Pirate Steel Frame

Chapter 377 Return History to the Truth

The problem of the "Whitebeard Pirates" was resolved, and "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate left after leaving his promise.

All eyes were on "Red Hair" Shanks.

"I have only one request, to return the truth to history."

"Red-haired" Shanks didn't go around the corner, and directly stated his request, which was one of his pursuits.

There are not many goals in his life. One is to hope that the world will be changed, hoping to overthrow the rule of the "Dragon Man".

One is to hope to complete the unfinished business of "One Piece" Gol D. Roger, wait for that opportunity, and thoroughly reveal the buried historical truth to the public.

This is not an easy task, even his original captain, the "One Piece" Gol D. Roger, who knows everything and knows everything, can't do it.

"Red Hair" Shanks has been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the guy who can stand up and lead everyone.

He knew he wasn't, because he didn't have that strength and heart, but he hoped he could find that person.

At this time, although it was different from what he had imagined and what was described in some prophecies, Villian seemed to be that kind of person, and he had indeed done all of this.

"Of course it's no problem. It's just some old sesame seeds and rotten millet. It's been more than 800 years. There's nothing to hide. Even if a bunch of former royal families suddenly pop up because of this, we will treat them equally, as long as we don't make trouble. , As long as you obey the law, you are still ordinary citizens.”

Villian didn't have any hesitation about this, so what was there to hide from him for the so-called "one hundred years of disappearance"? Anyway, it wasn't him who did it.

Besides, after so long, what if it was exposed? What resonance can the descendants of the suffering master have?

Who can I turn to to avenge the hatred of more than 800 years ago?

Their enemy is the "Dragon Man", and now that the "Dragon Man" has no ashes left, their revenge will naturally be avenged. Speaking of which, they all have to thank Villian.

The rise and fall of dynasties is a common thing. The problem with the "Tianlong people" is probably that they are too inappropriate, so that even after 800 years of destroying their country, they still dare not tell the history to the public.

Because they know that once the history is restored and the so-called sanctity of the "Tianlong people" is gone, the whole world will definitely be full of flames. Even if they hold terrifying weapons in their hands, they can't really plow the whole world.

Of course, Villian already understood this, because the so-called "Heavenly King" had already been found by him and held in his hand.

Unsurprisingly, "Uranus" is a spaceship, a space immigrant spaceship with good attack power.

The technology is still advanced, but it is not so advanced, and it does not crush the technology currently mastered by Villian.

After the scientists studied it, the technology on that spacecraft was quickly deciphered and began to be applied to other spacecraft.

In other words, Villian now has more "kings".

According to the data on the spacecraft, the "Uranus" came from an alien planet, and its last owner was the "Lunaria tribe.

The "Lunaria tribe" is the race of "Fire Calamity" Jhin, the so-called "lunar people".

Villian had also thought about whether the "Uranus" would be a weapon built on the "Moon", but he thought it was unreliable.

The behavior of the "Tianlong people" does not seem to mean to enter the outer space. Their ruling mode is too primitive, and they can't realize the potential of this planet at all.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they don't know that the "Lunaria tribe" is an alien, and they don't even understand that concept very well.

The "Lunaria" who can control fire and have strong adaptability, and can survive in many harsh environments, have obvious characteristics of space races, but in the eyes of ignorant people, their existence is actually like "gods" Same.

In the past, the "Lunaria tribe" was indeed called "God".

The "Tianlong people" wiped out the so-called "huge kingdom" of the "D clan", and wiped out the Lunaria clan who came to the "blue planet" due to lack of energy and settled on the "red earth continent". The previous "God".

The specific process and reasons are not clear to Villian, but the result is concise and clear. The "Great Kingdom" disappeared, its existence was also erased, and the truth of history was sealed.

The "Lunaria Clan" was exterminated, and the spaceship was also controlled. The "Dragon People" replaced them and became the new "Gods" living on the "Red Earth Continent".

And because of "inferiority" and "fear", the "Dragon People" erased everything, wrote history by themselves, endowed them with a sacred status, and regarded this status as the foundation of their rule.

A group of mortals who pulled down the "gods", because they don't understand the science of "gods", can only use those weapons as miracles and divine punishments to carry out a reign of terror and maintain their status. This sounds absurd feel.

"Okay, Villian, I sure didn't misread you."

"Red-haired" Shanks looked at Villian with a complicated expression. He understood that he had underestimated Villian before, and that he had regarded Villian as his old enemy before, and he was indeed the one who had a high opinion of him.

Villian and them are not on the same level at all.

"Then, the next thing to do is to ask the opinions of other pirates."

Villian is very relieved, now that the two most troublesome guys have subdued and joined the new "world government", the remaining guys will be solved easily.

He didn't invite so many pirate forces to participate in the meeting, because he understood that there were too many pirates, and it was unrealistic to summon them all, and the general trend was the best way to deal with them.

When there is no top combat power to prevent the navy from eradicating pirates, and when the power of the entire world is integrated, the soil for the survival of pirates will naturally cease to exist.

It is necessary to exterminate some pirates, because those guys may not be able to see the situation clearly, and there will definitely be pirate groups who are addicted to the current life of burning, killing and looting, and are unwilling to go back and live a good life.

This is inevitable, even inside the "Whitebeard Pirates", it is estimated that there will be such a guy.

To deal with these guys, you have to make them understand that they have no choice.

"no problem."

As soon as they heard this, the "navals" became excited, and they could be regarded as having a place to use their skills. Otherwise, the establishment of this new order seemed to have nothing to do with their "navals".

All issues resolved and the meeting dissolved.

However, this meeting, of course, will not immediately bring the whole world together.

Because even if these kings have been controlled by Villians, the nobles and vested interests in their countries may come out to make troubles. The kings betrayed not only themselves, but also the nobles around them.

The recent development of the story of "Pirate" really made me less and less eager to read it. This book is almost at the end, maybe this is Ye Qingjie ()

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