Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 56: Mary Returns

"Jaka, Bell, you all stand back."

Weiwei looked at Crocodile and narrowed his eyes, and ordered decisively.

In the heavy rain, Weiwei's soaked hair could not block her slightly shining eyes.

Jaka watched Weiwei being silent for a moment, and then quickly retreated with a somewhat unwilling Bell.

"Bell...we can't intervene next."

"Your Highness Weiwei..."

Bell glanced at Weiwei, who was motionless in the rainstorm, with a complicated expression, sighed and flew away.

Crocodile did not stop the two people from leaving. In other words, Crocodile no longer bothers to stop him.

Having regained his original intention, he will only attack those he likes. Those who were not worth mentioning in his opinion, as long as he didn't cause Crocodile himself, he would not deliberately cause trouble for them.

Looking at the two patron saints of Alabasta hanging in the distance, Crocodile smiled disdainfully and turned back to look at Weiwei.

"Although those two guys are indeed not worth mentioning, Weiwei, if I remember correctly, your strength is far inferior to those two guys."

"What, let them go, why don't you go yourself?"

Hearing Crocodile say this, Weiwei slowly shook her head.

"I can't leave, I'm different from them."

Weiwei lightly clenched her hands and said to Crocodile without fear:

"I cannot leave this battlefield, let alone abandon the soldiers who obeyed me and fought with you."

"But fighting me, isn't it like seeking death for you?"

Crocodile said, pressing his hand down slightly, a large dry area was formed out of thin air, and the dry air spread to Weiwei's feet.

"See? Now I can kill you at any time."

Crocodile's tone was so cold that no one could hear any fluctuations: "If you want to die, why not give up the fight? It will be good for both you and me."

Now Crocodile is also interested in Weiwei.

In the past, Crocodile had always regarded the Nefertari family as a tool for Hades, and at the same time, he regarded them as a thorn in his side. This complicated emotion makes Crocodile's behavior towards Kobra and Vivi quite strange.

If it was in the past, Crocodile had gained such power, how could he talk nonsense with Weiwei?

But now that Crocodile had looked away from Pluto, his mood became calmer, and he looked at Weiwei calmly.

He now wanted to know how Weiwei could awaken the domineering domineering energy and how she could stand in front of him without fear.

You know, in his impression, Vivi is a little girl who can only stay behind Kobra and cry. Now that he has grown to this point, it is inevitable that Crocodile will become curious.

Weiwei heard Crocodile's words and replied decisively:

"Even if they are the same death, the two deaths are different."

"If my death can bring about national awakening, then that's not a bad idea."

When Weiwei said this, a relieved smile appeared on her face.

"You don't know who I'm talking about, do you, Sand Crocodile?"

Crocodile was silent for a moment, looked at Weiwei, and said with emotion:

"Of course I know who you're talking about."

He covered the broken part of his broken arm and said, "The wound she left on me is still hurting. I won't forget her so easily."

"Yeah, you can't even forget her, let alone me."

Weiwei closed her eyes and recalled Mary's back, with a subtle smile appearing on her face.

When she opened her eyes, Weiwei's expression became solemn again.

"I once sneaked into the Baroque Studio, and I kept trying to find people to help save the country. This has always been the case for me. I thought I could slowly make the country better, but everything is slowly getting worse."

"I have been running away from face to face with you. Because I feel that I am too weak. However, if I are killed by you, no one will be able to plot for Alabasta."

Her tone grew lower.

"However, God is not as good as God, and my undercover plan was discovered. When Mr. 5 found me, I thought everything was over."

"But at this time, Lady Mary...appeared!"

Weiwei's tone suddenly became firm and calm, and Tina's expression changed when she heard this.


Tina remembered that this navy had been mentioned in previous newspapers. When she came here, she specifically asked for Mary's name, but not many people seemed to know that such a person existed.

Now that she heard this name from Weiwei's mouth, Tina couldn't help but pay full attention.

