The feud between the elves and the dwarves dates back to a long time ago, when the Valar still walked in Middle-earth.

At that time, the dwarves killed Thingol, the elf king at that time, because of their greed for the Silmaril, and threatened that Thingol had broken the contract before. This also directly led to the demise of the most powerful elf kingdom at the time.

Of course, as time goes by, no matter how great the hatred is, it will dissipate. When the Durin dwarves still lived in Moria, the elves and the dwarves had a honeymoon period. At that time, the two parties traded with each other and even created representatives. The gate of Moria, the friendship between the two races.

But during the Gushan period, the relationship between the two parties took a turn for the worse.

In order to miss his wife, the Elf King Thranduil asked the then King Under the Mountain to help create a necklace. However, the King under the Mountain's mind had long been eroded by dragon disease, and his greed was infinitely magnified, so much so that on the day of delivery, , he chose to go back on his word.

This was exactly the same as what happened before, but Thranduil chose to endure it, so the two sides did not confront each other with weapons.

But when Smaug invaded the Lonely Mountain, Thranduil watched all this from a distance and did not help.

Anyone who knows this history knows that the origin of everything is due to the greed of the dwarves, but the dwarves who know it will not publicize it, and the dwarves who don't know it naturally resent the elves for standing by and watching.

As for the elves, their arrogance makes them disdain to explain. Even if they explain, the dwarves may not believe it.

As a result, the hatred became deeper and deeper. In the eyes of the elves, the dwarves were greedy and untrustworthy, while in the eyes of the dwarves, the elves were cold-blooded and arrogant.

Therefore, when the elven cavalry drove the Oaks to the dwarves, every dwarf raised their weapons, with hostility on their faces.


Gandalf raised his staff: "They are here to help us!"

Thorin ignored him. Only dwarves would believe such nonsense. He said solemnly: "Be on guard. If they dare to attack first, don't be polite. Let them see how powerful we are!"

After all, Middle-earth is a place where gods are watching. Dwarves and elves are races created by gods. Even if there is a feud, it is impossible to take direct action like the Orcs.

An elf rode out from the cavalry queue. He had a slender figure, black hair, and a hairline that was rare among elves.

This does not make him look old, but makes him look more calm and wise than other elves.


With a smile on his face, he got off his horse.

Just as Gandalf's name is Shakun in the Dwarven language, Gandalf also has an exclusive name in the Elvish language, Mithrandir.

It means gray robed saint.

"I heard that a large group of Orc Wolf Cavalry came down from the Misty Mountains, and you happened to be passing through the Troll Grove, so I came to meet them."

He looked at the dwarves and saw that they were injured, some even fatal, but they were all alive and kicking: "Your team exudes an uncomfortable aura. This is not the dwarves I remember."

"Some accidents happened." Gandalf glanced at Tang Sen and said, "They did not fall into darkness. It was a curse. We will talk about it later."

"Curse? I've never seen it, but I might be able to help them figure it out."

Elrond and Gandalf spoke in Elvish, and none of the dwarves present could understand them.

"What is he talking about?" Shalin muttered, "He glanced at us. I feel like he has evil intentions. Tang Sen, take out the big baby and let me smash his head with a hammer!"

Tang Sen ignored this female dwarf who only thought about the mithril hammer and fighting. He could understand the Elvish language and could see that the elf opposite had no ill intentions towards the dwarf.

Although it's not exactly enthusiastic.

"Elrond, my friend." Gandalf replied in Elvish: "I am taking them to Rivendell to ask for your help."

The elf named Elrond smiled and said, "The dwarves don't seem happy to see me."

He turned his attention to Thorin, who was standing at the front of the dwarf formation, and no longer spoke Elvish, but said in Common Tongue: "Thorin, son of Thrain, I have heard of you."

"We probably haven't met before." Thorin said with a cold face.

"You behave like a grandfather. I knew Thror when he was the king under the mountain." Elrond said still politely.

"Really? My grandfather never mentioned you a word." Thorin Oakenshield just said coldly.

Elrond remained calm and smiling.

"This is Elrond, the Lord of Rivendell. His ancestors can be traced back to the original Elf King, and he is also the descendant of the hero Beren and the Elf Princess Luthien." Gandalf took two steps forward and spoke in a melodious tone. Introduction:

"Thorin Oakenshield, your prejudice against the elves should not be imposed on the elves of Rivendell and Elrond. He is an ancient and friendly wise man."

"In my opinion, elves are all the same." Thorin said: "On the surface, they look sanctimonious, but who knows what they are thinking in their hearts?"

Gandalf slammed his staff on the ground: "Thorin, don't have such a dwarf's stubborn temper. Your arrogance will harm you one day."

He walked over and whispered:

"If we want to go to the Lonely Mountain, then Lord Elrond is one of the few people who can read the map on your body."

"You don't want to be powerless against the gate of Erebor closed by the dragon after arriving at the Lonely Mountain, right?"

Thorin's expression froze, this was his weakness.

He carries a map and a key on his body, which is the back door to the dwarf city Erebor in the lonely mountain. However, the door made by the dwarves is invisible when closed. Even as a dwarf royal family, he cannot The only record of knowing where the door is is the map.

Unfortunately, no one here can understand that picture.

Elrond saw Thorin Oakenshield's hesitation and smiled: "There are Orcs everywhere here, and it is not a place for conversation."

"If the future king under the mountain doesn't mind, welcome to the valley as a guest. I will prepare a grand banquet for you."

"Banquet?!" Kili's eyes lit up as he stood next to Thorin.

"This elf doesn't seem to be unreasonable." He whispered to Thorin in Dwarf language: "And we really need the information on the map."

"Don't take it lightly, Kili." Thorin also whispered: "Always be wary of elves."

"If there is any problem with these valley elves, we will make a big fuss and fight out!" He touched the injury on his chest: "Anyway, we are immortal now."

Elrond looked at him with a meaningful look and turned around.

"You idiot, Elrond is more knowledgeable than you can imagine."

Gandalf quickly followed, cursing as he walked:

"People understand Dwarf language!"

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