Pirate Merchant

Chapter 157 Postpone going to sea

"Are you a fool? Luffy is a rubber man, and his stomach can be stretched and stretched. Let alone whether you can win or not, just looking at you like this, even if you win, it will only make me feel sorry for you." shame."

Mu Qian looked at Ai Nilu who was lying on the belt as if he had experienced a life-and-death battle with a full face of disgust, and couldn't help complaining about his bulging stomach.

"Shut up, I can digest this food in no time."

Enilo can also be regarded as a typical example of a dead duck with a hard mouth and shell. After being complained by Mu Qian, he immediately refuted him, because Luffy had already digested the food, so he felt that he was not as good as Luffy at this time. He was very annoyed.

"This guy can't be saved."

Mu Qian, who had finished complaining about Enilo, took the watery meat skewers that Sauron threw to him, and stopped worrying about the collapse of Enilo and Luffy's character set after they got acquainted.

"Master really handed over his trick to you?"

Sauron, who was eating barbecue and drinking fine wine, stepped to Mu Qian's side, and asked him very seriously after sitting down.

"That's right, but from my point of view, he just gave me a hard lesson, and it's all up to me to comprehend the unique skills he taught after failure."

Mu Qian, who was not yet hungry, put aside the watery meat skewers that Sauron threw to him, recalling the scene of being "loved" by Master Koshiro, his scalp tingled for a while.

"The master said that I am good at calculation, and I am also good at calculation, so he taught me to calculate all the opponent's attacks during the battle, and attack the opponent first before the opponent attacks, or take the lead in evading."

Seeing Sauron's expectant look on his face, Mu Qian told him the fighting style that Master Koshiro taught him before.

"Calculation? No wonder when I was fighting with you before, it felt like I attacked you first, but it turned out that I deliberately missed it, and it was always a little bit short before I could hit you."

Sauron recalled the scene when Mu Qian fought with him before, and Mu Qian's weird fighting style once made him think that Mu Qian could see the future.

"Well~ I've only scratched the surface, and I can only calculate after seeing your actions. It's a kind of 'spiritual method' that combines experience and calculation, and it can be regarded as knowledgeable. A domineering kind."

Mu Qian toasted with Sauron, and explained to Sauron the teaching of Master Koshiro more clearly.

"Informative domineering? What is that?"

Zoro was even more curious when he heard the new words.

"A kind of innate power of human beings. It can sharpen the five senses. It can detect the breath and emotional changes of the surrounding creatures. It can also be used to predict and avoid danger. It can be learned through exercise. It probably means 'I I feel that he will cut my right side, but the feeling of knowledge-colored domineering will be stronger, for example, the heart network that Enilo uses the fruit ability to strengthen is a kind of knowledge-colored domineering."

Mu Qian, who is a good teacher, answered Sauron's doubts knowingly.

"So that's it. I probably understand what you mean. Sometimes when I'm fighting, I suddenly feel like I know where the opponent will attack me in advance."

Sauron sighed as if he had suddenly realized that, under Mu Qian's reminder, he had indeed felt this way before.

"After you practice slowly, you will naturally learn the skills that I can learn. Your talent is much higher than mine. It must be easy to learn."

Mu Qian looked at Sauron who seemed to be feeling something, and secretly sighed that he was just an upgraded monster, and then encouraged him.

"Thank you"

Under Mu Qian's prompt, Sauron stood up and slipped away to find a place to exercise his knowledgeable arrogance. Robin, who was still wearing a jacket even in the swimming pool, walked up to him and expressed his thanks to him in a low voice.

"Thank me for what? I didn't help you with anything."

Mu Qian looked at Robin who was thanking him with some puzzlement, he really didn't know that he had done something worthy of her thanks.

"Although what you did was very secretive, I know that Smoker and Hinai, two navies who are best at arresting and disregarding rights, were all induced by you. It is because of their existence that CP9 does not Dare to kill indiscriminately in the capital of water, if it weren't for them, CP9 would definitely erase Luffy's existence."

Robin bowed slightly, and must sincerely express his thanks to Mu Qian.

"Well~ I never considered what you said for the purpose of coming to them, but I deserve your thanks, after all, I paid for your medical expenses."

Mu Qian replied with a smile and waved his hands indifferently.

"Did you meet Aokiji? What did he say to you?"

After expressing her thanks to Mu Qian, Robin finally asked the question she most wanted to ask.

"He asked me to take good care of you instead of him. His identity is in the navy, and many things are inconvenient to do, so he can only ask me."

Mu Qian looked at Robin who was anxiously waiting for his answer, and he didn't intend to show off, he smiled and sat up straight and replied very formally.


Robin was silent, his expression was happy for a while and full of sadness for a while, like a girl who dropped out of school and didn't know how to be gentle with her old father.

"Hey! Robin! Look here! Look here!"

Just when the atmosphere between Robin and Muqian became awkward, Luffy, the atmosphere destroyer, suddenly called Robin, with chopsticks stuck in his nose and mouth, and he was doing it with his mouth full of water and flesh. Playing tricks on Robin strangely.

"Hey, are you digested yet? We should go"

Mu Qian looked at Enilu who was lying by the pool not far away like a useless person, sighed and asked him loudly, today's plan is probably in vain.

"Ten minutes of rest. No, half an hour of rest."

Enilu kicked heavily and tried to get up from the ground, but as soon as he moved, he felt a throbbing pain in his stomach and asked Mu Qian for leave.

"Forget it, I won't go today, let's just attend the banquet here, I don't like people saying that I don't know style."

Mu Qian looked at Sanji who was clamoring to take a group photo with Nami, Robin, Nokigo, Kaya and other beautiful girls, sighed deeply and complained about Enilo who probably couldn't get up today .

Amidst the joyful laughter, fine wine, delicious food, and beauties gathered. Although many people at the party did not know each other, under Luffy's magical charm, everyone quickly became one, shoulder to shoulder and singing the song of triumph. Singing songs, lighting a bonfire of victory, and celebrating well into the night.

"It's really a group of guys who are so lively that they can't stop. Aren't you going to the banquet? You are still young, and you can grow faster by combining work and rest."

Mu Qian, who had returned to the bridge of the mothership in the middle of the banquet, looked at Jiya who was sitting on the sofa reading a book as soon as she came in, and gently woke her up who was intoxicated in the sea of ​​books.

"I don't really like places with a lot of people. A little quieter is the best. I can also see their lively scenes at the banquet here. And ah, I think reading a book is a kind of relaxation."

The more cute and cute Ji Ya shook her head, closed the thick sailing knowledge book in front of her and replied to Mu Qian.

"It's fine if you like it. Bring the book here. I can express my humble opinion on navigation. After all, I'm one of the best navigators in the world."

Mu Qian came to the sofa and sat down, and proudly said to her after seeing the navigation book in Jiya's hand.

After Mu Qian sat down, he started to make coffee for himself, so he didn't notice Ji Ya's secret joy that was blocked by the book.

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