"It was she who defeated Mr. 5 and Mr. Valentine. It was she who told me the truth about Baroque Studio. She was the one who promised me that she would defeat you for me, Sand Crocodile."

Weiwei smiled, looked at the expressionless Crocodile, and said word by word:

"'Keep fighting until you are completely burned out. Even if you are unable to do anything, don't do anything that will grovel and humiliate today's will.' This is what she said to me, and she did exactly that. "

"Mary, Lady Mary, never begged you for mercy until the last moment, right, Sand Crocodile!?"

Weiwei asked sternly.

"..." Crocodile looked at Weiwei and shook his head.

"What if I didn't give her a chance to beg for mercy?"

However, looking at the fire burning in Weiwei's eyes, Crocodile unexpectedly shrugged.

"Indeed, that little girl was still thinking about how to hack me to death until the end."

When Weiwei heard this, she had an expression that was indeed true.

"Yeah, at that time I knew how cowardly I was in the past."

"I have been thinking that I cannot die. Once I die, Alabasta will be ravaged by you, and the people will not be able to survive."

"But Lady Mary made me understand that the only way to save this country is to defeat you personally!"

"Sand Crocodile, although I don't know what your real purpose is, for so long, I at least know that you are thinking of ways to seize the throne of Alabasta."

"In that case, I just need to make it impossible for you to do this."

"Take away your Shichibukai identity, let what you have done be fully exposed, and attract the support of the world government. Then, let the people of Alabasta unite to resist."

"This way, even if I die, you still can't succeed."

Speaking of this, Weiwei smiled mockingly.

"Speaking of which, in fact, what needs to be done has been done. I originally planned to keep you here, but now it seems that even with Nico Robin's intelligence support, I still underestimated your strength."

After Weiwei said these words, she stopped making any sound and just looked at Crocodile steadily.

"This life doesn't matter now. If my death can unite the people of Alabasta, maybe it's a good choice."

To this day, Weiwei has given up on her own life and death.

Just like Crocodile found his true heart, Weiwei also found her true heart.

She just wanted to protect the people of Alabasta from the beginning, nothing more.

Crocodile looked at Weiwei and narrowed his eyes.

Weiwei's words still made him a little unconvinced - at least Crocodile didn't think it was enough of a reason for Weiwei to risk her life.

"Is it worth it to you?"

Crocodile suddenly asked a question that had no beginning or end.

Weiwei was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then replied:

"Of course, because she believed I could do it."

After a moment of silence, Weiwei straightened her body, tied up her messy hair under the heavy rain with a hair tie, and tied it back into a single ponytail.

"She helped me because of my kindness and persistence, so I must at least give my own response."

"Her Excellency Mary once said to me that the world needs more [stupid] people like me, and she exists for this."

"Yin Kalem once said to me that having dreams is a child's privilege, and before children wake up from their dreams and are crushed by the cruel reality, protecting their dreams... is the task of adults."

When Weiwei said this, her overbearing aura became more solid and her aura became stronger and stronger.

"I have to at least catch up with the two of them and make them understand that the person they entrusted their lives to is not a coward."

"I want the citizens of Alabasta to know that the princess they love and follow - Wang is definitely not someone who is looking for an excuse to hide under the protection of others!"

"I am the royal bloodline of the Nefertari clan, the bloodline that has been protecting this land for thousands of years."

“I will have all men follow me, just like Lady Mary.”

"Everyone believes in me. If that's the case, what reason do I have to shirk my original responsibilities?"

"Even if it costs me my life in front of you."

Weiwei's current thoughts are actually very simple and innocent, and they are still essentially the same as her original self.

But her perspective on things completely changed.

She held the cloak tightly at her shoulders in the rain, and her hair that was spread behind her back was soaked by the rain and stuck to her face, making Weiwei's eyes appear clearer and brighter.


Tina looked at Weiwei, who was delicate but erect, with waves in her eyes again.

Gee, I kind of want to meet that navy guy.

