People in the heavens are as rich as the enemies of the country

Chapter 588 Let that damn world disappear completely!

"Is there any problem with the operation of Mythra's Core?"

In the center of Neverwinter City, the core area of ​​the entire floating city, Tang Sen and Xue Xue stood side by side.

"It's very stable." Xue Xue nodded and said: "The two Mythra cores only support the magic power of Neverwinter City, which is overkill."

"The current city of Neverwinter is just floating in Faerûn, so naturally it doesn't need much magic power output. But when Neverwinter City needs to cross the crystal wall system and enter the multiverse, it will require much more magic power."

In the past six months, Tang Sen has not only been busy with Arthur's affairs, he has not given up on studying magic, especially "Valdic's Crystal Wall Navigation Technique".

This is the key to Neverwinter being able to travel to the multiverse.

Of course, because of the "new clothes", Tang Sen could only do theoretical research. After all, there was no way to use any extraordinary power.

Now that he is back in Neverwinter, he can finally start to organize his research, and then apply his modified Netherese legendary spells to Neverwinter.

"If Cyric wants to use the power of the Kingdom of God to destroy Faerun, then the City of Neverwinter will give him a big surprise. I am very curious, when the City of Neverwinter moves closer to the Supreme Throne, will he choose to be tough or choose escape."

"However, there is a high probability that such a direct method will not be used. After all, the net we compiled for Him has reached the final step of closing it."

"There is not much time left for Him."

The news that the coronation ceremony of the Human King is about to be held in Neverwinter has spread throughout the world of Toril through Naomi's channels. There is no doubt that this news has brought great pain to the people who have been suffering from the melee between the gods and the prophecy of annihilation. People take a shot in the arm.

After the events of Tsunami, no one would question Arthur's status in Toril.

Millions of people saw it happen.

Arthur perfectly conforms to the prophecy of salvation, and he will surely become the hero who leads the people of Toril to resist foreign enemies, save the world, and become the only human king.

The only thing that is difficult for people to accept is that Arthur's coronation ceremony was actually held in Neverwinter, a city that ordinary people cannot enter at all. This makes it impossible for everyone to witness this event that is destined to be recorded in history and repeatedly sung by countless bards in later generations. Epic event.

Fortunately, the Lord of Neverwinter, Barn, said that the entire coronation ceremony will be broadcast live. Based on the power of Mr. Tang, the owner of Neverwinter, as long as people stand under the sky of Toril and raise their heads, they can see Wuwen in real time. Everything that happened in Winterfell.

Of course the Underdark is not included.

This indeed made many creatures living in the Underdark prepare to come to the surface that day - this naturally did not include the drow of Menzoberranzan, who were busy fighting with the Spider Queen Rose under the oracle. The followers of Selun, the goddess of the moon, are fighting.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, the day when the human king ascended the throne had arrived.

The entire world of Toril has never been so lively. Countless people stood where they could see the sky, waiting for that moment to arrive.

Not just mortals, but gods as well.

The gods are naturally very concerned about the movements in Neverwinter City. After all, this is another city that is above divine power after Sigil City, and the owner of Neverwinter City, Tang Sen, is different from the Lady of Pain in Sigil City. He will pay attention to everything outside Sigil, but Neverwinter seems to contain the ambition to sweep the multiverse.

This can be easily seen from Shar's experience.

Now, Neverwinter is preparing to hold the Human King's enthronement ceremony, and it has obviously begun to fully intervene in the situation in Toril and stand up for Arthur——

And who is Arthur? Someone who plans to unite all humans against the gods!

If it weren't for the fact that Arthur was protected in Neverwinter at this time, many gods might have taken action against him.

No god would want to see the birth of a human king, which meant that divine authority would be suppressed and people's faith in gods would disappear, turning to humans who had no priesthood or divine power at all.

Unfortunately, they can't stop it.

The central square of Neverwinter City is now crowded with people. The people who can stand here are considered to be prestigious in the entire Faerûn continent, and their eyes are all looking up at the building that is usually used for Neverwinter award ceremonies. high tower.

Barn, the city lord of Neverwinter, was already standing on the high platform. Next to him was the deputy city lord Daggett Wujin.

"The entire people of Toril will see what happens here." Dagot Wuhen's tone contained uncontrollable excitement: "This is a big day."

