in? Porusalino-senpai~"

Kuzan smiled half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"The Magic Triangle is such a mysterious place..."

Because he knew Kuzan was joking, Porusalino did not immediately respond to him. But there is one thing to say, this place does hide some secrets. In the original work, after Moonlight Moria was defeated by Wang Luffy and others, Charlotte Lola, who was leaving, encountered three huge black figures with red light hidden in the thick fog.

Before Porusalino traveled through time, some One Piece fans analyzed that it was a terrifying existence similar to the legendary Umibozu - but Porusalino didn't know exactly what it was because there was no evidence of a stone hammer. But what is certain is that the disappearance of the ships in the Magic Triangle was not the fault of Moria alone.

After all, this legend has been around for a long time, at least for hundreds of years, and Moria hasn't come here yet.

Porusalino also wanted to know what was in the depths of this mysterious sea. However, he would not choose to take the initiative to explore. After all, if you don't do it, you will die. This iron law applies to everyone, regardless of strength.

"Don't worry, we won't go in, we just have to wait,"

Porusalino touched the stubble on his chin and said with a faint smile, "The Chambord Islands are the common destination of the seven routes of the paradise. According to the reports of the intelligence personnel, this is the route Crocodile chose to reach Chambord. The only sea area that the archipelago must pass through... let’s go fishing, Kuzan!”

The warship on which Kuzan and Porusalino were riding slowly circled along the fog outside the Magic Triangle - even though this is the sea area that Crocodile must pass through, the area here is extremely astonishing. If you are careful, you will miss it.

Three days passed like this.

"Appeared! Appeared!"

The lookout at a high place suddenly started shouting, "Lieutenant General Porusalino! The shadow of a ship appears in the thick fog!"

Porusalino picked up the telescope and looked in the direction pointed by the lookout - sure enough, a ship was slowly sailing out of the thick fog in the distance.

"Hahahaha, I finally came out of this hellish place!"

"I heard that ships often go missing inside, but there is nothing there!"

"Hey, it's just a rumor! It's such a heavy fog and you can't see anything. If you're not careful, the boat will be destroyed and people will be killed. This is normal!"

"Those bastards like to blame others for their own lack of strength, you old bastards!"

"Hahaha, you're right! Besides, even if there really is a monster, with Captain Crocodile here, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Yes! Hahahaha!"

Gradually sailing away from the thick fog, the pirates on the big ship were in high spirits. Although there was no danger, it was really a joy to be able to escape from this extremely uncomfortable place.

"Captain, there's a ship ahead! There's a big ship!"

As they escaped from the thick fog, the warship ahead was immediately exposed to the pirates.


The man called the captain, Crocodile with his slicked back hair, narrowed his eyes, "...a navy warship?"

The large warship on which Porusalino and others were riding blocked the pirate ship.

"Such a big naval warship..."

Crocodile took a deep breath of his cigar and said, "Are you here to catch me? A warship of this level should have a navy of rear admiral or above... Huh! What an honor!"

"Captain, what should I do?"

A certain pirate turned around and looked at Crocodile and asked - Even when he encountered a navy warship, he didn't panic like other pirates or act immediately on his own initiative. This is what Crocodile said in their crew the expression of prestige among them. It was precisely because of this prestige that Crocodile later established the Baroque Studio, a criminal association with many talents, and even after his own fall, his subordinates still chose to follow him.

"I don't know which major general or lieutenant general it is, but... as long as it's not those three natural monsters or those old guys, everyone's efforts will be in vain!"

Crocodile showed a cruel smile, "Guhahahahaha, let you be my biggest achievement before entering the new world!"

"Boys! Fire!!"

Crocodile gave the order without hesitation.

"Hey hey hey, got it!"


The pirate ship Crocodile was on began to maneuver sideways, revealing the densely packed cannon muzzles on the side - although not as good as the Navy's standard 128-pound cannon, these 64-pound cannons were also the largest among the artillery used by pirates.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Alas~ What a grumpy guy. Porusalino-senpai, this guy opened fire without hesitation..."

On the warship, Kuzan's eyes narrowed.

"It's normal. If he didn't have this temper, the World Government wouldn't list him as the first choice... For a guy like him, you have to show force first before you can reason with him..."


"Leave it to you, Major General Kuzan, I'm optimistic about you~"

Porusalino smiled and even patted Kuzan on the shoulder.

"It's really troublesome... Forget it, let's just test the power of the new move..."

Kuzan scratched his head helplessly, his left hand already forming an ice blade exuding cold mist.


Porusalino showed an unexpected expression - since Sakaski, has Kuzan also developed new moves under his influence?

"Because you and Lieutenant General Sakaski have similar moves, Porusalino-senpai, so I...well, I want to try them too."

Kuzan said as he focused his armed haki on the ice blade.

"Hmm...a slash that I can't think of a name for!"

It was completely different from the name of Tu Zu, and the chops roared out like a stormy wave. And unlike the slashes wielded by ordinary swordsmen, these slashes all carry Kuzan's unique freezing power!

ps: 4.6k! The extra update on the 15th is coming! I haven’t been able to update much in the past two days, it’s all because I’ve been saving manuscripts!

ps: Please support and subscribe!

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