Crocodile was speechless after hearing this. After a while, he sneered and shook his head.


For the people of Alabasta to follow, for their entrustment to be repaid?

It's true...the price of being overbearing is actually shouldering the hopes of a country.

Is the consciousness of a leader the reason why you can awaken your overlord color?

However, I abandoned these from the beginning...

Crocodile took a deep breath and looked at Weiwei, with a look of relief in his eyes.

But it doesn’t matter.

I don't need those things!

Crocodile's heart was as clear as a mirror, and he completely let go of his grudge against the domineering look.

Even if you don't have the overlord look, even if you are a lone ranger, you can still ascend to the top of the world.

Just like Joracol Mihawk, who develops his existing power to its peak, Overlord Color is just a support.

After thinking about it, the wind and sand around Crocodile moved slightly, a new arm of sand was formed, and the broken leg was straightened and fixed by the sand.

"I recognize your will, Weiwei." Crocodile sneered.

"Since you no longer care about your own life, then sacrifice yourself for your people in Alabasta."

After getting the information about Weiwei's domineering power, Crocodile said no more, and the dry area spread out again, preparing to kill Weiwei directly.

Crocodile once promised Mary that he would let Weiwei go, but the premise was that Weiwei would not take the initiative to mess with her.

Now Crocodile also knew what Mary meant by that wry smile.

Looking at the dry field in front of her, Weiwei's face turned pale, but her figure did not waver at all.

Just like she said, it was useless to hide anywhere, so she couldn't take even one step back even if she died.

Her sacrifice needs to be valuable.

Time seemed to slow down, and the dry field gradually clung to Weiwei. Weiwei took out the peacock wood breaker and threw it directly towards Crocodile.

Yena's hands shot out, trying to grab Weiwei's body.

Robin's expression also changed, and the hands growing on the ground grabbed Weiwei's heels and tried to throw her back.

In a flash of light, a blood rope suddenly appeared from behind Weiwei, trapping Weiwei's waist like a thunderbolt.

Then in just a blink of an eye, the bloody rope ripped Weiwei away, and even Weiwei's tied hair was spread out again.

Before anyone on the field could react to what happened, two angry shouts suddenly came from the sky.

"White fist!"

"fire punch!"

A giant fist made of white smoke and a giant fist made of flames volleyed down at Crocodile from different directions.


A sudden change occurred, but Crocodile reacted immediately. The yellow sand beneath his feet burst out, turned into two giant pythons, and smashed away the two giant fists, and rushed towards the two people who launched the attack.

"Yan Shangzhang!"

Ace's voice was quite wild, and with his voice, a huge wall of fire suddenly surrounded Crocodile. The two giant sand pythons smashed into the wall of fire and immediately melted into little white crystals.

Weiwei on the side was dragged away. When she stopped, she was already in someone's arms.

"Well done, Weiwei. Even the domineering domineering energy has awakened. It seems that you have changed a lot."

A familiar voice came, and Weiwei was startled and looked up.

Mary's familiar smiling face came into view.


Weiwei looked at Mary blankly, her eyes turning red unconsciously.

"It's all coming to an end."

Mary smiled comfortingly and held out her hand to Weiwei.

"It's beyond my expectation that you can do this - leave the rest to me."

Weiwei looked at Mary, bit her lip without making a sound, and handed the cloak behind her back to Mary.

When the cloak took over, a difficult smile appeared on Weiwei's face.

"I know you will definitely come back..."

"Yes, I promised you."

Mary took the cloak, put Weiwei down gently, stood up, looked at the wall of fire in the distance, and put the cloak back on herself gracefully.

"Didn't you expect that you would come, Ace..."

"It seems that the little princess said something very surprising."

Mary said to herself.

As she spoke, she walked towards the wall of fire with firm steps.

"We are facing a formidable enemy, so let's join forces temporarily."

"Krokdal, you failed to kill me last time, it's your turn this time!"

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