"Although today's protagonist is Arthur, from today on, the fame of the Lord of Bath in Toril and even the entire multiverse will reach a peak!"

Of course, he was excited that he could also show his face in the multiverse.

But Barn showed no interest, glanced at him, and said, "Is it worth being so happy?"

"Of course." Dagot Wujin said: "Today's enthronement ceremony of the Human King is a great thing for both Toril and Neverwinter City."

"Then I think you are happy too early." Barn waved his hand.

He knew the truth of this ceremony.

The so-called Human King is nothing more than a puppet, or in other words, a weapon. A weapon used to compete for the power of deception.

The protagonist of this drama is not Arthur at all, but the person who stands behind Arthur and controls everything. The outcome of everything has been doomed a long time ago and cannot be changed.

"It's almost time."

Baan looked at the sky and said, "Get ready to start."

Outside of Toril, the huge kingdom of God is traveling through the multiverse.

"The great Supreme Dark Sun, we are about to reach the main material plane."

The main divine envoy knelt down in front of Cyric and said with sincerity: "Do you really don't need to think about it again? If we take the lead in attacking the main material plane, then the pattern of the multiverse will be completely destroyed, and we will be destroyed. All are attacked by gods who claim to be orderly."

"That's what happened later." Cyric's face was gloomy: "We have taken the lead, and the other gods of the chaotic camp will naturally not be far behind. Those guys who claim to be righteous can't control it."

"Isn't it just to start a war between gods in the entire multiverse? If the liar dares to do it, I won't dare to do it?"

"The worst consequence is nothing more than alarming AO and causing the entire multiverse to return to nothingness."

His tone became crazy: "Oh, all my divine power is about to be stolen. Instead of dying alone, wouldn't it be better to let the whole world bury me with me?"

"No one can have an easy time!"

The main god was trembling with fear. He knew that his god had made a desperate move, and he had no qualifications to interfere with the other party's decision.

"I heard that Neverwinter City is planning some kind of enthronement ceremony for the human king?" Cyric asked.

"Yes, all the gods are paying attention to this matter." The main envoy quickly replied.

"It's ridiculous." Cyric sneered: "A mere human being still wants to fight against the gods?"

"Only those stupid guys would believe this. There has never been any power of will. It is impossible for mortals to resist gods. That kind of humble existence is fundamentally different from me."

"Savior? Prophecy of salvation? It's just another lie."

He said slowly: "And if I guess correctly, this lie, like the prophecy of doom, was also written by that damn liar!"

"I should have understood since the tsunami that his purpose in spreading the prophecy of annihilation was not to actually annihilate the world at all, but to confirm the subsequent prophecies of salvation. Although I don't know what means he used to cause the ocean gods to We couldn't stop the tsunami, but it was all directed and acted by that guy."

"The ultimate goal is to raise a so-called human king."

When Cyric said this, the rage in his heart became more and more uncontrollable.

After figuring out all this, he realized that his previous actions to stop the other party were basically making wedding clothes for the other party, because he had not found the core point at all. Even if he did not intervene, the prophecy of annihilation would still be there. It will be falsified. Even if there are no ocean gods, the tsunami will still be prevented.

His own intervention was like an assist, giving the other party greater benefits and speeding up the other party's ability to steal his divine power.

"It's such a good trick. He is the one who destroys the world, and he is the one who saves the world. He turns the whole world upside down, and finally raises a so-called human king who can fight against the gods, so that all mortals can protect them by believing in them. Their world—"

"And the biggest lie is that the so-called mortal power and the so-called power of will are actually just the support behind him as a god."

"Those mortals think they believe in the human king, but in fact they are still believing in gods, lying, cheating, and changing the sky!"

"If it's just like this, just deceiving a human being from an unknown plane cannot shake the foundation of the deceitful priesthood."

"The key is that the existence of Neverwinter is so special that it caused the gods to incarnate into Toril one after another, starting a divine war, and thus attracted the attention of the entire multiverse."

"One ring within another. He single-handedly stirred up the waters of the entire multiverse and deceived all intelligent life!"

Cyric's tone became more and more excited:

"As long as this world exists in the multiverse, it will always be the source of his priesthood, and he will madly plunder the divine power within the scope of the priesthood, until he owns the priesthood of fraud alone and becomes the only god of fraud!"

"The only way -"

Cyric said word for word:

"Let that damn world! disappear completely!"

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