Pirates of the Dead

Chapter 17 The same result

Like Sauron, in the original book, he only used weights to exercise his body, but he was able to swing a barbell weighing several tons, which was obviously impossible in Qin Ge's previous life.

In addition, in the original work, it is often seen that some pirates who are not in the flow can easily break rocks with their fists, which all proves that people in the world of One Piece seem to want to improve their strength is very simple.

For such a situation, Qin Ge would naturally have a lot of guesses and associations, and in the past few days, after he practiced the Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong, he was quickly understood.

If people are like a machine, then the machine must generate electricity, and for people, food is the general existence of power.

It should be known that people will naturally produce a lot of consumption when they perform overloaded exercise. Only by supplementing rich and nutritious food can this consumption be maintained.

And if food contains unimaginably rich nutrients, then it will not only maintain consumption, but even nourish and improve the human body.

Qin Ge will naturally consume a lot of food when he cultivates the Dragon Elephant Prajna, so he needs a lot of food, so in the past few days of living in the base, he also eats the food cooked by the chefs in the base. So, in the end, he pinned his roots to food.

In the original work, it is often seen that the strong people in the world of One Piece will often hunt and kill terrifying sea kings or beasts and eat them as food, and their appetite is amazing, often able to eat more than their own body weight. Dozens of times as much food.

The reason why Qin Ge focused on food was because he found that the ingredients in this world seemed to contain unimaginable nutrients. He was practicing Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong, not only did he never feel the lack of nutrition, but The progress of cultivation was unexpectedly rapid, far from being as slow as described in the exercises.

Qin Ge has reason to suspect that if there really exists the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, then the spiritual energy of One Piece is absolutely abundant, which is why the ingredients that grow in this world are nourished by the spiritual energy and become abnormally nutritious.

Ordinary people can't see it without exercising, but if they go through high-intensity exercise, then the ingredients rich in nutrients will have amazing results, just like even rough exercise can make people hone extraordinary. Physical strength.

"The world of One Piece should be regarded as a paradise for the strong in a certain sense, but this is also a good thing for me!" Qin Ge, who was practicing the Dragon Elephant Prajna and constantly beating his body, thought silently. .

The ingredients that contain extraordinarily rich and nutritious ingredients are like the treasures of the martial arts world. Although there are no food cells in this world, it is enough to make Qin Ge's cultivation of dragon and elephant prajna go forward by leaps and bounds, and it is even expected to reach unprecedented levels. The thirteenth dragon and elephant prajna gong.

And this is just an ordinary ingredient purchased by a naval branch. If the ingredient is replaced by a sea king or a powerful beast, the nourishing effect on the body will definitely be more significant.

You must know that Qin Ge has specifically inquired about the chef in the base. The other party's cooking skills are very good, so he was specially transferred to the Navy Headquarters for a few years. When he arrived in his hometown, he came to the base as a chef.

From the other party's mouth, Qin Ge also knew that there is a special hunting unit in the Marine Headquarters located in Malin Fando, who go to various places to capture those sea kings and beasts as ingredients for the internal consumption of the navy.

It is conceivable that even ordinary ingredients are rich in nutrients, and the nutrients contained in the flesh and blood of those sea kings and beasts with strong qi and blood are naturally even more amazing, otherwise the Navy Headquarters will not be specially labored and laborious. Form a hunting party.

Although he hasn't gone to the Navy Headquarters yet, it has to be said that Qin Ge's heart is already looking forward to the meals of the Navy Headquarters.

In the next few days,

Qin Ge has basically been practicing all the time. As for Robin, she naturally moved to the base together.

After showing the ability of flowers and fruits, Robin was naturally recognized by Diff, and recommended her and Qin Ge to his superiors.

Speaking of which, Deve had already explained to Qin Ge about the time to go to the Navy headquarters.

Because the warships dispatched by the navy headquarters need to take the outstanding talents recommended from various distribution bases in the West Sea to Marin Vando, it will take some time, and it will take about half a month to arrive at the island of Lovisa.

However, Qin Ge hadn't waited for the battleship to come to the Navy headquarters, but instead ushered in bad news.

"Alan, why, why does the world government want to destroy O'Hara, what is wrong with Dr. Kloba and everyone's research on the truth of history!" Robin cried and fell into Qin Ge's arms like a tearful man. Sobbing full of grief.

Qin Ge was silent, and could only hold Loli in his arms tightly, giving him the utmost warmth and comfort.

It is indeed too difficult to change the trajectory of history. Just this morning, in the latest newspaper brought by Newsbird, the largest page published was precisely about the destruction of O'Hara.

As a world-famous archaeological site, the destruction of O'Hara will naturally attract countless shocks.

Although the newspaper said that O'Hara was destroyed by a terrible natural disaster, Qin Ge and Robin, who understood the reason, naturally knew that this was the world government's action, and the form was the worst result in the imagination.

"Is it still a failure!" Qin Ge also sighed in his heart. Although he had given Dr. Kroba a warning in advance, he still failed to eliminate the world government's fear of the blank 100-year history, and chose to destroy it. End the exposure of this history.

Although Qin Ge didn't know exactly what happened to the blank 100-year history, which could make the world government with a huge background so fearful, but from the result of O'Hara's destruction, he once again felt a sense of insignificance.

In this world where the strong are respected, after all, strength determines all of this. The destruction of O'Hara was not only because Dr. Kloba and others studied the historical text, but also because they did not have enough strength to ensure their own safety.

Of course, there is good news as well as bad news, that is, there is no information about Qin Ge and Robin in the newspaper, which proves that the two were not noticed by the world government, and they avoided the danger of being hunted down.

Feeling the sobbing and trembling Loli in her arms, Qin Ge couldn't help but take a deep breath, and there was a strong desire in her eyes, which was the pursuit of powerful power.

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